Streamlining Onboarding for New Clients – Wimgo

Streamlining Onboarding for New Clients

Onboarding new clients is a crucial process that sets the foundation for a successful long-term relationship. However, onboarding can often feel chaotic and disorganized, leaving new clients confused and you frustrated. 

The key to an effective onboarding process is having standardized systems and procedures in place to streamline each step—from contract signing to training and beyond. When executed efficiently, onboarding gets clients quickly up to speed while requiring minimal effort on your end.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore proven strategies to streamline onboarding and delight new clients from day one.

Use Onboarding Checklists to Standardize Each Step

One of the easiest ways to streamline onboarding is to develop checklists outlining each task required. Include checklists for:

– Legal and paperwork – Ensure all contracts, tax forms, and paperwork are signed and collected before moving forward.

– Account setup – List all technology, software, logins, and access required to get a new client started.

– Product/service delivery – Detail exactly how your product/service will be implemented, any configuration required, and steps for the client to start using it.  

– Training – List out each training module, presentation, or resource you will provide to train new clients.

– Feedback collection – Schedule times during onboarding to gather feedback through surveys or calls.

Standardizing each phase of onboarding with checklists provides consistency for each new client. It also reduces the stress of trying to remember tasks off the top of your head.

Be sure to make the checklists easy to access and shareable, either in collaborative project management software or a client success portal. You can assign owners and due dates to each task to keep onboarding on track.

Automate Repetitive Onboarding Tasks

Many onboarding steps involve repetitive, manual tasks like sending welcome emails, creating account credentials, and setting up profiles.

These tasks are prime opportunities for automation using tools like:

– Client onboarding software – Purpose-built tools like ChurnZero and Appcues automate onboarding workflows.

– Email marketing software – Send scheduled welcome series and create pre-written templates for common onboarding emails. 

– Document generation software – Instantly generate custom documents by merging client data into templates.

– Robotic process automation (RPA) – Automate repetitive, rules-based tasks like data entry.

– Integration platforms – Connect your CRM, marketing automation, billing and other systems to pass data between platforms automatically.

Identify manual tasks that take up the most time during onboarding and set up automation flows. This allows your team to focus on high-value activities like training and consulting with new clients.

Assign New Clients an Onboarding Buddy 

Navigating a new product or service on your own can be challenging for clients. Consider pairing new sign-ups with onboarding buddies on your team.

Onboarding buddies act as guides during the first few weeks of onboarding. They:

– Introduce themselves as a dedicated contact for questions.

– Provide 1:1 training and walkthroughs of your product/services.

– Check in regularly to see if the client is stuck or needs assistance.

– Act as liaisons between the client and any internal teams needed during onboarding.

– Gather feedback on the client’s onboarding experience so far.

This white-glove touch helps clients ramp up faster. It also splits onboarding tasks across your broader team versus one account manager handling everything. 

Rotate onboarding buddy assignments each month so teammates build knowledge across your client lifecycle.

Create Thorough Client Documentation

Clear, comprehensive documentation minimizes clients’ need to ask basic questions. Yet, clients often receive minimal documentation to explore your product or services on their own.

Create detailed onboarding documentation that gives new clients all the info needed to get up and running including:

– Product manuals – User guides and help docs explaining your product and key features. Include screenshots and videos where helpful.

– Policy and process docs – Document important policies, procedures, and workflows clients should know. For example, support and billing processes.

–  FAQs – Compile common questions and answers in an FAQ doc. Periodically review questions clients ask during onboarding to improve the FAQ.

– Release notes – Keep clients informed about new features and product updates relevant to them.

Make documentation easily discoverable through lucidchart in a knowledge base or client success portal. Produce documentation suitable for beginners using simple language and liberal visual aids.

Start Knowledge Transfer During the Sales Process 

Don’t wait until contract signing to start knowledge transfer. Begin educating potential clients during the sales process by:

– Clearly explaining your methodology, services, technologies, and terminology you use. Don’t assume deep prior knowledge.

– Making sales presentations and collateral educational by exploring product features, implementation, and the client experience.

– Introducing clients to key team members they’ll be interacting with during onboarding.

– Providing product demos and free trials for hands-on test drives before purchase.

– Outlining exactly what onboarding entails and what clients can expect if signing on.

Educating clients from the start reduces ramp up time post-sale by priming clients to hit the ground running. It also demonstrates your dedication to client success beyond just making the sale.

Set Expectations Upfront

Unmet expectations are a common cause of client frustration during onboarding. Be explicit about what new clients can expect by providing an onboarding roadmap detailing:

– All implementation and training milestones along with owners and timelines.

– Required tasks and prerequisites for the client to complete at each step. 

– Expected proficiency level at the end of onboarding. For example, comfort navigating the product or executing key workflows.

– Pricing schedule and major billing milestones that will occur.

– Typical challenges clients face during your onboarding process.

– Avenues for support when clients get stuck or have questions.

With clear expectations set, clients understand what they need to accomplish at each stage and can plan accordingly. There are no surprises down the line derailing onboarding.

Gather Feedback Early and Often

Assume clients will encounter obstacles and points of confusion during onboarding—don’t wait until go-live to gather feedback.

Build in regular client feedback collection throughout onboarding:

– After key milestones – Check in with clients to get feedback after significant events like product deployment, training programs, billing, etc.

– Through pulse surveys – Send brief surveys asking pointed questions about the onboarding experience thus far and areas for improvement. 

– During onboarding calls – Ask for feedback verbally at the end of consultations and make it comfortable for clients to raise concerns.

– In the client portal – Provide an online channel for clients to submit feedback anytime.

Use feedback immediately to fine-tune and clarify any gray areas in the onboarding process before clients go live.

Develop Training Programs to Quickly Skill Up New Clients

Even with stellar documentation, most clients need hands-on training to successfully adopt your product or service. Develop onboarding training programs that teach clients key skills fast including:  

– Recorded video tutorials – Create a video library walking through product navigation, features, workflows, etc. Segment into short videos for quick learning.

– Live virtual training – Lead interactive virtual workshops focused on critical workflows clients need to master.

– Classroom-style courses – For more complex services, develop a structured curriculum broken into classes that build on each other.

– Quick start guides – Condense teachings from training programs into simple one-page job aids organized by task. 

– Cheat sheets – Provide downloadable cheat sheets highlighting keyboard shortcuts, tips, and commands that are easy to reference.

Training programs give clients the know-how to hit the ground running while requiring less 1:1 handholding down the line. Structure programs into digestible chunks instead of firehose sessions.

Create Quick Start Guides for Your Product or Service 

In a perfect world, clients would eagerly consume hours of training content you provide. In reality, most only have a short time to quickly get up to speed. 

Create visually focused quick start guides that teach the absolute fundamentals. Think:

– Brief explanations of your methodology.

– Product navigation overview with screenshots. 

– The exact steps to complete 1-2 critical workflows from start to finish. 

– Contact info for support.

Keep it to 1-2 pages that clients can review in under 10 minutes. The goal is to get clients functionally using your product or service rapidly. You can provide more advanced training later.

Celebrate Onboarding Milestones

Finally, look for opportunities to celebrate and commend clients at key onboarding milestones. Recognizing progress makes clients feel confident, accomplished, and excited to continue the journey.

Ways to celebrate onboarding wins:

– Send a congratulatory email or small gift when product implementation is complete.

– Highlight clients who complete training courses in your company newsletter.

– Throw a meetup or virtual party when a cohort of new clients finish onboarding.

– Award virtual badges, points, or certifications as clients hit milestones.

– Get executive leadership to recognize and congratulate new clients.

Celebrating keeps clients engaged while spreading positive word-of-mouth about your onboarding experience.


Streamlining onboarding results in simpler, smoother client acquisitions that delight rather than frustrate new sign-ups.

This allows your team to handle growing client bases without increased headcount and clients to adopt your solution faster.

By codifying your onboarding process into standardized systems, automating redundant tasks, assigning onboarding buddies, and providing stellar support, you’ll ensure new clients ramp up quickly.

Happy onboarding!