Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools for Building AI Assistants – Wimgo

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tools for Building AI Assistants

Let’s face it – AI chatbots and virtual assistants are taking over our digital lives. From Alexa playfully badgering us at home to that sassy support chatbot saving us time online, artificial intelligence is transforming how we interact with technology in our everyday lives.

But what powers these conversational AI interfaces that seem to understand and respond like real humans? The secret sauce is actually natural language processing (NLP). NLP enables machines to comprehend, interpret, and generate natural sounding human language. With advanced capabilities like speech recognition, language understanding, and text generation made possible by NLP, AI assistants can chat with us casually and helpfully, almost like a friend.

In this post, I’ll reveal the top 10 NLP tools available now for constructing the most human-like AI assistants imaginable. We’ll explore the key language capabilities needed to make AI conversant, and how the leading tools make it possible. Read on to learn how to leverage cutting-edge NLP to concoct your own chatty AI helper!

Core NLP Capabilities Needed for AI Assistants

At a high level, here are the core NLP capabilities needed to power effective and conversational AI assistants:

Speech recognition – The ability to accurately transcribe spoken language into text. This allows users to talk to the assistant.

Natural language understanding (NLU) – Helps the assistant understand the intent behind text or spoken language and extract relevant meaning. 

Dialogue management – Using context and knowledge, the assistant can have intelligent conversations that flow naturally.

Natural language generation (NLG) – The assistant needs to generate natural sounding text responses.

Text-to-speech – Allowing the assistant’s responses to be spoken aloud.

Let’s look at some of the top tools available today that deliver on each of these key NLP capabilities for building great AI assistants.

Top 10 NLP Tools for Building AI Assistants

1. Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API

Google’s Cloud Speech-to-Text API allows for easy integration of speech recognition into applications. Some key features include:

– Accurate transcription of audio to text in over 120 languages and variants.

– Contextual recognition based on previous conversations and external context.

– Customization for accurate recognition of domain-specific vocabulary. 

– Stream or batch audio processing.

This tool delivers easy and highly accurate speech recognition for AI assistants. It can transcribe user queries and commands from audio into text for the assistant to act on.

2. Dialogflow ES

Dialogflow Enterprise Edition from Google provides robust natural language understanding. Key features:

– Intent classification and entity extraction to understand conversation goals.

– Contextual awareness and follow-up recommendations using sentiment, intent history, and session data.

– Seamless integration with other NLP services like speech recognition and text-to-speech.

– Scalability for advanced conversational experiences.

Dialogflow ES powers the NLU capabilities for many AI assistant use cases. It can determine a user’s intent and extract key pieces of information from conversations.

3. Rasa NLU 

As an open-source alternative, Rasa NLU offers conversational AI capabilities like:

– Intent classification, entity extraction, and sentiment analysis.

– Prebuilt pipelines and models for common NLP tasks.

– Customizable pipeline configuration for domain-specific use cases.

– Visual tooling to train, debug, and improve NLU models.

Rasa enables building contextual assistants by helping analyze and understand unstructured conversational text.

4. Amazon Lex

AWS’s conversational AI service has these main features:

– Speech recognition integration with Transcribe.

– Language understanding with prebuilt intents and slots.

– Validation, fulfillment and response building within chatbot conversations. 

– Scaling capabilities for handling high volumes of users.

Lex makes it easy to add smart conversational interfaces to applications. It combines language understanding and dialogue management to create fluid bot conversations.

5. IBM Watson Assistant

IBM Watson Assistant is a leading enterprise-grade dialogue solution. Highlights include:

– Natural language understanding driven by machine learning.

– Contextual awareness of conversations with users.

– Integration with business data and systems.

– Dialogue design tools and customization options.

– Scalability to enterprise workloads.

The assistant can understand context, identify intents, and have natural conversations. It helps manage the dialogue flow for complex assistants.

6. PyTorch-NLP

This PyTorch library provides common NLP capabilities like:

– Text classification, translation, and sequence modeling tools.

– Pretrained transformers for machine learning on text.

– Conversational AI models like decoder-only transformers.

– Optimization for production deployments.

PyTorch-NLP allows developers to apply powerful ML models and techniques for NLP applications like assistants.


The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is a popular Python library with NLP functionality including:

– Text processing, tokenization, and linguistic analysis.

– Entity recognition and tagging.

– Classification, sequencing, and parsing models.

– Training corpora and lexical resources.

NLTK provides the building blocks for core NLP tasks when developing assistants and chatbots.

8. spaCy

As another Python NLP library, spaCy provides:

– pretrained models for tagging, parsing, named entity recognition and more.

– Vocabulary and similarity tools.

– Integration of transformers and word vectors.

– Conversation component for dialog context.

spaCy excels at helping extract meaning from text during NLU for assistants. Its statistical models analyze and process natural language.

9. Hugging Face Transformers

This library offers production-ready NLP models like:

– Conversational AI models for dialogue. 

– Text generation models for fluent responses.

– Q&A extractive models.

– Text summarization.

– 70+ state-of-the-art models covering most NLP tasks.

The advanced transformer models can generate human-like text for an assistant’s responses.

10. Coqui TTS

Coqui provides state-of-the-art text-to-speech capabilities:

– Neural vocoder models generate human-like speech from text.

– Smallfootprint models for on-device deployment. 

– Tools to synthesize, manipulate, and convert voice.

Coqui TTS can create natural sounding speech from an AI assistant’s generated text responses.

Putting the Tools Together to Build an AI Assistant

Combining multiple NLP tools together can enable building sophisticated AI assistants. Here is one example architecture:

– Speech recognition handled by Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API. Users’ spoken queries and commands are transcribed to text.

– Rasa NLU analyzes the text to determine intent and extract entities. This understands the user’s goal and key information.

– The dialogue is managed by IBM Watson Assistant, which uses context and responses to have a coherent conversation.

– For generating text responses, Hugging Face transformers create natural language.

– Finally, Coqui TTS converts the assistant’s text into natural speech for users.

This demonstrates how leveraging leading NLP tooling at each layer enables AI assistants to converse naturally. The various capabilities work together to understand, converse with, and respond to users.


NLP is driving rapid advances in AI assistants by enabling natural conversations. As this post covered, some of the top NLP tools include Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, Dialogflow ES, Rasa, Amazon Lex, IBM Watson Assistant, PyTorch-NLP, NLTK, spaCy, Hugging Face Transformers, and Coqui TTS. 

Combining tools that provide speech recognition, language understanding, dialogue management, text generation, and speech synthesis allows developers to create AI assistants that understand natural language, have engaging conversations, and generate human-like responses.

The future promises even more human-like AI powered by continued innovation in the supporting NLP technologies. As these tools improve, AI assistants will become ubiquitous in our work and personal lives, helping us be more productive and enhancing how we interact with technology.