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Top Chartered Surveyor in Los Angeles - 2025

LAST UPDATED 17 Feb, 2025
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List of the Top Chartered Surveyor in Los Angeles

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Recently, Chris Nelson and Associates, Inc. has been at the forefront of technological innovation in order to better serve their customers' needs as well as our community's public sector interests with new surveying techniques such as G.P.S., aerial photogrammetry mapping or robotic methods for construction control purposes on projects like boundary determination and ALTA land title matters (just some examples).
Chris Nelson and Associates, Inc., a professional corporation in the land surveying business since 1993, offers southern California with its wide variety of services including boundary determination for ALTA matters or construction control by using state-of-the art technology such as G.P.S coordinate systems (Global Positioning System) along with robotic methods which we have special expertise at your service if it pertains to any private sector needs!
It takes a skilled and dedicated individual to become an accredited land surveyor. Neil C., with his over 15 years of experience in surveying, has proven himself as qualified for this position through NSPS membership and CLSA certification among other things (such as being part of the LS Preparatory Seminar Series).
We are a family owned and operated, full service firm providing quality land surveying services to central & southern California. With our knowledgeable staff, state of the art equipment and professional licenses in multiple states we can provide you with top-of-the line services from beginning through completion! Whether it's new construction or an assessment on your property for insurance purposes, C.P Land Surveying has got you covered - contact us today!

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Chris Nelson and Associates, Inc. offers southern California with a wide variety of land surveying services that will be sure to meet your needs for any project you might have. Our staff is highly trained in connection with boundary determination as well as ALTA title matters; aerial photogrammetric mapping using GPS technology or robotic methods if need-be - all at the highest standards expected by clients around Los Angeles County!
Surveying and Drafting Services, Inc. is a professional Land Surveying Company that has been providing high-quality surveying services since 1996. Since then we have grown into one of Texas
Land Surveying is one of the oldest professions in America with four presidents considered Surveyors. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt (debated). Land surveying has evolved from early days of wearing a suit to using better equipment such as total stations that help surveyers be more accurate than ever before.
Chris Nelson and Associates, Inc., a professional corporation in the land surveying business since 1993, offers southern California with its wide variety of services including boundary determination for ALTA matters or construction control by using state-of-the art technology such as G.P.S coordinate systems (Global Positioning System) along with robotic methods which we have special expertise at your service if it pertains to any private sector needs!
Hennon Surveying and Mapping is a family-owned surveying firm that provides land surveying services to municipalities, state and local government agencies, developers, contractors. The company
For over 28 years, DCA Civil Engineering Group (SBE) is known for their commitment to providing professional services and the development of long term business relationships. The firm provides a comprehensive range of civil engineering projects with diverse needs across both private sector companies as well as public entities such as local governments or state agencies throughout Maryland.
We are a dynamic Civil Engineering and Land Surveying firm with over 35 years of experience. We have successfully completed thousands of surveys in the past, ensuring that we understand our client's needs completely to provide them with high-quality service at competitive prices.
Once you get your license, the world is at your feet. You can do anything in Land Surveying! Let us create an environment that promotes transparency and ease of communication for clients so we all benefit from this opportunity together as professionals who understand what it takes to complete any request with expertise - continuing education included no matter where or when needed just because every job matters equally.
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 Los Angeles
The origins of our company start in 1958, when Samuel Becker opened up a small surveying operation in the basement of his house. First incorporated as Samuel Becker Licensed Land Surveyor, Inc. in 1970, the company has grown a lot since then - we operate under two partners with combined 70 years experience; Yoshiaki Miyamoto and Mark Yamashita!
Surveying & Drafting Services, Inc. acquires the skills and expertise to provide high-quality land surveying services with a diverse team of professionals that are experienced in all aspects of Land Surveying - survey analysis, boundary establishment, maps preparation and drafting mapping projects can be complex or simple depending on your needs.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to Land Surveying. Let us create a work environment that is transparent, simple and based on flowing communication so we can complete any request with ease while continuing our education in collaboration from other professionals who also share these values!
Builoff Surveying & Mapping, Inc. is a surveying and mapping business that offers the best of both worlds to their clients from Southern California. Their commitment to quality at an affordable price includes utilizing state-of-the art equipment and technology that has been put into place by our team's profound knowledge in land management techniques, survey methods, as well as local customs which all makes for happy customers!
Symmetry Land Surveying has been providing fast professional service to Southern, Northern and Central California for 20 years. We're well versed in performing our surveys anywhere - from rural areas to deep within the developed metropolises of urban sprawl. Our equipment may have changed over time but we never waver on quality; no matter where you need us, Symmetry is there!
Hennon Surveying and Mapping provides land surveying services to all of Southern California's communities. We offer reliable, accurate work in a wide range of fields from legal descriptions for right-of way needs to large construction projects such as building new roads or constructing buildings on property that is not owned by government agencies but still needed access for development purposes (such as utility lines).
Chris Nelson and Associates, Inc. is one of the top surveying companies in southern California with many years of experience under its belt. From boundary determination to aerial photogrammetry mapping, our professional staff welcomes an opportunity to be a service provider for both public and private sectors alike!
VOORHEIS & VOORHEIS, INC. has been surveying the Los Angeles area and surrounding communities for over 40 years and have some of their best work to show from it! They are still a family owned-and-operated company committed to maintaining personal relationships with each client while taking ownership in every project they undertake.
Martin Engineering is a third-generation company that has been providing Los Angeles County with professional land surveying and civil engineering services since 1906. We utilize the latest technology to complete our fieldwork, including GPS systems for accuracy in any task you may require us!