2025 Reviews

Top Forensic Consultant in New York City - 2025

LAST UPDATED 7 Feb, 2025
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List of the Top Forensic Consultant in New York City

Wimgo takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in our ratings and reports. We do not allow paid placements in any of our ratings, rankings, or reports.

At Forensic NYC, we put our clients' interests first. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that they will never have a problem with any aspect or stage in the process - from initial investigation through trial preparation and beyond!
At Forensic Risk Alliance, we take pride in being a leader for legal professionals who work with high-risk cases. Our team members have over 100 years combined experience and they're dedicated to providing you security when it comes down your organization's most difficult challenges: from white collar crime all the way up through criminal enterprise investigations!
Gotham Forensics provides expert witness services that specialize in the field of Forensic Psychiatry. The team at Gotham is committed not only to providing justice, but doing it with accuracy and resolve through their high quality work for each client they serve as part of an ensemble effort towards peace-of mind when seeking answers about oneself or others
Rimkus Consulting Group is a world leader in forensic engineering and consulting with more than 95 offices across the United States, Canada, Australia. The company has been awarded countless times for their services that help law enforcement solve crimes by using physical evidence such as fingerprints or shoe prints left behind at scenes of crime

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At Stria Forensics Consulting Group, NYC delivers the best forensics consulting service to clients of all sizes. With our vast experience and top notch expertise-you can rest assured that your case will be handled with care by experts who are committed not only to solving it but also helping you navigate through any obstacles on this difficult journey called justice!

Beacon Hill Staffing

Service Focus
14% Tax
8% Human Resource
57% Risk Assaurance
22% Advisory Services
Service Focus
14% Tax
8% Human Resource
57% Risk Assaurance
22% Advisory Services
Beacon Hill Staffing Group is a niche staffing agency with offices in New York, Boston and Atlanta. We provide flexible solutions to emerging growth companies and Fortune 500 firms across all major industries including engineering, finance/accounting, industrial manufacturing design/quality assurance as well as office-based roles like marketing or sales.
Computer Forensics Resources has been providing high-quality computer forensics services since 2000. This experience allows us to very quickly analyze the data you send our way so that we can provide a final report with answers for your case, whether in court litigation or just trying to get information on what happened when something went wrong at work!
Corvus Forensics is a professional, impartial and well-established crime scene analysis company that provides services to law enforcement agencies across New York. At Corvus forensics NY we offer our clients the highest quality criminal investigation consulting available by using world renowned scientific techniques in an objective manner without any bias towards either victim