Visual Design for AI – Creating Appealing Virtual Agents – Wimgo

Visual Design for AI – Creating Appealing Virtual Agents

Artificial intelligence and virtual agents are becoming more prevalent, being used for customer service, personal assistants, and many other applications. However, many early AI agents suffered from poor or awkward visual design, which could hamper user experience and adoption. Just as visual design is crucial for any good user interface, it’s equally important to create virtual agents that are visually appealing and appropriate for their context. In this post, we’ll explore best practices and key considerations for visual design when creating virtual AI agents.

The Importance of Visual Design for Virtual Agents

The visual representation of an AI agent strongly impacts users’ perceptions and willingness to interact with it. While AI capabilities are improving all the time, if an agent looks strange, clumsy or out-of-place, people will be less likely to use it or take it seriously. On the flipside, virtual agents with thoughtful, appropriate visual design can build rapport with users more effectively. When developing a virtual AI assistant, call center rep or any other agent, visual design should be a top priority, not an afterthought. Some key reasons why good visual design matters:

– Builds trust and credibility 

– Conveys personality and tone

– Helps manage user expectations

– Enhances brand consistency

– Determines appeal and approachability

– Affects users’ emotional response

– Impacts perception of intelligence

– Improves user experience and adoption

With bad visuals, people may find an agent creepy or awkward. But with good design, virtual agents can project warmth, be more relatable and make positive impressions.

Design Principles for Effective Virtual Agents

Certain design principles are important to keep in mind when creating the visual representation of AI agents. Following proven guidelines can help avoid common pitfalls.

Match the Context and Use Case

A virtual assistant for customer service requires a different visual treatment than a fun, casual AI sidekick. Consider the agent’s intended context and use case. A bank’s AI rep should look professional and trustworthy, not overly cartoonish. Virtual nurses need to project warmth and competence. AI for kids’ games can use fun animations, but a business AI should have subtle, polished graphics. Take the context into account with all design choices.

Strive for Approachability

Will the agent’s appearance make people want to engage and interact with it? Avoid anything too strange or creepy. Test visuals with focus groups to ensure the agent looks appealing and friendly while still seeming capable.  Round shapes, smiling faces and bright colours tend to improve approachability.

Show, Don’t Tell Personality

Give the agent visual and design elements that convey its personality, instead of relying on a description. Quirky decorations and style choices can showcase an agent’s fun, lighthearted nature. A more professional tone can come across via dress and demeanour. The agent’s name can also reinforce personality. 

Be Relevant and Representative

Consider diversity, culture and global users. An agent named “Chloe” with blonde hair may seem exclusionary and irrelevant to some demographics. Whenever possible, test agent visuals with diverse focus groups. Being thoughtful about representation improves relatability and adoption.

Align with Branding

An AI assistant on a company’s website should match the company’s overall branding and style. This helps reinforce brand identity and provides design continuity. If an agent’s visual presentation clashes with the company’s branding, it looks disjointed. Create visual cohesion.

Common Types of Virtual Agents

There are various common categories of virtual AI agents, each with their own design considerations: 

AI Customer Service Agents

These artificial intelligence agents assist customers in place of or alongside human reps. Visuals should project professionalism, capability, approachability and diversity. Detail and realism matter more here.

AI Virtual Assistants

Assistants help with tasks and questions for individual users. Their visuals can be more casual but still clear. Visually conveying personality is important. Animations can help virtual assistants seem fun rather than robotic.

AI Avatars

Avatars represent a user in virtual or augmented reality. They should closely match the user’s preferred style and identity. Realism and customization are key – generic out-of-the-box avatars fail to make personal connections.

AI Game Characters

Fun, engaging characters are crucial for AI in games, chatbots and kids’ apps. Animated, exaggerated features and expressive elements help game characters come to life. Color and motion should be emphasized.

AI for Social Media

AI virtual influencers on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok require strong visual design and effective personas. Their visuals should match the niche/genre and use slick graphics reflecting current online media trends.

Best Practices for Visual AI Agent Design

When designing the visual representation of AI agents, keep these tips in mind:

Balance Realism with Approachability

Lifelike realism can actually make some agents seem creepy, while too much cartoonishness can undermine their credibility.Seek a middle ground – stylized human elements combined with friendly cues. 

Focus on the Face and Eyes 

Viewers look first at an agent’s face/head. Prioritise designing expressive, engaging facial features and eyes to draw focus. Eyes especially contribute to conveying emotion.

Use Colour Purposefully

Colour choices influence users’ emotional responses. Certain hues feel more reassuring and friendly. Brighter tones engage attention and feel more energetic. Effective use of colour enhances appeal.

Create Clear Silhouettes and Shapes

An agent’s silhouette and shapes should be recognizable and visually distinctive. Solid, consistent forms are reassuring versus chaotic, overly busy designs.

Show Expressions and Reactiveness 

Design a range of expressions/poses so agents can react and seem more alive. Conveying emotion and “inner state” helps agents make connections and build rapport.

Use Motion Thoughtfully

Animation can add appeal, but avoid excessive motion. Use subtle animations at strategic times to simulate natural movement. Too much animation looks distracting and cheaper.

Personalise When Possible

The more users can customise an AI agent’s visuals to their preferences, the stronger their connection will be. Build in ample personalization and accessorising options.

Tools and Technologies for Creating Virtual AI Agents

Various tools exist for visually designing virtual agents:

– Character creators like Adobe Fuse provide diverse and customizable starting points.

– 3D modelling software like Blender allows full control over 3D forms.

– Game engines offer powerful animation and rendering capabilities for vivid, lifelike agents.

– Many chatbot and AI platforms have integrated avatar builders.

– Photo editors can assist when compositing agent faces/bodies.

– Motion graphics tools help add engaging motions and expressions.

High-quality voice/speech technology is also key for believable AI agents. Well-designed visuals should be paired with equally well-crafted dialogue delivery.

Case Studies of Visually Appealing Virtual Agents

Some examples of existing AI agents with effective visual design:

Ava from Anthropic – Professional, Capable

Ava’s subtle smile, warm colouring and human styling come across as trustworthy but not unrealistic. Her appearance is polished and professional.

Ori from Anthropic – Cute But Not Too Cartoonish

Ori’s large round eyes and diminutive proportions are engaging and approachable without seeming overly unrealistic. The overall style balances cuteness with competence.

Lexi from SoundHound – Friendly and Animated

Lexi uses bold colours, flowing animated hair and big expressive eyes to stand out. The use of motion and stylized human elements creates appeal.

Lil Miquela – Youthful, Relatable Virtual Influencer

With over 3 million followers, Lil Miquela achieves strong relatability through natural makeup, poses and youthful fashion. Her understated gestures and expressions connect with audiences.


Visual design should never be an afterthought when creating AI virtual agents. Their appearance significantly impacts users’ willingness to interact with and trust them. Following key design principles and best practices helps craft agents that are visually appealing, on-brand and appropriate for their intended context. With thoughtful design, virtual agents can foster positive emotional connections rather than alienating users. Compelling visuals convey personality and humanity, driving more meaningful user engagement.