Optimizing a Wholesale, Distribution Model – Wimgo

Optimizing a Wholesale, Distribution Model

If you run a manufacturing or consumer goods business, having an effective wholesale distribution model is absolutely critical to get your products in front of customers. Wholesaling allows you to leverage external retail partners to handle sales rather than building out your own retail operations. It can help you rapidly scale distribution without immense capital investment.

But developing a seamless, optimized wholesale model takes effort. Like a complex machine, every part needs to sync up flawlessly for peak performance. Friction in any area, whether it’s inventory management, warehouse operations, delivery logistics or retail relationships, can hinder growth and eat into profits.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore practical strategies for optimizing each component of your wholesale distribution model. From leveraging technology to rightsizing inventory and nurturing win-win retail partnerships, we’ll cover how to build a high-efficiency system to drive revenue and profits.

While establishing an optimized distribution model requires upfront work, the long-term payoff is immense. By keeping costs low, inventory moving swiftly to retail partners, and profits healthy, you can rapidly scale your business. Let’s dive into the details.

Streamline Operations and Reduce Costs

One of the biggest opportunities to optimize wholesale distribution is streamlining operations to reduce costs. There are several strategies for doing this:

Optimize Inventory Management

Carrying excess inventory leads to higher warehouse costs and tied up cash flow. Use historical sales data and forecasting to keep stock levels lean. Implement inventory management software to track stock in real-time. Set up automatic re-ordering for staple products. 

Refine Order Fulfillment 

Look for ways to speed up order processing and fulfillment. This could involve upgrading warehouse management software, implementing scan guns and mobile technology to reduce steps, or automating certain tasks like picking and packing. Even small time savings per order adds up to big results.

Reduce Transportation Spend

Transportation is often one of the highest costs in distribution. Look for ways to optimize routes and consolidate less-than-truckload shipments. It may be possible to negotiate better rates with carriers. Consider bringing transportation in-house if it makes sense financially.

Evaluate Warehouse Footprint 

Assess if it’s possible to reduce warehouse space by eliminating inefficiencies in layout and storage. Consider if inventory could be spread across multiple smaller warehouses to save costs. Footprint optimization depends on inventory volumes and order throughput needs.

Leverage Technology 

Technology is a must for efficient wholesale distribution today. Inventory management software provides visibility into stock levels in real-time. Warehouse management systems help track inventory within the warehouse and automate certain tasks like pick-and-pack. Transportation management software can optimize delivery routes and shipping decisions.

Other technologies like barcode scanners, mobile devices, RFID, and automated picking robots also boost productivity and accuracy in the warehouse. The right technology investments can significantly streamline wholesale operations. Focus on solutions that will provide the most impactful benefits.

Strategic Warehouse Locations

Where you locate your warehouses is a key consideration for optimizing distribution. Facilities should be positioned close to suppliers, raw materials, and key retailers to minimize transportation costs. Population density, availability of labor, construction costs, taxes, and utility expenses also factor into the ideal locations. 

Model out different scenarios with logistics optimization software to determine the optimal number, size, and locations of warehouses to support your wholesale business. Having multiple smaller regional warehouses can provide better customer service and flexibility than one large central warehouse. 

As your business grows or retail partners change, remain open to adjusting warehouse locations to improve efficiency.

Building Relationships with Retailers

Developing strong relationships with retailers is vital for a thriving wholesale distribution business. Some tips for optimizing your retail partnerships:

– Communicate often – Have open lines of communication to understand their needs, challenges, and success metrics. Make it easy for them to share data and insights.

– Offer education – Provide training and educational materials to help retailers better sell your products. Invest in their success.

– Simplify purchasing – Make the ordering process highly efficient by enabling EDI, online portals, and integration with their systems. 

– Share data insights – Supply sales data, trends, and analyses to help retailers optimize their inventory and purchasing. 

– Problem solve together – When issues inevitably occur, collaborate to solve them rather than pointing blame.

– Host events – Events are valuable for networking, training, and fostering stronger connections.

When retailers are successful in selling your products, your wholesale business thrives. Dedicate resources to building win-win partnerships.

Offer Incentives and Value-Added Services

Offering incentives and additional services to retailers can help incentivize and streamline the wholesale relationship. Consider providing:

– Volume discounts – Offer discounted pricing for retailers who purchase above certain order volumes. This rewards loyalty and higher purchases.

– Marketing collateral – Supply useful marketing materials like product photos, descriptions, promo ads and pricing to make it easy for retailers to promote your products.

– Sales support – Share customer insights and trends to help retailers optimize their sales strategy for your products.

– Merchandising assistance – Provide guidance and resources to help retailers effectively display and merchandise your products in-store.

– Training – Conduct training sessions to educate retail sales teams on your products. Enhance their ability to sell.

– Cooperative advertising – Reimburse a portion of retailers’ marketing costs when they promote your products.

The more value you can provide, the stronger your retail relationships will become.

Adapt to Ecommerce and Online Sales 

The growth of ecommerce has greatly impacted wholesale distribution. More retailers are using online channels to purchase inventory. They expect the same seamless ordering experience as a business-to-consumer website. 

To adapt, wholesalers should invest in robust ecommerce portals and integrated systems that make ordering simple. Offer APIs that allow integration with retailers’ platforms and back-end systems. Provide digital assets and product information they need for online sales. 

Wholesalers may also consider a “drop ship” fulfillment model. Retailers order products online which are then shipped directly from the wholesaler to consumers. This simplifies inventory management for retailers.

Analyze how your retail partners want to conduct online business. Ensure your wholesale operations can meet their ecommerce needs.


Optimizing your wholesale distribution model takes effort but pays major dividends through reduced costs and more streamlined operations. The strategies discussed in this article, including leveraging technology, building retail relationships, reducing transportation costs, right-sizing inventory, and adapting to ecommerce provide a blueprint for distribution excellence.

Focus on finding and eliminating any points of friction or inefficiency. Approach optimization as an ongoing process, not a one-time project. A highly optimized model allows you to deliver exceptional service to your retail partners and fuel growth for your business.