2025 Reviews

Top Drug Addiction Treatment Center in Los Angeles - 2025

LAST UPDATED 7 Feb, 2025
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List of the Top Drug Addiction Treatment Center in Los Angeles

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Haven House Treatment Centers offers the best of care for those who are struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. Our passion stems from our desire to have a positive impact on clients lives while they heal, as well as provide leading treatments offered by experts in the field.

Revive Detox

Service Focus
3% Group Counseling
76% Medication Management
1% Individual Therapy
20% Family Therapy
Service Focus
3% Group Counseling
76% Medication Management
1% Individual Therapy
20% Family Therapy
Revive Recovery is a drug and alcohol detox program that has been committed to serving as the benchmark for top-tier addiction and alcoholism treatment since it was founded in 2012. The team of professionals at Revive are dedicated to helping patients find their way out from beneath substance abuse, providing them with guidance on how they can live life free from drugs or alcohol.
La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center is a gay drug rehab and treatment program that specializes in the issues of LGBTQ individuals. The center has vast experience applying effective intervention techniques to their clients, making it one of the leading centers for this demographic.
The Hills Treatment Center provides a progressive, innovative drug rehabilitation experience that focuses on education and therapy. They offer treatment modalities from the most highly regarded standards for addiction care in Los Angeles to help you recover quickly and comfortably.

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After struggling with addiction for so long, it is time to take a step back and find what the root of your problem really stems from. A new life awaits you at Muse where we have designed our program to give you everything that you need in order get on the right track again.

310 Recovery Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Service Focus
19% Group Counseling
11% Medication Management
22% Individual Therapy
48% Family Therapy
Service Focus
19% Group Counseling
11% Medication Management
22% Individual Therapy
48% Family Therapy
310 Recovery is a top addiction treatment center in LA, California that treats clients with salt water therapy and breathwork among other things. They also provide cognitive behavioral therapies for those who need help changing their thinking patterns to prevent substance abuse from ever happening again!

Narconon Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers

Service Focus
12% Group Counseling
13% Medication Management
54% Individual Therapy
21% Family Therapy
Service Focus
12% Group Counseling
13% Medication Management
54% Individual Therapy
21% Family Therapy
Narconon's mission is to provide an effective path for rehabilitation from drug abuse and prevent the scourge of drugs worldwide. Using evidence-based, drug-free approach developed by author L Ron Hubbard, our graduates are able to return home with a new sense of purpose and control over their lives.

Launch Centers Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center

Service Focus
21% Group Counseling
1% Medication Management
31% Individual Therapy
47% Family Therapy
Service Focus
21% Group Counseling
1% Medication Management
31% Individual Therapy
47% Family Therapy
Launch Centers is on a mission to help others recover from mental illness and substance abuse, but they also want you to be successful. With our program that combines educational + career elements with clinical treatment for those who need it most - we can get your life back!
NuView Treatment Center is a Los Angeles Drug and Alcohol Rehab program with the goal of inspiring hope, create lasting change one client at a time. With this in mind, our focus is to address each unique set of circumstances that you will face while also providing personalized care for all clients who come through our doors!

Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Service Focus
20% Group Counseling
0% Medication Management
29% Individual Therapy
51% Family Therapy
Service Focus
20% Group Counseling
0% Medication Management
29% Individual Therapy
51% Family Therapy
Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse ?(L.A CADA) is a licensed substance use treatment provider in the State of California, operating under strict guidelines set out by both Los Angeles County Department Public Health Services (DPSHCS) as well as their counterpart at DHCS-Substance Abuse Prevention & Control.(DA&C).

310 Recovery Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers (Rehab)

Service Focus
0% Group Counseling
1% Medication Management
20% Individual Therapy
79% Family Therapy
Service Focus
0% Group Counseling
1% Medication Management
20% Individual Therapy
79% Family Therapy
At 310 Recovery, we create a treatment plan custom tailored to each individual. After learning about your unique needs, our team of therapists and counselors will develop an individually designed program that helps you meet the goals in mind without feeling overwhelmed by too many steps at once.
Overland Intensive Outpatient is ready to provide both in-person and virtual care (telehealth services) to expand access to essential health services and meet the needs of every individual who enters our doors. We are a team that believes it's important for everyone we work with, no matter where they live or how much money they have, has equal opportunities when it comes time for treatment options.
Since 2006, West Los Angeles residents have been able to find peace and recovery at Authentic Recovery Center. A Joint Commission-accredited treatment program that also provides evidence-based care for anxiety disorders and depression, ARC is located in a beautiful setting where you can feel safe from the stresses of addiction on your mind while getting healthy once again.
Profound LA offers individualized treatment for people who seek comprehensive services that encompass addiction and/or co-occurring mental illness. Our alcohol & drug programs combine traditional methods with cutting-edge techniques to create a highly personalized plan designed specifically for the patient rather than the condition. You are unique, your treatment should be too!

Concise Recovery | Alcohol & Drug Rehab La Crescenta, Ca : Addiction Treatment Center

Service Focus
48% Group Counseling
8% Medication Management
27% Individual Therapy
17% Family Therapy
Service Focus
48% Group Counseling
8% Medication Management
27% Individual Therapy
17% Family Therapy
Concise Recovery Center is a premier addiction detox and recovery treatment center, specializing in helping people with their addictions to alcohol or benzodiazepines. The credentialed staff at Concise are equipped for even the most complex cases of addiction while focusing on holistic treatments that treat the whole patient as well as easing them into sobriety after completing treatment.

Recovery Corps Drug Rehab

Service Focus
22% Group Counseling
70% Medication Management
2% Individual Therapy
7% Family Therapy
Service Focus
22% Group Counseling
70% Medication Management
2% Individual Therapy
7% Family Therapy
At Recovery Corps we specialize in helping you or your loved one get back to a healthy, happy life. We provide individualized treatment and personalized recovery programs for those with drug addiction and alcohol addiction - just minutes from Dodger Stadium! Our center is located at the residential neighborhood of Silver Lake near Hollywood where comfort, support, respect are our priority.