2024 Reviews

Top eCommerce Development in Helsinki - 2024

LAST UPDATED 26 Jul, 2024
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List of the Top eCommerce Development in Helsinki

Wimgo takes pride in showing unbiased reviews on user satisfaction in our ratings and reports. We do not allow paid placements in any of our ratings, rankings, or reports.


Service Focus
18% Shopify
14% WordPress
26% Magento
14% Drupal
21% Other CMS
6% Custom
Service Focus
18% Shopify
14% WordPress
26% Magento
14% Drupal
21% Other CMS
6% Custom
GoMage development agency has been successfully creating and supporting Magento online stores since 2010. They have completed 900+ Magento Projects with the implementation of modern technologies and apProaches. Their Professionals deliver exceptional quality and high-performance online stores. GoMage is a Magento partner and specializes in Magento development exclusively. Aside from services, they design and develop Professional Magento and Magento 2 extensions to maximize eCommerce business performance.

Ncrypted Technologies

Service Focus
14% Shopify
19% WordPress
16% Magento
14% Drupal
21% Other CMS
17% Custom
Service Focus
14% Shopify
19% WordPress
16% Magento
14% Drupal
21% Other CMS
17% Custom
NCrypted is a software development company Providing high-end online and offline custom software solutions to startups, small and medium businesses (SMBs) as well as large Fortune Global 1000 enterPrises, sPread across 100+ countriesluding Australia, Sweden, France, Finland, Denmark, Germany, India, Saudi Arabia, the USA, the UK, among others. Their core expertise relates to the fields of Online Vacation Rental Systems, Crowdfunding Software, Online Marketplace Software, EnterPrise Mobility Software Solutions, EnterPrise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, and more

Lamia Oy

Service Focus
13% Shopify
2% WordPress
24% Magento
23% Drupal
22% Other CMS
15% Custom
Service Focus
13% Shopify
2% WordPress
24% Magento
23% Drupal
22% Other CMS
15% Custom
Lamia is a digital engineering partner that specializes in ecommerce. They guide their clients in the world of digital transformation by combining relevant technologies, human-centric service and cutting-edge design. They only build digital solutions that are timeless in quality and exceed their clients' expectations. They are the best digital engineers around.


Service Focus
11% Shopify
26% WordPress
13% Magento
24% Drupal
5% Other CMS
21% Custom
Service Focus
11% Shopify
26% WordPress
13% Magento
24% Drupal
5% Other CMS
21% Custom
Bilot is a pioneer in digitalization, born in 2005 out of a passion for creating the best workplace for the best talent within the industry. They are a long-term and trusted partner for large and medium-sized companies. Their clientslude more than 100 leading and well-known companies in Process industry, manufacturing, wholesale, retail, services, consumer Products and the food industry

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Avenis Oy

Service Focus
7% Shopify
25% WordPress
9% Magento
9% Drupal
23% Other CMS
28% Custom
Service Focus
7% Shopify
25% WordPress
9% Magento
9% Drupal
23% Other CMS
28% Custom
Toimimme yhteistyössä useiden eri ohjelmistovalmistajien kanssa, jotta voimme tarjota asiakkaillemme tarpeeseen sopivia ja skaalautuvia online-ratkaisuja. Teemme paljon myös omaa tuotekehitystä asiakaskohtaisiin toteutuksiin sekä kaikkien käyttöön tarkoitettuihin ratkaisuihin.


Service Focus
20% Shopify
17% WordPress
24% Magento
17% Drupal
18% Other CMS
3% Custom
Service Focus
20% Shopify
17% WordPress
24% Magento
17% Drupal
18% Other CMS
3% Custom
At Wvermade they take their work seriously, but have fun doing it. Their developers, designers and analysts work closely together to achieve visually stunning, technically advanced results that engage users. They take a handcrafted apProach to building websites and digital services. their team of 30+ designers, developers and analysts know how to turn ideas into customized, imPressive end Products.


Service Focus
26% Shopify
1% WordPress
20% Magento
10% Drupal
13% Other CMS
31% Custom
Service Focus
26% Shopify
1% WordPress
20% Magento
10% Drupal
13% Other CMS
31% Custom
Creuna is a customer experience agency. They have made it our mission to help you wow your customers with smooth and memorable online experiences.With more than 350 digital magicians, they are one of the leading customer experience agencies in the Nordic region. Take a look around and get a sense of who they are and what kind of tricks they can do.

Brandit Advertising

Service Focus
4% Shopify
37% WordPress
22% Magento
5% Drupal
18% Other CMS
14% Custom
Service Focus
4% Shopify
37% WordPress
22% Magento
5% Drupal
18% Other CMS
14% Custom
Brandit on pieni ja notkea, mutkattomasti ja nopeasti palveleva mainostoimisto, jolla on pitkä kokemus markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta. Palvelemme Helsingistä käsin yrityksiä ympäri Suomea. Pääkaupunkiseudun lisäksi meillä on asiakkaita mm. Kotkassa, Joensuussa ja Turussa. Nykyaikaiset tietoliikenneyhteydet ja videoneuvotteluratkaisut poistavat välimatkat, rajat ja rajoitukset sujuvalta asiakaspalvelulta. Tarjoamme tuotteesi tai palvelusi markkinointiin täyden paletin asiantuntijapalveluita ja osaamista perinteisestä Printistä vallankumoukselliseen digimainontaan.

Agency Leroy

Service Focus
9% Shopify
27% WordPress
2% Magento
8% Drupal
31% Other CMS
24% Custom
Service Focus
9% Shopify
27% WordPress
2% Magento
8% Drupal
31% Other CMS
24% Custom
Agencu Leroy is a future-oriented hybrid agency. They specialise in developing, engineering, designing and running a world-class Production company. They ethos is to constantly challenge the status quo and shape industry-redefining solutions in a tight-knit collaboration with their customers. they are crafting delightful experiences through meticulous attention to detail. They help their clients reach their full potential.


Service Focus
3% Shopify
20% WordPress
40% Magento
5% Drupal
29% Other CMS
3% Custom
Service Focus
3% Shopify
20% WordPress
40% Magento
5% Drupal
29% Other CMS
3% Custom
CLIENT are designers who think in code, equipped with tools and Processes that get things moving fast. Their experience comes from hundreds of cases ranging from startups to leading global brands. They deliver results without the marketing buzzwords and bloated consulting jargon. They strategic and visual designers working on one goal: making your brand do, feel and act better. Sometimes this might be a quick visual refresh.

Kallan & Co

Service Focus
20% Shopify
2% WordPress
29% Magento
16% Drupal
14% Other CMS
20% Custom
Service Focus
20% Shopify
2% WordPress
29% Magento
16% Drupal
14% Other CMS
20% Custom
At Kallan craftsmanship is Pride in what they do, a responsibility to their clients, and last but not least - the best Pr. Details make the difference, that extra thought separates good enough from the potentially great. It’s a mix of experience, attitude, intuition and perseverance. When Presented with a theory, each individual might understand or apProach it differently.

Arvo Partners

Service Focus
8% Shopify
19% WordPress
26% Magento
23% Drupal
10% Other CMS
14% Custom
Service Focus
8% Shopify
19% WordPress
26% Magento
23% Drupal
10% Other CMS
14% Custom
At Arvo Partners once they have a good understanding of your business and market, they can calculate your true business potential. This gives us a grand vision of what you could achieve, how far you can go and most importantly, how fast can you get there. Their policy is to never take on a client unless we are certain that they can make their business skyrocket in the given target market.


Service Focus
7% Shopify
13% WordPress
21% Magento
3% Drupal
46% Other CMS
10% Custom
Service Focus
7% Shopify
13% WordPress
21% Magento
3% Drupal
46% Other CMS
10% Custom
Nimeni on Anne Mattila ja olen Kotisivutohtorin omistaja. Jo opiskeluaikana haaveenani oli työskennellä IT-alalla. Tuolloin kuitenkin lama sai aikaan sen että en lähtenyt opiskelemaan IT-alaan vaan päädyin Kaupalliseen koulutukseen ja sitä kautta erilaisiin työtehtäviin mm. kaupan ja logistiikan alalla. Halu työskennelle IT-alalla kuitenkin säilyi ja sain siihen tilaisuuden noin 10 vuotta sitten. Vihdoin työskentelin rakentaen ja suunnitellen kotisivuja. Se ei kuitenkaan riittänyt. Jatkuvasti sain kyselyjä "Miten Sosiaalista Mediaa (SOME) pystyisi paremmin.

Mediapool Finland

Service Focus
15% Shopify
19% WordPress
4% Magento
13% Drupal
24% Other CMS
25% Custom
Service Focus
15% Shopify
19% WordPress
4% Magento
13% Drupal
24% Other CMS
25% Custom
Olemme erikoistuneet digitaalisiin palveluihin, verkkosivustoihin ja sisältöpohjaisiin ratkaisuihin. Modernit digitaaliset palvelut elävät laadukkaista sisällöistä, mutta tarvitsevat tuekseen oikeat tekniset ratkaisut. Tekninen osaamisemme mahdollistaa sisältöjen hyödyntämisen täysin uudenlaisella tavalla

Vincit California

Service Focus
17% Shopify
20% WordPress
14% Magento
13% Drupal
17% Other CMS
19% Custom
Service Focus
17% Shopify
20% WordPress
14% Magento
13% Drupal
17% Other CMS
19% Custom
At Vincit they believe that mondays shouldn't suck, that flat company hierarchy is better, and that the best measure of success is client and employee happiness. They won the Best Workplace award from Great Place to Work 3 times in Finland, and once in all of Europe. They develop the apps to put the power of the Smart Home devices in the palm of your hand


Service Focus
39% Shopify
4% WordPress
31% Magento
1% Drupal
25% Other CMS
0% Custom
Service Focus
39% Shopify
4% WordPress
31% Magento
1% Drupal
25% Other CMS
0% Custom
Vaimo is a leading full-service omnichannel agency building digital experiences for clients across the globe. Their goal is to accelerate sales for their B2B and B2C clients by delivering award-winning digital storefronts, solutions and mobile apps. With them, you’ll have the combined experience of their in-house team of more than 500 omnichannel and commerce experts at your disposal.


Service Focus
5% Shopify
28% WordPress
20% Magento
26% Drupal
12% Other CMS
9% Custom
Service Focus
5% Shopify
28% WordPress
20% Magento
26% Drupal
12% Other CMS
9% Custom
At Youwe they help organizations change in the digital world. With the help of data and smart algorithms, they help their customers to be up-to-date on the latest developments in the digital world that is constantly changing. Youwe combines technology, data, and creativity to change and imProve the way brands communicate with their customers. Together with their partners, this makes them one of Europe's strongest full-service digital agencies.


Service Focus
23% Shopify
14% WordPress
26% Magento
17% Drupal
4% Other CMS
16% Custom
Service Focus
23% Shopify
14% WordPress
26% Magento
17% Drupal
4% Other CMS
16% Custom
Ympäristösi digitalisoituna Luomme uutta ja erilaista yhdistämällä luovuutta ja strategiaa intohimoomme teknologiaa kohtaan. Tartumme aktiivisesti nykypäivän muuttuviin tarpeisiin uudet työtavat, liiketoimintamallit ja teknologiat huomioiden. yöpaikalle on aina mukava tulla! Työntekijämme ovat erittäin tyytyväisiä meihin työnantajana ja suosittelevat meitä myös tutuilleen. Tutustu täällä eri työntekijöidemme tarinoihin siitä, millaista Knowitilla on olla töissä.

Net Group

Service Focus
15% Shopify
38% WordPress
15% Magento
7% Drupal
15% Other CMS
11% Custom
Service Focus
15% Shopify
38% WordPress
15% Magento
7% Drupal
15% Other CMS
11% Custom
Net Group on uuden sukupolven ohjelmistokehitys- ja konsultointiyritys. Tavoitteenamme on lisätä yrityksesi tehokkuutta erinomaisten ohjelmistoratkaisujen avulla. Emme pidä itseämme puhtaasti ohjelmistokehittäjänä vaan myös konsulttitoimistona. Pyrimme ymmärtämään liiketoimintaasi ja tarjoamaan juuri sinun yrityksellesi sopivia, oikeanlaisia ratkaisuja. Työtämme ohjaavat kolme periaatetta: yksinkertaisuus, käytettävyys ja liiketoiminnan tehostaminen.

Accolade Partners

Service Focus
19% Shopify
42% WordPress
14% Magento
10% Drupal
13% Other CMS
3% Custom
Service Focus
19% Shopify
42% WordPress
14% Magento
10% Drupal
13% Other CMS
3% Custom
At Accolade each one of their clients has a unique niche. Whether it’s pet accessories, organic health food, adventure tours or scuba diving equipment, they rePresent a wide variety of individual ecommerce businesses. Experimentation and R&D is our passion. Accolade Labs is their playground where they test the latest tools and technologies, and in this section they share the fruits of their labour and the lessons learned from those experiments.


Service Focus
9% Shopify
15% WordPress
22% Magento
10% Drupal
13% Other CMS
31% Custom
Service Focus
9% Shopify
15% WordPress
22% Magento
10% Drupal
13% Other CMS
31% Custom
Olemme ohjelmisto- ja palveluyritys, joka auttaa asiakkaitaan uudistumaan verkottuvassa maailmassa. Toteutamme alustaratkaisuja ja autamme hyödyntämään dataa sekä rakentamaan parhaan mahdollisen digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen.