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Top Family Service Center in Dallas - 2024

LAST UPDATED 27 Jul, 2024
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List of the Top Family Service Center in Dallas

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The Dallas County Family Resource Center was created in 2012 and since then, they have served as a central location for assessing low income families who reside within the area. The DCFRC offers many programs with an ultimate goal to provide assistance & connection by connecting people through education on topics such financial wellness or parenting skills.
At Family Gateway, we believe that all children and their families have the right to a safe place they can call home. That is why our shelter provides stability during times of need with life-changing supportive services for those who are experiencing homelessness or at risk due poverty; discrimination on any basis including race or gender identity/expression.
The Family Place is a nonprofit, family violence shelter in North Texas that has been providing assistance to victims since 1978. They provide everything an abused spouse or parent could ever need to get back on their feet again--from safe places for them and the children they're caring for at home all through counseling where you can discuss your options as well as legal advice!
FLP Family Center provides a safe and welcoming environment for children to have access their parents in the company of peers. Focused on creating family-friendly service that allows kids' enjoyment, FLP brings people back together again by offering unique programs such as "Mentor Meals," where volunteers cook meals from scratch while discussing positive parenting skills or just giving advice about what life is really like.

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At Jewish Family Service, we offer a variety of specialized services to all ages. Our emergency assistance/food pantry and counseling are just two examples that would be available if you ever need them! Jewish family service offers many different types specialised professional help with your specific needs whether it's an Emergency Assistance Unit or any other type as well like Food Pantries & Counselings.
Buckner Children and Family Services is one of the most trusted names in child welfare, with a legacy spanning back over 40 years. We take pride on our ability to provide emotional support for children who are at risk or vulnerable adults that deserve respect. Family connections strengthened by Buckners' services will make them feel cared about as they grow up into successful adults.
At Mosaic Family Services, we believe that every person deserves a chance to live their best life. We provide access and opportunity for those who have been through traumatic experiences of human rights abuses from around the world or inside our own community- which includes North Texas!
The Child and Family Guidance Center offers a variety of outpatient mental health services including psychiatric evaluations, medication management for adults who are suffering from moderate to severe conditions such as bipolar disorder or major depression; individual screenings that provide feedback on your current state in order help better understand how you can overcome these issues.
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) protects the most vulnerable in our society -- children, elderly people as well those with intellectual disabilities or physical limitations. DFPS seeks to ensure that they are cared for by law so their safety can be assured no matter what situation life throws at them.
ChristianWorks for Children has been helping build healthy homes and families through counseling, support groups, and other programs since 1967. The company was founded in response to the growing problem of parental substance abuse among teens who often turned out poorly when it came time for them go into adulthood as a result.
The Turn Around Agenda (TTA) is a Dallas-based non profit that focuses on youth and family development. They were founded in 2010 with one goal: to provide services for at risk youth, the underprivileged communities they come from or live within; this includes violence prevention programs like anger management courses as well education about how our attitude shapes lives!