Targeting Influencers to Amplify Your Message – Wimgo

Targeting Influencers to Amplify Your Message

Influencer marketing has exploded in popularity over the last few years, and for good reason. Unlike traditional ads, influencer content comes straight from real people who have cultivated loyal followings based on authenticity and trust. When an influencer endorses a product they genuinely love, it holds so much more weight with their engaged audience.

I’ve seen firsthand how impactful influencer marketing can be for raising brand awareness and driving real business results when done strategically. But finding the right influencers and developing true partnerships takes time and effort. In this post, I’ll share everything I’ve learned about how to identify, vet, and collaborate with influencers who can help share your brand’s story.

Why Influencer Marketing is Effective

Influencer marketing has become one of the fastest growing digital marketing strategies because of its impressive benefits and ability to drive results. Here are some of the key reasons it works so well:

– Influencers Have Built Trust and Loyalty – Unlike traditional ads and promotional content, influencer content comes from real people who have nurtured genuine followings based on trust and loyalty around shared interests. Their audience sees them as a trusted source for recommendations.

– Taps Into the Power of Social Proof – When followers see influencers raving about a product or brand, they’re more likely to have a positive perception as well. Seeing the influencer endorse it provides a form of social proof.

– Improves Brand Awareness and Associations – Partnering with relevant influencers gives your brand exposure to new audiences in a natural way. Their content builds positive associations between your brand and the influencer’s area of expertise.

– Drives Conversions and Sales – Influencers can be extremely effective at driving traffic to your site or sales pages. Their calls-to-action feel organic rather than pushy or sales-y. 

– Cost-Effective Compared to Other Strategies – When you consider the reach, engagement levels, and conversion value an influencer partnership brings, it often yields a higher ROI than other paid digital strategies.

No wonder that marketers plan on increasing their influencer marketing budgets in the coming years. Now let’s talk about how to find and connect with the right influencers for your brand.

How to Identify Relevant Influencers for Your Brand

The first step is researching influencers within your industry or niche to find ones that seem like a good match. Here are some tips for identifying relevant influencers to potentially work with:

Evaluate Their Content Focus – Do they post content about topics, products, services or brands that relate to your business? The closer the match, the better. Make sure their interests align.

Assess Their Audience – Dig into their audience demographics and interests. Do they match your target audience and buyer personas? The more overlap the better.

Consider Their Aesthetic and Values – Zoom out and evaluate the influencer’s overall persona, style and values. Do they align with your brand’s look, feel and messaging? 

Evaluate Credibility – Look for influencers who are considered experts and thought leaders in their field. Their audience sees them as a trusted credible source to learn from.

Assess Engagement Levels – Look at their engagement rates on posts (likes, comments, etc), their overall following size, and subscriber growth. Higher engagement and faster follower growth indicates their audience finds them compelling.

Review Existing Brand Partnerships – See what other brands they’ve worked with previously, especially ones similar to yours. This clues you into their experience with sponsored content.

The goal is to identify a shortlist of relevant influencers who seem like they’d be a great fit with your brand aesthetically and have an engaged audience that matches your target demo.

Researching and Vetting Potential Influencer Partners

Once you have a list of potential influencer partners, the next step is vetting them further to ensure they align with your brand. Here are some things to look into:

Verify Content Authenticity – Do a gut check on their content and engagement levels. Do they seem genuine or are there signs of bot activity or inauthentic engagement? Fake or bought followers are a red flag.

Review Third-Party Analytics – Use a free tool like SocialBlade to look into their followers growth patterns and engagement levels over time. You want to see consistent and steady growth.

Check for Controversies – Do a thorough search of their name and handle to see if they’ve had any public scandals or controversies. These warning signs could hurt your brand.

Ask About Sponsored Post Rates – Many influencers will list their sponsored post prices publicly, but you can also inquire. Make sure the rates fit within your budget. Consider smaller nano or micro influencers too.

Look for Complimentary Values – Beyond relevant content topics, you also want to make sure their personal brand and values complement your brand. Look for red flags in the language they use and causes they promote.

Review Their Other Sponsors – It’s a good sign if they’ve worked with reputable brands before who align with your industry and brand values. But also make sure competing brands aren’t already heavily featured.

The goal of this vetting process is to narrow it down to a few highly qualified influencers who seem like an excellent match before reaching out.

Reaching Out and Establishing Relationships

Once you’ve identified some vetted influencers you’d like to work with, it’s time to reach out! Here are some tips for making contact and establishing an ongoing relationship:

Personalize Your Outreach – Make sure your introductory email explains why you think they’d be a great partner specifically and reference their content. Avoid mass templated outreach. 

Highlight Mutual Benefits – Speak to what is in it for them – increased brand exposure, working with a reputable brand, trying your products, earning an income, etc. Show you want the partnership to be a win-win.

Be Transparent About Expectations – Provide details upfront about your goals for the sponsorship, content expectations, usage rights, pricing and payment terms. Influencers want to understand the scope before committing.

Appeal to Their Interests – What excites them? Offer relevant products or experiences you think they’d genuinely enjoy and find interesting based on the influencer’s preferences. Cater to what motivates them.

Develop an Ongoing Relationship – Don’t treat it as a one-off transaction. Build a lasting relationship by engaging with their content, interacting regularly, and keeping them up-to-date on your company news they can share. 

By being thoughtful and personal in your outreach, you can establish organic relationships with influencers that feel authentic and mutually beneficial for both parties.

Developing a Strong Influencer Marketing Strategy

As you being identifying and reaching out to quality influencers in your space, you’ll also want to develop a broader strategy and plan for your influencer marketing campaigns. Here are some best practices:

Set Clear Goals – Identify your primary goals beforehand – brand awareness, generating leads, increasing sales, etc. Communicate this clearly when reaching out so content stays on-strategy.

Blend Macro and Micro Influencers – Partner with several tiers of influencers from nano to macro for a good balance of audience reach and engagement.

Mix Sponsored and Organic Content – Don’t solely rely on sponsored posts. Seek out influencers who will organically feature your brand as they truly enjoy it.

Provide Content and Visual Assets – Make things easy for influencers by providing any brand imagery, products, catalogs, content and messaging you want featured. 

Encourage Creativity – While providing guidelines, let the influencer maintain their creative voice. Their ideas often outperform branded content. 

Stagger Campaigns – Don’t saturate all at once. Plan a consistent cadence of influencer content across the year to continually build brand awareness.

By developing influencer relationships and campaigns strategically, you can maximize the impact over time and demonstrate clear ROI.

Creating Sponsored Content that Resonates

When it comes to creating compelling sponsored content in collaboration with influencers, here are some elements that tend to perform well:

Spotlight Product Benefits – Don’t just focus on features. Showcase how your product improves people’s lives in meaningful ways.

Share Interesting Brand Stories – Audiences love hearing insider details on how your brand started, your values and mission, or notable company news. 

Highlight Exclusive Offers or Discounts – Special promo codes or early access to new products make followers feel like they’re getting VIP treatment.

Incorporate UGC Content – User generated content like their own photos featuring your brand or product performs extremely well. Audiences love authenticity.

Co-Create Content – Brainstorm creative content formats together combining your expertise and the influencer’s unique style. This could include reels, IGTV videos, shoppable posts, and more. 

Add Personal Context – Content should feel like their unique perspective, not a cut and paste ad. Encourage them to incorporate personal anecdotes and behind-the-scenes details.

At the end of the day, content works best when influencers can authentically showcase why they enjoy your brand and products through their own lens.

Measuring and Optimizing Your Influencer Campaigns 

It’s crucial to closely track performance of your influencer content in order to optimize your partnerships and strategy over time. Here are some key metrics to monitor:

  • Engagement rates on sponsored posts (likes, comments, etc)
  • Click-through rates on links and calls-to-action
  • Website traffic driven from influencer content
  • Conversions generated (email sign-ups, purchases, etc)
  • Brand awareness lift from pre to post-campaign surveys
  • Return on investment  from partnerships

Based on results, you can double down on high-performing content formats, endInactive partner relationships, and adjust your overall influencer mix and cadence. 

Over time, you can build up an all-star set of influencer partners and strategies that deliver against your campaign goals and provide impressive ROI.


When executed strategically, influencer marketing can become a core component of your digital marketing strategy that complements other channels like paid ads and organic social media. By identifying and vetting the right influencers, developing authentic relationships, collaborating on compelling content, and tracking performance – you can amplify your brand message in a cost-effective way.

Hopefully this guide provided a helpful framework as you explore and optimize influencer marketing. Partnering with influencers who genuinely know, like and trust your brand is a powerful way to scale your message and connect with your target audience. Just remember to keep it authentic!