2025 Reviews

Top Otolaryngologist in Detroit - 2025

LAST UPDATED 16 Feb, 2025
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List of the Top Otolaryngologist in Detroit

Wimgo takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in our ratings and reports. We do not allow paid placements in any of our ratings, rankings, or reports.

Glendon M Gardner, Md

Service Focus
20% Nasal Disorders
31% Ear Infections
6% Sinus Disorders
43% Deformities
Service Focus
20% Nasal Disorders
31% Ear Infections
6% Sinus Disorders
43% Deformities
Dr. Glendon Gardner, MD is a specialists in Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat). He is affiliated with medical facilities Henry Ford Hospital and Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital. He is accepting new patients and has indicated that he accepts telehealth appointments. Be sure to call ahead with him to book an appointment.

Dr. Cecilia Helwig

Service Focus
21% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
3% Sinus Disorders
56% Deformities
Service Focus
21% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
3% Sinus Disorders
56% Deformities
Dr. Helwig is dedicated to improving the health of her patients with the latest medical guidelines and the most advanced surgical procedures. She is committed to improving the health of her patients with the latest medical guidelines and the most advanced surgical procedures. Herigo-the company she runs with her husband, Dr. Nils Fracasso, Issues a Commonkai letter of Application for membership.

Bianca Siegel, Md

Service Focus
35% Nasal Disorders
15% Ear Infections
26% Sinus Disorders
24% Deformities
Service Focus
35% Nasal Disorders
15% Ear Infections
26% Sinus Disorders
24% Deformities
Dr. Bianca Siegel, MD is a pediatric otolaryngologist in Detroit, MI. She has more experience with Sleep Apnea than other specialists in her area. She is affiliated with Children's Hospital Of Michigan. She is accepting new patients. Be sure to call ahead with Dr' s Siegel to book an appointment.

Dr. Samba Siva Reddy Bathula

Service Focus
23% Nasal Disorders
13% Ear Infections
28% Sinus Disorders
36% Deformities
Service Focus
23% Nasal Disorders
13% Ear Infections
28% Sinus Disorders
36% Deformities
Dr. Samba Siva Reddy Bathula tries to make sure that each patient leaves our office with a clear understanding of their diagnosis and a comfort level that we are working with them to solve their symptoms and concerns. I try to give each patient the same standard of care across the board.

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Dmc Specialty Services Ent Harper Professional Building

Service Focus
2% Nasal Disorders
57% Ear Infections
22% Sinus Disorders
18% Deformities
Service Focus
2% Nasal Disorders
57% Ear Infections
22% Sinus Disorders
18% Deformities
AT DMC Ent, we are dedicated to the medical and surgical specialty of Otorhinolaryngology which focuses on head and neck diseases, including those of the ear, nose and throat. Our doctors work closely with other specialists, ranging from speech pathologists to oncologists, to provide state-of-the-art care to our patients.

Ilaaf Darrat, Md

Service Focus
63% Nasal Disorders
13% Ear Infections
4% Sinus Disorders
20% Deformities
Service Focus
63% Nasal Disorders
13% Ear Infections
4% Sinus Disorders
20% Deformities
Dr. Ilaaf Darrat, MD is a specialist in Otolaryngology (Ear, nose and throat). She is affiliated with medical facilities Henry Ford Hospital and Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital. She is accepting new patients and has indicated that she accepts telehealth appointments. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Darrat to book an appointment.

Ent Specialists, P.c.

Service Focus
0% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
2% Sinus Disorders
77% Deformities
Service Focus
0% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
2% Sinus Disorders
77% Deformities
Ent Associates, P.C. is a practices-based firm with a range of services including hearing aid and dental services. We offer our patients a variety of services, including face plastic surgery. Our Novi and Brighton locations offer full service Hearing SEE also our doctors are dual certified in facial plastic surgery meaning they can perform reconstructive procedures such as treating facial fractures and deformities too

Adam Folbe, Md

Service Focus
9% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
69% Sinus Disorders
1% Deformities
Service Focus
9% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
69% Sinus Disorders
1% Deformities
Dr. Adam Folbe, MD, a otolaryngologist with affiliated medical facilities such as Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak and DMC Hutzel Women's Hospital. I accept new patients and have indicated that I accepts telehealth appointments. I hope to call ahead with you to book an appointment.

Werner C Roennecke, Md

Service Focus
39% Nasal Disorders
21% Ear Infections
21% Sinus Disorders
20% Deformities
Service Focus
39% Nasal Disorders
21% Ear Infections
21% Sinus Disorders
20% Deformities
Dr. Werner Roennecke, MD is a specialist in Otolaryngology ( Ear, Nose & Throat), and he can help you with upper respiratory conditions and otologic conditions and procedures. He is affiliated with medical facilities at Henry Ford Hospital and West Bloomfield Hospital. He will take new patients to meet him before his office.

Michigan Pediatric Ent Associates

Service Focus
10% Assistive Technology
21% Tinnitus
66% Hearing Loss
3% Testing
Service Focus
10% Assistive Technology
21% Tinnitus
66% Hearing Loss
3% Testing
Michigan Pediatric ENT Associates was established in 1974 and is one of the oldest child and teenage focus ENT groups in the United States. Through the years, MPENTA has continued to evolve into treatment and research. Our physicians are consistently recognized among Detroit

Dr. HoSheng Lin, Md

Service Focus
18% Nasal Disorders
25% Ear Infections
34% Sinus Disorders
22% Deformities
Service Focus
18% Nasal Disorders
25% Ear Infections
34% Sinus Disorders
22% Deformities
Dr. Lin is a medical specialist in otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat) and has experience with sleep apnea, endocrine surgeries, and respiratory conditions. He is affiliated with medical facilities such as Beaumont Hospital - Dearborn and DMC Hutzel Women's Hospital. He is accepting new patients and indicates he accepts telehealth appointments.

Dr. Jeffrey Hotaling

Service Focus
77% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
3% Sinus Disorders
0% Deformities
Service Focus
77% Nasal Disorders
20% Ear Infections
3% Sinus Disorders
0% Deformities
Dr. Jeffrey Hotaling is an assistant professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He treats all aspects of head and neck oncology, including cutaneous malignancies, salivary glandmalignancies, thyroid and parathyroid tumors and malignences, skull base tumors, and mucosal head and neck pathology.

Suhael R Momin, Md

Service Focus
21% Nasal Disorders
31% Ear Infections
24% Sinus Disorders
24% Deformities
Service Focus
21% Nasal Disorders
31% Ear Infections
24% Sinus Disorders
24% Deformities
Dr. Suhael Momin, a medical specialist in Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose & Throat) at the medical facility known as Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. We are affiliated with two hospitals: Henry Ford Hospital andHenry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital in Joliet, Illinois. I would be happy to take care of your appointment with me. Thank you for considering our program!

Michael C Singer, Md

Service Focus
4% Nasal Disorders
24% Ear Infections
67% Sinus Disorders
5% Deformities
Service Focus
4% Nasal Disorders
24% Ear Infections
67% Sinus Disorders
5% Deformities
Dr. Singer is a specialist in Otolaryngology ( Ear, Nose and Throat). He is affiliated with medical facilities Henry Ford Hospital and Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital. He is accepting new patients and has indicated that he accepts telehealth appointments. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Singer to book an appointment.

Kristen Angster, Md

Service Focus
23% Nasal Disorders
59% Ear Infections
13% Sinus Disorders
5% Deformities
Service Focus
23% Nasal Disorders
59% Ear Infections
13% Sinus Disorders
5% Deformities
What does Dr. Kristen Angster, MD have over other specialists in her area? We can tell because she is affiliated with medical facilities such as Henry Ford Hospital and Henry Ford Macomb Hospital. Plus, she makes it a point to call ahead to book an appointment - so you can be sure that you're getting the best possible care!