Staying Consistent with Brand Voice in PR Materials – Wimgo

Staying Consistent with Brand Voice in PR Materials

In today’s super-saturated marketplace, standing out from the pack is tougher than ever. One of the most powerful ways to set your company apart and connect with your people is through a distinct, consistent brand voice.

Your brand voice includes the tone, style, and messaging that brings your brand personality to life. It comes through in everything you do – from your website to social posts to press releases. Keeping your voice on point strengthens recognition and trust with your customers.

But nailing down a clear brand voice and keeping it real in PR materials can be a challenge. Press releases, media pitches, spokesperson quotes, and other PR content should align with your core brand identity while also adapting for different situations.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dig into best practices for crafting and keeping consistent an awesome brand voice, with a focus on PR. Let’s do this!

What is Brand Voice?

Your brand voice is a strategic tool that brings your brand identity and personality to life. It encompasses:

– Tone: The attitude and emotional nuance conveyed in your messaging (e.g. sincere, humorous, professional, casual).

– Style: The grammatical and syntactic structuring of your content (e.g. concise, conversational, formal, descriptive).

– Messaging: The core ideas, values, and themes emphasized in your communications.

An authentic, recognizable brand voice serves several important functions:

– Differentiates your brand in a crowded market by showcasing your unique personality.

– Builds trust and affinity by communicating your values clearly and consistently.

– Increases memorability through differentiated messaging and tone.

– Reinforces your positioning by keeping messaging focused on your core identity.

– Supports thought leadership by providing principled perspectives on industry issues. 

– Boosts engagement by connecting with audiences in a human, relatable way.

The most memorable brand voices stay true to themselves while also adapting appropriate variations for different mediums and audiences.

Why Brand Voice Matters

A clear, consistent brand voice is crucial for making meaningful connections and increasing trust among target audiences. Here are some key reasons why brand voice should be a priority:


Using a distinctive tone and style in your PR materials makes your brand stand out. Audiences come to associate that voice with your company. Maintaining consistency strengthens that recognition every time they encounter your brand.


When audiences recognize your brand voice, it signals expertise, authenticity and thought leadership. A consistent voice builds confidence that communications reflect your true brand identity.


An authentic brand voice that resonates with your audience is more likely to spark meaningful engagement across platforms, from social media interactions to traditional media coverage.


The human touch of a relatable brand voice fosters emotional bonds between a company and its customers. This drives loyalty, retention and advocacy.


A strong brand voice provides flexibility to tailor communications for different mediums and audiences while retaining core identity.


With clear brand voice guidelines in place, employees can craft public relations materials efficiently. This results in consistent, effective messaging across channels.

In summary, a recognizable brand voice is an invaluable asset that helps you connect with target audiences in a cluttered marketplace. Investing time to develop and maintain your unique voice pays dividends across branding, PR and advertising initiatives.

Elements of an Effective Brand Voice  

What distinguishes a weak brand voice from a strong, magnetic one? These core elements are key to developing an impactful brand voice:


Your brand voice should communicate your positioning, values and personality clearly. Messaging should align with a focused identity rather than trying to be all things to all people.


While allowing for flexibility to suit different contexts, the fundamentals of your tone, style and messaging must remain identifiable as your brand.


Find ways to showcase your brand’s unique perspective and approach to stand out from competitors.


The voice should feel sincere and human. Avoid seeming gimmicky, forced or disconnected from your true identity.


Resonate with your target audience by addressing their needs, interests and emotions.


While the core elements persist, the voice can flex to suit different mediums, campaigns and audiences.

When all these traits come together cohesively, your brand voice becomes a valuable strategic asset that drives engagement across channels.

Tips for Developing a Distinctive Brand Voice

How can you thoughtfully craft a brand voice strategy that works for your company? Here are some best practices:

Identify your target audiences

Get clear on who you want to connect with emotionally. Defining audience demographics and psychographics is key to voicing content that will resonate.

Analyze competitors 

Examine how competitors position themselves and what niches exist to own a distinct space in the industry.

Clarify brand values 

What core values or personality traits make your brand special? Authenticity stems from conveying these in your voice.

Know your positioning

How do you distinguish your brand from alternatives? What makes your approach fresh and valuable to customers?

Extract key themes

Identify 3-5 key messaging themes or pillars critical to reinforcing your desired brand perception.

Define ideal tone

Consider the attitude you want to project (casual, formal, humorous, sincere, etc).

Develop style guidelines 

Pinpoint grammatical conventions, diction, and structural elements that embody your ideal voice.

Examine brand inspiration 

Look at examples of beloved brand voices and unpack why they are effective.

Create voice guidelines

Document tone, style, messaging and vocabulary guidelines that writers can reference. 

Gather employee feedback

Get internal perspectives on brand identity and ideal voice. Incorporate insights into guidelines.

Produce voice samples 

Generate writing samples across contexts to make abstraction concrete for employees.

This strategic process results in a nuanced brand voice guide that clarifies desired tone, style and messaging principles while leaving room for flexibility. With these foundations built, maintaining voice consistency in PR becomes much more achievable.

Maintaining a Consistent Brand Voice Across PR Materials

Public relations content like press releases, media pitches, quotes and thought leadership articles need to convey your brand identity while adapting to different audiences and contexts. How can you ensure voice consistency despite variables? 

Start with brand voice guidelines 

Begin any project by reviewing your core tone, style and messaging principles. This realigns creative instincts with established identity.

Analyze audience and context

Before writing, clarify the audience perspective. Consider tone and emphasis adjustments needed to maximize relevance without compromising voice.

Use an editorial style guide

Maintain a style manual that specifies vocabulary, conventions, formatting and best practices for PR writing.

Leverage templates

Develop reusable press release, pitch and article templates that already reflect your ideal voice.

Establish an approval workflow

Route PR materials through stakeholders tasked with ensuring brand alignment and voice consistency.

Compare against samples

Measure new communications against existing samples that represent your brand voice well.  

Provide creative feedback

When giving input, reference specific tone, style and messaging principles from your guidelines.

Offer voice training  

Educate teams on brand identity and editorial guidelines with workshops or documentation.

Recognize success

Call out great examples of on-brand content internally to reinforce voice excellence. 

With a thoughtful approval process, shared guidelines and training resources, your PR team can consistently bring your brand voice to life.

Adapting Your Brand Voice for Different Audiences  

Whilevoice consistency is crucial, you also need flexibility to tailor your language, style and tone to suit different audiences. Here are some ways to adapt your voice while staying true to your core identity.

Adjust formality 

Maintain style guidelines while allowing formality levels to shift. Less formal for social media, more formal for press releases.

Focus messaging

Emphasize key brand messages that will resonate most with a target demographic.

Conform to medium conventions

Adapt tone and style appropriately for the medium. More visual language for video, more data-driven language for whitepapers.

Personalize narratives

Share stories and anecdotes relevant to the audience’s interests and pain points.

Speak to psychographics

Understand motivations and values of audience psychographics to connect emotionally.  

Consider audience knowledge 

Avoid oversimplifying for experts or using too much jargon for students. 

Stress appropriate benefits

Highlight product or service benefits specifically valuable to that group.

Adopt in-group vocabulary

Use vocabulary and slang appropriate for highly specific communities. Don’t overdo it.

Localize language 

Adapt tone and phrasing to reflect local dialects without sounding unnatural.

The most relatable, flexible brand voices hold true to core identity while feeling tailored, nuanced and human. With audience understanding, you can achieve this balance.

Bringing Your Brand Voice to Life in PR Materials 

Let’s examine how consistent brand voice can elevate different public relations collateral.

Press Releases

Introduce your company voice boldly up front through quotes and messaging. Use active, results-driven language showcasing achievements. Follow established style guidelines for optimal structure and clarity. Include human interest narratives that reflect brand values for color.

Media Pitches

After establishing credentials, adopt a conversational yet professional tone. Ask questions to engage the reporter. Outline potential interview angles focused on brand messaging and audience interests. Convey passion and expertise on the subject while respecting media targets’ busy schedules.

Spokespeople Quotes

Leverage quotes to infuse brand personality. Comments should always reinforce positioning and core values. Prepare a few on-brand quotes related to likely topics of interest in advance for spokespeople to pull from quickly. 

Thought Leadership Articles 

Showcase your distinct point of view on industry trends aligned with your messaging pillars. Blend data, expert opinions and brand commentary to build credibility. Keep style academic yet approachable. Build a consistent library of bylined content to associate your brand with thought leadership.

Social Media

Social content represents a great opportunity to establish a human voice. Adopt a friendly, casual tone while staying professional. Respond to followers and engage influencers authentically while reinforcing brand identity. 

Tailoring brand voice carefully for each PR context makes your unique identity shine through.


A clear, consistent brand voice is invaluable for making meaningful connections with target audiences in an impersonal digital age. However, bringing that cohesive voice to life across a spectrum of public relations materials requires strategy and diligence. 

By defining and documenting tone, style and messaging principles, training teams on proper voice usage, establishing approval workflows, and adapting voice to suit audiences while retaining core identity, brands can make the most of this potent asset.

A brand voice is more than a slogan or tagline. It’s a nuanced, strategic platform for consistent engagement and thought leadership. Take the time to develop and implement your unique voice, and it will pay dividends across communications channels, boosting memorability, affinity and trust.