Writing Compelling Press Releases – Wimgo

Writing Compelling Press Releases

A press release is an essential marketing tool for businesses, organizations, and public figures to announce major news and accomplishments. The goal is to garner media attention and coverage of your news by presenting it in a compelling way. 

But with the surplus of press releases flooding inboxes, it’s vital to craft one that stands out. An engaging, well-written release has a stronger chance of being picked up and published by media outlets. This leads to valuable exposure, heightened credibility, and increased awareness for your brand, products, or causes.

This comprehensive guide will outline proven strategies for writing and distributing press releases that capture attention and drive results. Follow these best practices and tips to create a release that media contacts and readers simply can’t ignore.

Define Your Goals 

Before writing a single word, think carefully about what you want to accomplish with your press release. Ask yourself:

  • What news or announcements am I making?
  • Who is my target audience? 
  • What action do I want readers/viewers to take after reading it?

Outline 1-3 goals so your release stays focused and on-point. Common press release goal examples:

  • Announce a new product, service, or initiative
  • Publicize an upcoming event, sale, or promotion  
  • Share a new company milestone or achievement
  • Promote a cause or non-profit campaign
  • Respond to breaking news/current event  
  • Reveal survey or research results
  • Showcase an award or recognition
  • Spotlight executive appointments, hirings, etc.

Defining the purpose and call-to-action upfront will shape how you position and write the entirety of your release.

Understand Your Audience  

Once you determine your press release goals, identify exactly who you want to reach with your news. 

  • What media outlets and journalists are most relevant? 
  • What readership demographics and industries align?

Research target media thoroughly before outreach. Follow their coverage to understand angles and topics appealing to them. Check their submission guidelines and press contacts.

When writing your release, add details and quotes tailor-made for your media list. Reference data points and trends specific to their audience. This shows the news directly connects with readers they cater to.

Craft an Engaging Headline

The headline is the very first thing editors see when deciding if a release merits their time. Powerful, compelling headlines pique curiosity and compel reading. 

An effective press release headline:

  • Summarizes the news angle  
  • Grabs attention 
  • Identifies the company or organization
  • Connects emotionally with readers 
  • Follows AP Style capitalization 

For example, “Leading Tech Company Butterfly Networks Launches Breakthrough Ultrasound Device” encapsulates the news, company name, and reader intrigue.  

Avoid vague, confusing phrases like “Leading Company Announces Latest Product.” This tells the reader nothing substantial. 

Headline word count can vary, but keep it tight. Shoot for 6-10 words at most. Certain instances call for slightly longer headlines, but be concise. 

Write a Strong Lead Paragraph

The lead (or first) paragraph is equally important for engaging readers quickly. It sets the tone and incentivizes reading more. The lead should:

  • Encapsulate the core news and facts  
  • Provide high-level context
  • Use active verbs and descriptive language
  • Avoid unnecessary details or fluff
  • Follow AP Style for press releases 

For instance: 

(CITY, Date) – Butterfly Networks, pioneer of the revolutionary Butterfly iQ+ whole-body ultrasound scanner, today expanded its cutting-edge portable imaging line with the Butterfly iQ+ Vet. Designed for veterinary professionals, it represents a breakthrough in early health screening and diagnosis for pets.  

This lead paragraph summarizes the news, company/product, and key details. It spotlights what’s newsworthy and exciting to readers.

Keep the lead tight at 1-2 sentences or 30-40 words. Don’t bury the lede or deviate into details. Everything else builds off this foundation.

Structure the Body with Key Details   

The body copy elaborates on the news summarized in the headline and lead. This is where you flesh out the who, what, when, where, why, and how.  

Organize the body into short, easy-to-scan paragraphs. Structure it based on most integral details first.  

Address angles like:

  • Product features and capabilities  
  • Research or statistics that support the news
  • Timelines for launches, releases, appointments, etc. 
  • Quotes from company executives 
  • Awards, recognitions, or rankings received
  • Context about the industry landscape
  • Problems solved for customers/clients
  • Campaign objectives and results
  • Exciting visions for the future
  • Anything that makes your news more timely, newsworthy, and shareable

Drop in relevant multimedia like videos, photos, infographics, or embedded social media posts to break up text. 

Quote Industry Experts

Press releases greatly benefit from quotes by key personnel and industry thought leaders. Their credibility and insights add legitimacy and interest.

Strategically choose who to quote based on the news angle and target audience. For example:

  • Company CEO on new product launches or achievements 
  • Investors/analysts on financial news or mergers  
  • Subject matter experts on research findings 
  • Clients/customers on how the product impacted them
  • Partners/non-profits on cause campaigns 
  • Third-party validation from analysts, professors, etc.

Have them share anecdotes, stats, and perspectives that support the core news. 1-2 different quotes in a release is ideal. Keep them concise at 1-3 sentences long.

Close with a Call-to-Action  

Wrap up by directing readers to take action based on consuming your news. This could include:

  • Visit your website for more details
  • Sign up for upcoming webinars 
  • Follow social media accounts
  • Download assets
  • Attend an event  
  • Purchase featured products
  • Donate to a cause
  • Share feedback

The call-to-action (CTA) gives them an obvious next step. Don’t leave things open-ended. Drive them to engage further.

Optimize for SEO

Press releases posted online also offer SEO value. Optimize them to be discoverable in search and drive referral traffic.

– Include your target keyword(s) in the headline, body copy, captions, and metadata  

– Insert relevant links to website pages 

– Embed multimedia that search engines can index

– Publish the release on your owned media channels 

– Distribute through wire services search engines trust 

– Link internally between website press pages and other assets surrounding the same news 

This boosts discoverability when people search subjects related to your announcement. The release then continues spreading your message and directing traffic back to your site.

Include Multimedia and Visuals  

Well-placed images, videos, infographics, GIFs, and other visuals within your release break up text and engage readers scrolling quickly.  

But don’t just drop in random stock visuals as filler. With multimedia, ask:

– Does this help illustrate a key point or finding?

– Does it make complex information more digestible?

– Does it enhance understanding of a product, service, or event?

– Does it reinforcebrand identity and personality?

Choose visuals purposefully that add meaningful context. Embed them within copy or include captioned gallery modules. Optimize files for web publishing so they render cleanly.  

Multimedia elements vastly improve online press release presentation andSEO. Just take care not to go overboard with heavy files that overwhelm the content.

Proofread Thoroughly

Before distributing your press release, meticulously proofread it. Check for: 

– Spelling/grammar errors

– Stylistic consistency 

– Facts stated accurately

– Formatting errors

– Proper brand voice and tone

– Logical flow and structure

Don’t just rely on spell check. Have multiple sets of eyes review it, especially if technical facts are involved. Verify details like titles, numbers, dates, times, locations, etc.  

Proofreading prevents mistakes and inconsistencies that undermine professionalism and credibility. It also fine-tunes messaging and clarity.

Distribute Effectively  

How you distribute your press release makes all the difference in publicity reach. Tactics include:

– Send directly to targeted media contacts

– Post on your company’s news/press pages  

– Promote through owned media like social channels

– Use paid press release distribution platforms like PR Newswire for amplification

– Include it in relevant reporter press kits/folders

– Enter it into journalist databases like Help a Reporter Out (HARO)

– Syndicate through free press release sites, but focus more on direct media pitches    

Coordinate timing based on news cycles. For example, announce products on launch dates or capitalize on tie-ins with current events.  

Use professional multimedia press release platforms versus basic text-focused newswires. Formatting matters, so enable versions with photos, videos, social sharing, analytics, etc. 

Follow best practices for press release distribution to connect with the right media outlets at the optimal time for your news. 

Follow Up and Track Results

Don’t fire off your press release and assume the work is done. Follow up with key media contacts to confirm receipt and gauge interest. Offer to provide additional assets or interviews to secure coverage. 

Monitor pick-up by:

– Tracking website links back to your post or site

– Setting up news alerts and Google Alerts

– Monitoring social media mentions and hashtags

– Following increasing traffic/sales on relevant pages

– Using press release monitoring tools

Measure hard metrics like click-through rates, referral traffic, and conversions. But also assess soft metrics like brand awareness and audience sentiment.

Follow up with media and contacts that picked up your release to build ongoing relationships. Repurpose content into additional formats to extend mileage. 

Analyze results to improve reach and engagement for future press releases.


Press releases remain a worthwhile marketing format to cut through the noise and drive strategic exposure. But heightened competition means crafting one with true purpose and care. 

By optimizing your content for search, catering to media interests, converting readers into advocates, and amplifying reach, press releases fuel brand visibility and trust. 

Implement these best practices for writing, distributing, and promoting compelling releases that deliver meaningful impact and see your news gain the spotlight it deserves.