The Customer Experience Implications of Business Process Outsourcing – Wimgo

The Customer Experience Implications of Business Process Outsourcing

In our modern business world, creating positive customer experiences is absolutely critical for companies to stand out and succeed. With review sites and social media giving customers an amplified voice, any subpar interaction can spread like wildfire and severely damage a brand’s reputation. Because of this increased transparency, delivering exceptional customer service is now one of the most important ways for companies to differentiate themselves.

In striving to optimize operations and cut costs, many organizations turn to business process outsourcing (BPO) – contracting third parties to handle certain business functions like payroll, HR, customer service and more. BPO can provide real advantages, but also poses risks if not managed carefully, especially when it comes to maintaining quality customer experiences. 

In this comprehensive post, I’ll explore the customer experience implications of BPO. What exactly is BPO? What benefits does it offer and what challenges does it present? How can outsourcing impact the customer journey, both positively and negatively? And most importantly, what steps can companies take to maximize CX when relying on BPO? Let’s dive in.

What is Business Process Outsourcing?

Business process outsourcing refers to hiring an external service provider to take over essential business operations and processes instead of handling them in-house. Some common functions that get outsourced include:

– Customer service/support – Communicating with customers via phone, email, chat, social media

– IT services – Managing networks, help desks, data storage solutions  

– Finance/accounting – Payroll, invoicing, auditing, tax preparation

– HR – Benefits administration, recruiting, onboarding, training

– Supply chain management – Inventory control, distribution, logistics

– Marketing – Research, campaign management, content creation

There are several key drivers fueling the growth of BPO:

– Cost reduction – Outsourcing allows companies to turn fixed costs into variable, reduce overhead and benefit from economies of scale

– Focus on core competencies – Freed up resources can be redirected to high-value activities like product development 

– Access to specialized expertise – Vendors provide skills, tech and experience honed over years  

– Increased flexibility – BPO allows easier scaling up or down of operations

According to Grand View Research, the global BPO market was valued at $243.8 billion in 2021, and is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 8.3% through 2030 – a massive industry. Some of the largest BPO providers include Accenture, Genpact, Infosys and Wipro.

Benefits of BPO

There are many potential benefits that compel companies to outsource various business processes, such as:

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Since BPO vendors specialize in specific process areas, they can optimize and streamline them extremely well through years of focused experience and best practice sharing. This enables them to execute tasks faster and with higher quality, boosting productivity for the companies who outsource.

Access to Advanced Technology

Leading BPO providers invest heavily in state-of-the-art technology tailored to the processes they manage. By outsourcing, companies gain the benefit of these powerful systems without having to develop everything themselves in-house.

Increased Focus on Core Business 

Outsourcing back-office functions frees up precious internal resources – people, money, management bandwidth. This allows a sharper focus on core capabilities that really drive revenue and differentiation.

Flexibility and Scalability

BPO introduces greater flexibility to scale operations up or down as business needs change. This agility and elasticity is difficult to achieve with fixed internal headcounts.

Variable Cost Structure

Outsourcing converts fixed overheads into variable costs since organizations only pay for what they actually use. This creates greater financial flexibility.

Process Improvements 

Dedicated BPO vendors often identify optimization opportunities and implement best practices gleaned from years of specialization that individual companies may miss.

When managed strategically, BPO can be a true competitive advantage – improving quality, access to tech, costs and more.

Challenges of BPO

However, BPO also comes with some significant potential downsides and risks that must be addressed:

Perceived Decline in Service Quality 

Customers may feel they receive worse service or support from outsourced teams due to communication gaps, lack of context, or poor relationships.

Decreased Operational Control

Companies lose visibility and direct control over outsourced processes. This requires strong governance frameworks to ensure oversight.

Hidden Costs 

While BPO reduces fixed expenses, there are also management and transition costs that can offset savings. Travel expenses for in-person meetings can also add up.

Knowledge Drain Risk

Outsourcing core processes can erode internal capabilities over time if knowledge isn’t properly transferred. This makes reversing course harder.

Integration Complexity

Effective handoffs between insourced and outsourced operations is key but adds complexity if not managed well. This can impact end-to-end workflows.

Relationship Management Challenges 

Outsourced teams may lack context/understanding of the business that in-house staff have. Cross-cultural communication can also be difficult. 

Data Security Vulnerabilities

Sharing data and systems access with third parties creates cybersecurity and compliance risks that must be contractually addressed.

While BPO can provide big advantages, the risks and challenges must be navigated carefully to avoid degrading the customer experience.

BPO and the Customer Experience

When it comes to the customer viewpoint, BPO can have both positive and negative implications depending on how thoughtfully it’s implemented and managed.

Potential Positive Impacts:

– Lower wait times – BPO provides staffing flexibility that can decrease customer service hold times

– 24/7 availability – Global delivery models allow around-the-clock support

– Specialized expertise – Agents focused on a process long-term can provide more knowledgeable service  

– CRM integration – Shared systems and data enables complete customer profiles

Potential Negative Impacts:

– Communication barriers – Language, cultural gaps can cause misunderstandings  

– High turnover – Low retention at outsourcing firms negatively impacts relationship-building 

– Lack of empathy – Scripts and distant management can reduce personal connections

– Inflexible processes – Strict rules can make it hard to handle exceptions and special cases 

– Unclear accountability – Coordination between teams can blur responsibility

The more outsourcing partners are treated as true extensions of the brand – with extensive training, visibility and relationship-building – the better the outcomes. But without proper integration and governance, outsourced processes can deteriorate into transactional, emotionally-disconnected experiences that disappoint customers.

Improving CX with BPO 

Here are some best practices for companies to maximize customer experience when outsourcing key business functions:

Create Seamless Handoff Experiences

Ensure workflows, systems and policies enable streamlined, integrated handoffs between in-house and outsourced teams. This minimizes customer effort and confusion.

Conduct Extensive Training

Comprehensive training should encompass company values, tone, culture and brand standards – not just process mechanics – to align outbound interactions.

Maintain Clear Communication

Consistent contact, site visits and performance reviews identifies issues early. Ensure outsourced teams understand evolving priorities and objectives.

Monitor Performance Closely 

Use CX metrics like CSAT, NPS and call resolution rate to gauge outsourcing quality. Review random call samples to refine training.

Solicit Direct Customer Feedback

Survey customers on their satisfaction with outsourced teams to surface any problems impacting brand perception early.

Build Strong Relationships 

Drive genuine engagement between internal stakeholders and outsourcing partners through on-site meetings, working groups and team building. 

Incentivize Customer-Centricity 

Incorporate CX metrics into outsourcing contracts. Reward performance that directly improves customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Evaluate Partners Holistically

Assess providers not just on cost, but also customer focus, flexibility, expertise, cultural fit and transition complexity.

Maintain Internal Capabilities

Keep nurturing in-house competencies in outsourced areas to enable smoother provider transitions if needed.

With sufficient effort to integrate and align outsourcing partners, companies can realize the upside of BPO without deteriorating the end-to-end customer journey.


Business process outsourcing can provide strategic advantages like cost savings, flexibility, technology access and increased focus on core business activities. However, BPO also introduces customer experience risks if communication, governance and oversight are not robust. To ensure outsourced teams deliver consistent, high-quality interactions, seamless handoffs, extensive brand-focused training, proactive performance management and relationship-building are essential. With the right partner and operating model, BPO can enhance rather than erode the customer experience.

In today’s experience-driven business landscape, evaluating outsourcing impacts across the entire customer lifecycle is imperative. By investing to integrate BPO providers as true extensions of the brand, companies can unlock the benefits of outsourcing without compromising the satisfaction and loyalty of the customers they depend on.