Trends in Online Advertising You Should Know – Wimgo

Trends in Online Advertising You Should Know

Hey there! Keeping up with the latest in online advertising is tough these days. New trends pop up constantly as ads get more advanced. As we head into 2023, I wanted to chat about some need-to-know developments happening in digital marketing right now. I’ll give you the quick low-down on 7 big trends that can help take your online ads to the next level this year. Let’s dive in!

The Rise of Video Marketing

First up, video ads are all the rage and don’t show signs of slowing down. We all know video is super engaging—it’s basically internet gold for capturing people’s attention. Short vertical videos are huge at the moment thanks to TikTok. To stand out there, you need creative content with a natural, authentic vibe.

At the same time, YouTube remains a go-to for longer video ads. Posting valuable “how-to” videos or fun entertainment can help your brand shine there. Overall, video lets you use sight, sound and motion to share stories and connect on a deeper level. Video ads also get higher engagement, so they’re a smart move for getting your message out there.

The Growth of Streaming and Connected TV (CTV) Ads

Alongside the rise of digital video marketing, another major trend is the rapid growth of streaming and Connected TV (CTV) ads. As ad-supported streaming platforms like Hulu, Peacock, Tubi and others gain viewership, they also provide expanded opportunities for brands to run video advertising. These streaming platforms allow brands to reach engaged audiences in a captive, lean-back viewing environment primed for video ads.

In addition, the continued rise of connected TVs and the shift away from linear TV provides more chances for brands to run CTV ads. CTV refers to TV sets and devices like Roku that are connected to the internet to stream content. The forecast is that more TV viewership will continue shifting to ad-supported streaming and CTV platforms. As this happens, CTV advertising will be crucial for brands to reach audiences shifting away from traditional TV.

A major benefit of CTV ads is that they are non-skippable, which guarantees your ad will be viewed in full. CTV advertising also provides opportunities for advanced targeting, like geo-targeting down to the zip code or behavioral data targeting. This gives brands the ability to target niche audiences and direct their video ads on CTV similarly to on major digital platforms.

Programmatic advertising through demand-side platforms is turning CTV ads into a personalized digital experience. Brands who want the high visibility and reach of TV ads but with the targeting of digital will find expanding CTV advertising to be essential in 2023.

Continued Importance of Search Ads  

While trendy new video ad formats are emerging, tried and true search advertising remains as important as ever in 2023. Search ads, specifically Google Ads, continue to be a core component of most digital marketing strategies. Appearing prominently in search results is critical for driving brand awareness, visibility, and traffic to your website.

The basics of search ads and SEO remain the same – brands want to rank as highly as possible for keywords and search queries relevant to their business. In 2023, marketers should continue monitoring and expanding their keywords and search topics to align with high-converting searches. You want to be visible when those high-intent users are searching for products or services you offer.

Also keep testing new ad extensions from search platforms like Google when possible. Location targeting, call-only ads, and lead form extensions are some newer ad formats that may improve your search ad performance. The key is to stay nimble and optimize search ads based on real data – pay close attention to which keywords, ad placements, extensions, and other factors drive conversions.

While search advertising has been around for decades, it remains an indispensable digital marketing channel due to the unrivaled intent and conversion value of search traffic. In 2023, brands should focus on maximizing their search visibility through both paid search ads and ongoing SEO.

Expanded Options with Native Advertising 

Native advertising represents an online ad trend that continues to grow and evolve. Native ads are designed to blend seamlessly into their surrounding content rather than looking and feeling like traditional display ads. The “native” design makes them less intrusive and disruptive for users.

Many major digital platforms now offer native ad options, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more. Native ads achieve higher engagement by matching the natural form and function of the environment around them. They flow with the user experience rather than sticking out like a sore thumb.

Brands can leverage native ads on social media by sponsoring posts that match the organic content. On publishers and ad networks, native ads camouflage as suggested articles that align with the page content.

To be successful with native ads, brands must be highly creative and strategic with their messaging. Simply repurposing display ads won’t cut it. The ads must be optimized to deliver an interesting or useful message in a format the audience expects. When native ads are executed well, they can become a core advertising method for driving results in 2023.

The Importance of Quality and Relevance 

The online advertising landscape continues to grow increasingly saturated and competitive. A key trend in 2023 will be the amplified importance of ad quality and relevance as brands vie for user attention.

With expanding ad inventory, brands can no longer rely on sheer ad quantity and scale alone. Poorly designed or irrelevant ads are more likely than ever to be completely ignored by audiences. To cut through the noise, marketers will need to focus on improving the quality and relevance of their online ads.

First, ads should feel helpful and additive to the user’s experience rather than disruptive or annoying. Avoid tactics like pop-ups, autoplay audio/video, and intrusive ads that obscure content. User experience should be the priority rather than self-promotion.

Next, relevance is hugely important for modern ads. Both contextual relevance and behavioral relevance help match ads to users at exactly the right time and place. Contextual relevance analyzes the page content to target ads to relevant topics. Behavioral relevance uses tracking data of past habits and interest to determine ad suitability.

With the combination of quality creative and advanced targeting, brands can hone their messages for the right audiences. Cutting through the digital clutter will require making ad relevance the number one priority.

Privacy Changes Impacting Digital Advertising 

Major privacy changes from Apple, Google, and other platforms are having significant effects on the online advertising ecosystem. These changes limit the amount of user data that can be collected and utilized for ad targeting.

For example, Apple’s iOS 14.5 update implemented AppTrackingTransparency, requiring iPhone apps to get opt-in permission from users before tracking their data. Google has announced they will phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by 2023. Other browsers will follow suit.

These updates aim to increase user privacy by reducing invasive cross-site tracking. However, they also disrupt many common practices in programmatic and targeted advertising. Brands can no longer rely as heavily on harnessing behavioral data from user’s web browsing histories.

As third-party data becomes more scarce, contextual advertising and first-party data will gain importance. More than ever, ad relevance must come from contextual signals versus behavioral tracking. Brands should also get first-party data directly from their own customers through email sign-ups or surveys. 

It’s wise for brands to future-proof their ad strategies for a landscape with more limited data. Creativity, relevancy, and actual value for the user will be imperative. Marketers should prepare alternative strategies if common targeting and tracking mechanisms go away. Being agile and adaptable will help brands continue driving results in this changing privacy landscape.


As we move into 2023, staying updated on the latest trends will be crucial for online advertising success. Major developments like the rise of video and CTV, the importance of quality and relevance, and privacy changes are re-shaping digital marketing. Brands who want to make the most of their online ad budgets should look for opportunities to leverage these trends.

Of course, the fast pace of change in online advertising means the trends will keep evolving. Flexibility and adaptation are key. Continue monitoring your campaign analytics and testing new strategies to determine what resonates most with your audiences. With the right insights and preparation, your brand can effectively engage customers through online ads in 2023 and beyond.