2025 Reviews

Top Coffin Supplier in Detroit - 2025

LAST UPDATED 12 Feb, 2025
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List of the Top Coffin Supplier in Detroit

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The story of the Batesville Casket Company began in 1884 when John A. Hillenbrand purchased it, and changed its name to mark his vision for success as an industry leader - one who would offer families excellent craftsmanship along with products that evolved over time so they could meet evolving needs .
We at Fisher Funeral Home and Cremation Services are committed to providing high quality, affordable funeral services. We have been serving the Greater Detroit area since 1955 with a focus on integrity in death care planning for our clients' families during this difficult time; as well as treating each person like family while they're here visiting or living among us!
At Andrews & Hardy Funeral Home, we have a reach into the professional and dignified era. Our support system helps us continue our help during the services finalized. We pride ourselves on being able to assist you personaly no matter how long or short the service may be.
In 1991, A. J. Desmond & Sons again expanded by merging with the well-established firm Vitale&Ronzio Funeral Home on Woodward Avenue in Highland Park Michigan - one of only two companies left not under their control! With Jim Vite's financial partner Richard Connell managing it until his death at age 90 back then after nearly 60 years running things himself "way up North" out Royal Oak way

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Detroit Wilbert is committed to serving the needs of families through their diverse offerings including: urns, vaults and cremation services. They provide burials for 3 counties in Michigan as well human incinerations that can be done at any time or on-demand if you need your loved one's remains Now!
At New McFall Brothers (Westside Chapel), we provide individualized funeral services designed to meet the needs of each family. Our staff of dedicated professionals is available to assist you in making funerary service arrangements. From casket choices to funeral flowers, the Funerals at New McFall Brothers (Westside Chapel) will guide you through the aspects of the funerary service.
We're the Hutchison Funeral Home of Detroit and we've been providing traditional burials, non-traditional services like cremation for over 35 years. Our family is committed to meeting your needs during this difficult time in their lives by giving you personalized attention that will make it easier on everyone involved; especially when they need help navigating all those confusing process steps!
Thompson Funeral Home in Detroit is one of the most well-known funeral homes on this side of town. They've been around for decades, and their history includes many notable funerals - including that between John Idzik (the former mayor) who passed away last year while still serving his term as an advisor to city council members; another prominent figure associated with our community was Chief Justice Warren Sweek.
Village Funeral Home & Cremation Service is a family-owned and operated funeral home, serving the Ortonville area since 1905. Our director, Roy Langolf, is available to serve you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our staff provides personalized funerals and cremations for area families.
The casket industry has been around for centuries, but there are still those who want to offer their families the best possible service. Superior Casket Co.'s philosophy ensures that no one should ever have settle on what kind of funeral goods they need - whether it be an ordinary box or custom built container tailored specifically towards your specific needs and desires! For over 40 years now this company ...
For 150 years, Sharp Funeral Home & Cremation Center has had the honor of serving families in Flint, Michigan, and surrounding communities such as Grand Blanc, Swartz Creek, Fenton, and Linden. Our caring and professional funeral directors are here to assist in the planning of funerals, burials, and cremations.
The Thayer Funeral Home is one of the most well-known funeral homes in Farmington. The establishment was established by lifelong resident, Howard Woldt "Hugh" Thayers back when he conducted funerals from 1933 - 1961 inside a two story building located east on Grand River Avenue near downtown area!
The Ellis Funeral Home was founded in 1954 by Cecil and Juanita Ellis in partnership with the late Lincoln Chapman and the late Reverend James Hall, Sr. The Ellis Family purchased the interests of Mr. Chapman and Reverend Hall in the late 50's and the funeral home has remained family owned.