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Top General Practice Attorney in New York City - 2024

LAST UPDATED 10 May, 2024
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List of the Top General Practice Attorney in New York City

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The Nissenbaum Law Group has a long history of success in the legal profession. They are committed to providing only high-quality services for their clients, which is why they're often sought after by companies who need help with both commercial transactions and lawsuits from other businesses owners or employees themselves seeking compensation due them according to law
The Portela Law Firm is a top-tier criminal defense firm. Passionate lawyers with over 20 years of experience, we provide results driven zealous representation in the areas of immigration and family law as well personal injury litigation to ensure that your rights are protected throughout every step of proceedings - from arrest through trial verdicts!

Sullivan Papain Block

Service Focus
20% Trail Support
53% Records Retrieval
25% Reprographics
1% Data Solutions
Service Focus
20% Trail Support
53% Records Retrieval
25% Reprographics
1% Data Solutions
The law offices of Sullivan Papain Block McGrath Coffinas & Cannavo, P.C., home to an experienced team of the New York City attorneys that specialize in personal injury and mass tort litigation with trial experience at all levels from the Circuit Court through Supreme Court.
The Law Offices of Jan V. Farensbach has been in practice since 1998, providing personalized legal advice to clients with a focus on family law and estate planning while still managing some personal injury cases for friends who might need assistance beyond what they can get from other attorneys throughout New York City metropolitan area like me!

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Christopher Tompkins Attorney At Law

Service Focus
32% Tax
14% Consulting
15% Financial Advisory
38% Mergers & Acquisitions
Service Focus
32% Tax
14% Consulting
15% Financial Advisory
38% Mergers & Acquisitions
Christopher Tompkins is a name changer. If you are an adult or parent of minor children, Christopher will help you through the legal process to change your names for personal reasons, religious purposes and more! After 18 years in practice as a lawyer with experience in New York State law - he can guide anyone who needs assistance on their journey towards becoming someone new.
At Dawn Law Group, PLLC nyc we know what's at stake and will take care of you every step along the way- from our initial consultation through trial strategy planning or even just answering questions for free if that's all they ask out on their phones today (I'm sure someone there has done it before). Get in touch right now: 888-542 4441
The New York employment lawyers at the law firm of Joseph & Kirschenbaum LLP have a long history of standing up for workers in this state. The team has helped countless employees take legal action against their employer, leading to recovery or settlement on behalf their client's rights under labor laws including but not limited too: minimum wage; overtime compensation (including doubled time); sick days bank balance accounts; family medical leave policies etc...