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Top Family Practice Physician in Los Angeles - 2024

LAST UPDATED 21 May, 2024
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List of the Top Family Practice Physician in Los Angeles

Wimgo takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in our ratings and reports. We do not allow paid placements in any of our ratings, rankings, or reports.

We believe that every person deserves to live a healthy life without having to worry about the costs of their healthcare. That's why we provide quality medical care at an affordable price for all non-life threatening injuries and illnesses, including urgent care, workers comp, occupational medicine physical examinations and minor medical procedures.
Primary Care Health Clinic is a medical practice that provides accessible health care to the residents of Pico-Union. Led by Ndika Fomukong, PAC (Patient Access Center), this clinic's mission is ensuring patients stay healthy and receive treatment they need from various specialties such as women
Families in Los Angeles know that they can count on FCS for routine care and emergency treatment. The service is available to women, men, children, senoirs-- anyone with a need. All of the medical practitioners speak Spanish as well as English (and other languages), so there's no language barrier making it difficult to communicate about your health concerns or needs!
The best minds in medicine, science and engineering are at our university. We have a deep commitment to educating future physicians as well as providing an excellent education for those studying other disciplines such that they can be effective members of society when it comes time to practice what has been learned!

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Choosing a doctor can be an overwhelming experience, but there are many places to get the help you need. Huntington Family Medicine in Pasadena offers experienced and caring physicians with integrity that will listen closely and discuss your concerns in detail before determining the best course of action for getting back on track towards better health.
Dr. Nachman Brautbar is a board-certified internist and nephrologist, with specialization in toxicology who has published 240 journal manuscripts, abstracts and book chapters on the topics of internal medicine, nephrology and toxicology. In his career as an associate professor at USC's School of Medicine he created one of the first programs for occupational injury treatment which was then adopted by Congress to help improve workplace safety standards nationwide.
Dr. Rachel West is a board certified Integrative Family Medicine Physician and Osteopath in Los Angeles, with over fifteen years of experience working at the forefront of medical innovation including nutritional testing, hormonal balancing; utilizing innovative therapies like Heavy Metal Detoxification, Hormone Replacement for women and men as well as Anti-Aging medicine.
Dr. Raphael Malikian is a Family Medicine Physician, with an extraordinary background in medicine from his time as a student at University College London (UCL) and the prestigious UCL Medical School. Dr. Malikian pursued additional training through Portsmouth Family Medicine before he set out on his journey to serve patients here in Richmond!
UCLA Health strives every day to be a model that redefines the standard of excellence in health care. Together, UCLA Health and the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA provide state-of-the-art patient care while training top medical professionals and supporting groundbreaking research. Our physicians are world leaders in diagnosing complex illnesses, making us consistently ranked among America's best hospitals by U.S News & World Report.
Dr. Alfred Lavi is an accomplished physician who cares for a wide spectrum of patients including pediatrics, adults, obstetrics as well as geriatrics. Dr. Lavi established United Care Family Medical Center in 2004 where he continues to serve the Los Angeles area with quality and efficient care from their bustling downtown clinic or their new West LA location .
Dr. Raymond Moallemi, MD is the go-to doctor for many rare ailments and conditions that no other physician can diagnose with certainty because they lack his expertise in medicine! He has specialties including diabetes; flu (human influenza); high blood pressure - aka hypertension or HCM if it's angina related ; hyperlipidemia which leads to heart disease over time .
Dr. Horowitz is a physician who has spent years developing relationships with his patients and as such, he takes an individualized approach to every patient's care; whether that be for teenagers or senior citizens. Dr. Horowitz' enthusiasm about medicine comes across in the way he interacts with his patients, making them feel at home while they are there receiving treatment.
Direct Primary Care (DPC) is an innovative, common-sense model that takes the practice of medicine back to its roots. Direct primary care does not accept any kind of health insurance so you will have much less stress during visits and your doctor gets time with every patient without having interference from extra paperwork or bureaucracy in between. In return this means no co pay's for us patients!