Warning Signs You Need to Hire a Computer Security Service – Wimgo

Warning Signs You Need to Hire a Computer Security Service

Do you ever get that uneasy feeling that your computer just isn’t running right? Maybe it’s getting slower, freezing up more often or you’ve noticed some strange activity on your accounts. Well listen up, because your gut is probably right – you likely have a security issue brewing.

As a cybersecurity professional with over 15 years experience, I’ve seen it all. Malware infections, data breaches, password hacks – you name it. And believe me, it pays to catch these problems early before they lead to real disaster.

So in this post, I’ll go over the top 10 warning signs that it’s time to bring in the computer security cavalry to lock down your devices and keep the bad guys at bay. If you notice any of these red flags, don’t wait – call for backup now!

Sign #1: Your Computer is Slow or Acting Strange  

Remember when your PC was shiny and new, booting up in seconds and running slick as ice? If lately it seems bogged down, crashes randomly or generally acts possessed, malware may be the culprit.

Sneaky viruses, trojans and spyware can sneak onto your system from questionable downloads, infected ads or phishing emails. Once in, they can hijack resources or tamper with settings leading to the kind of weird behavior you’re seeing. Without a deep scan to find and wipe out the infections, they’ll continue to slow your computer to a crawl.

Best to call in a pro to track down the specific malware causing the issues and give your system a thorough sanitizing to restore normal function. Think of it like taking your car to the mechanic for a tune-up.

Sign #2: Suspicious Activity on Your Accounts  

Do you see posts or messages appearing on your social media that you didn’t create? Are there transactions on your bank statement that you don’t recognize? These could indicate your accounts have been compromised. 

Cyber criminals use various tactics like phishing or password guessing to break into accounts. Once inside, they may post spam links to scam your connections, siphon money from your accounts or steal your identity. If you notice any activity on your accounts that you can’t explain, it’s time to take action. 

A security firm can track down the source of the account breach, boot out the bad actors and implement stronger authentication protections. This helps secure your digital identity and prevents further damage.

Sign #3: Your Antivirus is Out of Date or Nonexistent  

Antivirus software provides the first line of defense against malicious threats by scanning files and activity on your computer. However, it’s only effective if it’s kept up to date with the latest virus definitions and security patches. Most antivirus programs have automatic updates that kick in as long as you renew your annual subscription on time. 

If you let the subscription lapse, critical updates will cease and you’ll be vulnerable to new variants of malware and zero-day exploits. Alternatively, if you use free antivirus or go without any protection at all, your computer is a sitting duck for infections.

A managed security service can install advanced antivirus programs on your system to guard against emerging and advanced persistent threats. Keeping virus protection up to date is one of the most fundamental requirements of computer security today. 

Sign #4: You’ve Been a Victim of Malware, Ransomware or Phishing

If your computer has been hit already with a major infection or targeted cyber attack, chances are high it will happen again unless you shore up defenses. 

Once malware invades an unsecured computer, it can modify settings to allow future infections. Ransomware often leaves behind a backdoor in case attackers want to return and re-encrypt your files. And if you got phished, the criminals have your login credentials to mount repeated attacks.

Wiping your computer and restoring data backups can remove the current infection. But skilled security professionals take further steps to close vulnerabilities that allowed it to happen in the first place. They also monitor systems to quickly detect and respond to new threats.

Sign #5: You Have Unpatched or Outdated Software

Most operating systems and software programs issue regular patches and version updates. These contain vital security fixes for newly discovered vulnerabilities. Using outdated applications and ignoring updates leaves you open to hacks taking advantage of those unpatched flaws. 

While enabling auto-updates can help, it may not be enough. Applications don’t always make it clear new updates are ready or critical. A cyber security service checks systems for patch status and proactively installs any missing updates. Keeping your software updated at all times denies cyber criminals an easy backdoor into your computer environment.

Sign #6: Poor Password Hygiene  

Passwords are still one of the most commonly exploited entry points into computer systems and online accounts. Some end users unfortunately practice poor password hygiene like reusing the same password everywhere or choosing weak, easy-to-guess passwords. 

Once attackers obtain login credentials, they try them out on other accounts, often successfully gaining access. A security firm can implement strict password policies and multi-factor authentication as additional identity verification layers. They also educate clients on password best practices to avoid easily preventable account breaches.

Sign #7: You Handle Sensitive Data

If your computers contain sensitive customer records, financial information, confidential business files and other privileged data, extra security precautions are warranted. Skilled hackers often target such high-value data for identity theft, corporate espionage or blackmail.

A security team performs in-depth system hardening and infrastructure safeguards tailored to protect sensitive client data. This can include advanced malware detection, data encryption both at rest and in transit, strict access controls and active network monitoring to quickly spot unauthorized access attempts. For maximum protection, partner with a security firm familiar with compliance standards for your industry.

Sign #8: You Don’t Have Proper Data Backups  

One of the most common ways ransomware and malware inflict lasting damage is by irrevocably encrypting or corrupting critical data files. Without accessible backups, businesses often have no choice but to pay the ransom to recover files or attempt a difficult recovery process.

A reputable computer security company implements solid backup solutions for all critical data at regular intervals. This ensures easy availability of clean, uncorrupted file versions that can be rapidly restored in the event of malware or ransomware incidents. Quick recovery from data incidents minimizes downtime and productivity loss.

Sign #9: You Connect to Public Wi-Fi

Free public Wi-Fi networks at coffee shops and other venues are very risky to use without precautions. They are a hotbed for attackers looking to intercept sensitive data like bank account logins, emails and credit card numbers.

When out and about, a VPN creates an encrypted tunnel for your connection to keep communications private. Security services provide remote access to enterprise-grade VPNs. Added layers like multi-factor authentication and endpoint scanning also help secure public Wi-Fi use.

Sign #10: You Don’t Use a VPN

A Virtual Private Network encrypts internet traffic to keep it secure and private. Without a VPN safeguard, any sensitive online activity like shopping, banking or accessing company networks can be monitored and intercepted. 

Free consumer VPNs often have security flaws, log user activity and cannot be trusted. A managed security service provides access to commercial-grade, zero-logging VPNs to keep all internet connections secure, anonymized and untraceable. Enabling a trustworthy VPN should be one of the first steps for improving personal and business computer security.

When to Hire a Computer Security Service

Don’t wait until disaster strikes to seek help – it will almost certainly cost you more in the long run, both financially and in productivity loss and data damage. If you relate to any of the warning signs described in this article, it’s wise to start exploring computer security firms now before you become the next victim.

For businesses, having a professional handle the fundamentals like malware prevention, backup and patch management frees up precious internal IT resources to focus on serving customers and achieving business goals. The ROI in terms of risk reduction will quickly outweigh the cost.

For personal users, the peace of mind knowing your devices and identity are protected from cyber scams and identity theft is valuable beyond measure. With competent help, you can finally browse, shop and connect online with confidence.

What to Look for in a Computer Security Service

– Experience and expertise dealing with modern sophisticated threats like zero-day exploits, APTs and polymorphic malware

– Understanding of compliance standards like PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX that apply to your industry 

– Infrastructure Solutions: Firewalls, IDS/IPS, Endpoint Detection & Response, VPN, Proactive Threat Hunting

– Incident response and disaster recovery capabilities with rapid response times

– Advisory services for security awareness training and policy development

– Up-to-date knowledge and integration of AI and automation into security operations

– Team of all in-house cyber security experts – no outsourcing core functions!

– Excellent customer service and communication

Be sure to research options thoroughly, ask for customer references and check for verified client reviews. Established firms with satisfied long-term clients tend to provide the best service and value.


Cyber threats show no signs of abating, making computer and data security more crucial than ever. If you lack the time, technology or expertise to implement robust protections, partnering with a managed security service can greatly strengthen your defenses. 

Look out for the warning signs like suspicious account activity, outdated software or malware infections. This indicates it’s time to bring in help securing systems, monitoring networks and responding to incidents. An experienced computer security firm provides 24/7 vigilance along with peace of mind knowing your sensitive data and business assets are protected.