Utilizing Social Media in Your Public Relations Activities – Wimgo

Utilizing Social Media in Your Public Relations Activities

Social media is a game-changer for PR and marketing pros. Just think about it – billions of people checking Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other sites multiple times per day. It’s an opportunity to connect with your audience on a personal level that traditional media just can’t match.

This guide will walk through the key steps to develop an effective, results-driven social strategy. I’ll share plenty of real-world examples, actionable tips, and lessons learned from my own experience. Whether you’re a social media novice or a seasoned pro, I’m confident you’ll leave with new ideas to level up your efforts. Let’s dive in!

The Importance of Social Media for PR

Before diving into strategies and tactics, it’s important to understand why social media is so valuable for public relations. Here are some of the key benefits:

– Increased Brand Awareness – With billions of active social media users, it provides an unparalleled opportunity to get your brand and messaging in front of a massive audience. Posting consistently helps keep your brand top of mind.

– Thought Leadership – Social platforms allow you to share valuable insights, data, and news that demonstrates your expertise in your field. This builds brand authority and trust.

– Audience Engagement – Social media facilitates two-way communication. You can engage directly with your audience to build relationships, foster loyalty and advocate for your brand.

–  Higher Brand Visibility – You can participate in trending conversations and relevant hashtags to connect with those interested in your brand, products or services. This expands your reach.

– Crisis Management – Social platforms allow for real-time monitoring of mentions and conversations about your brand. This allows you to respond quickly to negative publicity or emerging crises. 

– Improved SEO – Social activity signals search engines that your brand is credible and popular. This can improve website rank and search visibility.

Clearly, social media offers numerous advantages for PR professionals. But in order to maximize the benefits, you need an effective strategy.  

Developing a Social Media PR Strategy 

The foundation for social media success is having a documented strategy. Too often, brands jump into social platforms without clear goals or plans. Having a strategy prevents wasted time and effort. Follow these steps:

Set Objectives 

Be specific about what you want to achieve. Do you want to increase website traffic? Grow your follower count? Reduce negative brand mentions? Objectives determine which platforms and tactics you focus on.

Identify Target Audiences

Determine who you want to reach on social media. This may include existing customers, potential new customers, influencers, and more. Tailor content and engagement strategies based on their demographics, interests, and preferences. 

Choose Platforms Strategically

Focus your efforts on the platforms where your targets spend their time. For example, Instagram for visual content or Twitter for news sharing. Have a presence on relevant channels versus spreading yourself too thin.

Establish Performance Metrics

Determine how you will track and measure success. Key performance indicators could include follower growth, engagement rates, link clicks, lead generation, and more. Metrics allow you to determine what’s working.

Manage Resources

Consider your budget, staffing, and tools. Social media management takes dedicated time and effort. Leverage tools like Hootsuite to schedule content and simplify tracking.

Outline Content Strategy

Map out the types of content you will create and share. This includes blog posts, visual assets, video, etc. Develop an editorial calendar to organize content development and distribution.

Following a documented strategy is the only way to ensure your time spent on social media actually furthers your PR objectives.

Choosing the Right Social Platforms

With so many social platforms out there, how do you decide where to focus? Here are some of the most important networks for PR professionals along with key tips for each one:


With close to 3 billion monthly users, Facebook remains an essential platform for brands. To maximize your reach:

– Utilize detailed targeting capabilities to deliver content to relevant demographics

– Create and promote brand-specific hashtags customers can use and follow  

– Share a mix of content types – video, images, links, Facebook Live

– Promote engagement with polls, contests and questions

– Use paid boosting for important posts

– Create a Facebook Group customers can join to foster community


Twitter is the place for up-to-the-minute news and commentary. Use it to:

– Monitor hashtags and keywords relevant to your industry

– Share timely and newsworthy updates 

– Engage with journalists, influencers, and brands in your field

– Respond quickly to emerging PR issues and trends

– Drive website traffic by sharing links 


Instagram is all about eye-catching visuals and short videos. Best practices include:

– Post attractive photos and videos that align with your brand identity

– Use relevant hashtags – but not too many!

– Leverage Instagram Stories for behind-the-scenes content

– Run contests and product giveaways 

– Partner with influencers in your industry

– Use geotags and location stickers to increase local visibility


For B2B brands, LinkedIn is invaluable due to its professional user base. Use it to:

– Establish your brand and experts as thought leaders by sharing content

– Join and engage with relevant LinkedIn Groups

– Connect directly with media contacts and potential brand ambassadors

– Leverage LinkedIn’s Company page analytics for insights  

– Partner with employees to share and spread content 

The landscape evolves quickly, but mastering those core platforms will provide a strong foundation. You can then expand to newer upstarts like TikTok for video or Snapchat for reaching younger demos.

Creating Engaging Social Media Content

Compelling content is the engine that drives your social media success. You need content tailored to platforms and audience interests that inspires engagement. Here are some best practices for social content creation:

Mix Up Content Types

Posting the same types of content gets boring. Develop a diverse content menu that includes:

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics 
  • Stats and research findings
  • Videos  
  • User-generated content
  • Memes/viral content
  • Curated news
  • Lists and tips
  • Interviews and podcasts
  • Webinars or events
  • Quizzes and polls

Align Content to Buyer’s Journey 

Understand your audience’s interests and needs at each stage:

Awareness Stage – Attract new followers by sharing useful tips, trends and best practices.

Consideration Stage – Highlight product/service benefits through demos and customer testimonials. 

Decision Stage – Provide comparison guides, ROI calculators, or free trials to move leads closer to purchase.

Adopt a Storytelling Mindset 

Facts tell, stories sell. Develop content that educates while building an emotional connection through narratives and storytelling techniques.

Keep it Visual

Posts with images and video tend to perform best. Ensure you have a library of quality, branded visual assets to insert into your content.

Find Popular Hooks 

Link content to holidays, current events, news, or pop culture references followers will relate to and recognize. 

Maintain Brand Voice

Give content a distinctive tone and style appropriate to your brand’s persona. This builds recognition and loyalty.

Promote Owned Assets

Repurpose other content like ebooks, whitepapers and blog articles by sharing links across social channels.

By taking a strategic, buyer-centric approach to developing content, you can engage followers and convert them into customers.

Incorporating Visuals into Your Strategy 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That is definitely true when it comes to social media marketing. Including visuals in your social content strategy is non-negotiable. But posting just any images won’t cut it. You need high-quality, eye-catching visuals tailored to your brand. Here are some tips for success with visuals:

Invest in Professional Images/Videos

If budget allows, hire pro photographers/videographers to develop polished custom assets showcasing products, customers, team members and more. 

Create Engaging Infographics

Infographics simplify complex data into an easily digestible and shareable visual format.

Leverage User Generated Content

Re-share great photos, videos and reviews by actual customers to highlight authentic experiences.

Design Snackable Graphics

Create colorful graphics, charts or illustrations highlighting stats, tips, quotes or insights. 

Embrace Video 

From Instagram Reels to TikTok, short videos drive major engagement. Make them part of your mix.

Be Consistent

Stick to brand guidelines for logos, fonts, color schemes and imagery to reinforce brand recognition. 

Optimize for Platform

Tailor image and video posts to grab attention in feeds. For example, vertical video works best on mobile.

Credit Content Creators

Always credit photographers, videographers or graphics creators by tagging and mentioning them.

Use Strategic Hashtags

Insert relevant hashtags directly on visuals to improve discoverability and tap into larger conversations.

Analyze Performance 

See which visuals drive the most reactions and shares. Then produce more content in those styles.

Compelling social media imagery is now mandatory for cutting through the noise. Use these tips to create a winning visual content strategy.

Leveraging Influencers and Advocates

In the digital landscape, influencer marketing has become hugely powerful. Influencers are trusted taste makers with established audiences in a niche. Partnering with relevant influencers provides amazing opportunities to amplify your brand, content and campaigns. Here are some best practices for working with influencers:

Identify Relevant Influencers

Search platforms to find influencers with follower demographics and interests aligned to your brand. Micro-influencers (5K-100K followers) are often most affordable and effective.

Research Thoroughly

Vet potential partners thoroughly, beyond follower counts. Assess engagement levels, content quality, consistency and audience feedback. 

Define Campaign Goals 

Be clear about campaign objectives with influencers – impressions, clicks, conversions, etc. This focuses efforts.

Set Expectations

Detail required deliverables in contracts – number of posts, inclusion of links/hashtags, rights to reuse content, etc.

Facilitate Great Content

Provide influencers with needed information, products and brand assets to help them create compelling branded content.

Develop Ongoing Relationships

The best results come from long-term partnerships. Collaborate on a series of campaigns.

Amplify Content

Influencers create assets, but you still need to amplify it by sharing on your own social channels. 

Track Performance 

Use unique links, promo codes and UTM tags to quantify impact on site traffic, conversions and ROI.

When leveraged strategically, influencer marketing delivers outstanding results. Focus on partners that complement your brand and genuinely appeal to your audience.

Measuring and Analyzing Your Social Media Efforts

How do you know if your social media efforts are succeeding or falling flat? By implementing robust analytics and reporting. Monitoring key metrics helps identify what content and tactics work best so you can double down on those areas. Here are some metrics to track:

Follower Growth

Are your follower counts on chosen platforms increasing steadily over time? Stalled growth suggests your content and engagement need improvement.

Engagement Rates 

Calculate engagement rate by dividing interactions (comments, shares, likes) by your number of followers. High rates signal content resonance.

Link Clicks

Link clicks show content drives viewers back to your site. Monitor click through rates on links using Google URL Builder.

Mentions and Hashtags

Measure brand mentions and performance of any branded hashtags you are trying to establish and promote.

Lead Generation

If your goal is leads or conversions, track form fills, lead captures, email sign-ups and sales from social content and campaigns. 


Use social listening tools to assess the percent positive, negative or neutral mentions of your brand and products.

Compare to Competitors

See how your engagement and growth stack up against competitors. Let it motivate you!

Putting in place dashboards and reports ensures you have hard data revealing what social content and campaigns deliver results. Use those insights to shape future strategies.

Common Social Media PR Mistakes to Avoid

Success with social media marketing relies on avoiding some common pitfalls. Here are some major mistakes that can sabotage your efforts:

Lack of Posting Consistency

Sporadic posting makes it hard for followers to get value from your accounts. Maintain a regular content schedule. 

Automatically Reposting Content 

Don’t take shortcuts. Content should be tailored for the unique users, cultures and algorithms of each platform.

Ignoring Negative Comments and Feedback

It’s vital to monitor mentions and respond professionally to criticism or complaints. This defuses issues. 

Failing to Proofread

Typos and sloppy content looks unprofessional and may damage credibility. Always double check before publishing.

Too Many Hashtags

Hashtags are key for discovery, but used excessively they look spammy. Use 2-5 max per post.

Pushing an Overt Sales Agenda

Followers are turned off by constant sales pitches. Provide value via educational content vs. promotions.

Not Leveraging Analytics

Guessing at what works wastes opportunities. Let data guide decisions and optimize efforts.

Poor Mobile Optimization 

With social media happening on phones, ensure content displays legibly on small screens.

Avoiding these missteps helps ensure your limited time and resources are used most effectively to achieve PR goals.


Harnessing the power of social media is now indispensable for PR success. Following an intentional strategy tailored to your brand and audience leads to impactful engagement and measurable results. Mastering the nuances of each platform, creating compelling content, working with influencers and monitoring analytics sets you up for success.

Remember, social media moves fast. Commit to continually evaluating new platforms and evolving tactics to stay competitive in the digital landscape. With the strategies outlined in this guide, you will be able to elevate your brand, shape conversations, and drive real PR value through social platforms. Now get out there and start connecting!