Measuring BPO Success with Performance Metrics – Wimgo

Measuring BPO Success with Performance Metrics

Outsourcing business processes to external providers (known as business process outsourcing or BPO) can be a smart strategy for companies looking to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and focus their precious internal resources. But how do you really know if your BPO initiatives are delivering results? 

Far too many organizations end up disappointed with their outsourcing engagements because they failed to implement robust performance tracking. They crossed their fingers and hoped for the best rather than taking a data-driven approach.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the key metrics every company should monitor to gauge the health and success of their BPO relationships. I’ll share best practices for setting targets, analyzing trends, identifying issues early, and ultimately creating a feedback loop for continuous improvement. 

With the right metrics approach, you gain incredible visibility into your outsourcing operations and partners. This provides the insights needed to course correct and optimize success.

So let’s dig in and explore the fundamentals of measuring business process outsourcing…

Why BPO Metrics Matter

Outsourcing advocates will sell you on incredible cost savings and efficiency gains. But those rosy visions often fail to materialize. Why? Because most organizations don’t invest enough in measuring if those benefits are actually occurring.

They outsource a process blindly without baselining costs and performance. Months later they realizeClient satisfaction is dropping. Quality issues are rampant. Turnover is soaring at the vendor. But with no historical data, they have no clue when or why these problems started.

Don’t let this happen to you! Make BPO metrics a priority from day one. Think of it as your outsourcing insurance policy. Performance tracking gives you an early warning system to detect problems and protect your interests. 

With clear metrics, you maintain transparency and accountability with your BPO partner. Rather than vague sentiments, you have hard data to show if they’re fulfilling expectations. This prevents disagreements and focuses everyone on improvements.

In short, robust metrics are crucial for an outsourcing arrangement you can trust – and optimize over the long haul. Let’s explore the key metrics to prioritize.

Top Operational Metrics 

Operational metrics provide insights into the tactical day-to-day workings of your outsourced process. They help assess execution quality and output. 

Four vital operational metrics to track include:

Cost Savings

For most companies, a driving force behind outsourcing is cutting costs. So monitoring your actual realized cost reductions versus in-house processing costs is imperative. 

This includes total labor, overhead, IT expenses, training, and any other costs tied to the process. Thoroughly baseline your internal costs before outsourcing to quantify your starting point A. 

From there, track actual BPO expenditures over time to assess savings trends and opportunities. For example, if call support costs you $20 internally but the BPO handles it for $15, that’s a 25% direct saving.


Productivity reflects how much output is being produced over time by your BPO vendor. Common productivity metrics include:

– Calls, tickets, or cases processed per rep per hour/day/month

– Average handle time per transaction  

– Total volume of transactions processed monthly

Tracking productivity helps determine if your partner maintains sufficient throughput given their resources. Sudden downward trends could signal issues like poor training, tools, or hiring.


The accuracy rate quantifies defects and errors in the work product. It provides a quality check on outputs. 

Accuracy equals the number of transactions completed correctly divided by the total. Industry benchmarks vary. Data entry might target 98-99% accuracy. Call centers may aim for 95-97% for complex inquiries.

Regardless, monitor accuracy over time to catch dips quickly. Compare accuracy across regions, departments, and agents to identify training gaps.

Cycle Times

Cycle time measures the average duration to fully complete a transaction or case from start to finish. The goal is to reduce cycle times for quicker customer service and throughput.

Assessing cycle times helps determine if your partner meets turnaround time agreements. Spiking cycle times could reflect insufficient staffing, poor processes, or other productivity barriers.

Top Strategic Metrics

While operational metrics provide tactical insights, strategic metrics indicate the broader business impact of your BPO engagement. They align outsourcing results to your core goals.

Two critical strategic metrics to track include:

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction levels convey the end-user experience with your outsourced process. Ways to measure include:

– Customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys

– Net Promoter Score (NPS)

– Monitoring ratings and reviews

– Focus groups and interviews

– Tracking complaints

Declining satisfaction signals problems with agent expertise, tools, or execution. This defeats the purpose of outsourcing for better experiences.

Service Level Agreement (SLA) Performance 

SLAs contractually define your partner’s obligations for critical metrics like response time, resolution speed, uptime, and accuracy.

Closely monitoring SLA performance reveals if your vendor consistently meets service commitments. Chronic missed or breached SLAs indicate capability gaps needing attention.

Key Target Setting Tips

With metrics defined, establishing targets provides performance goals for your BPO partner. Well-set targets allow easier progress assessment over time.

For operational metrics, base targets on:

– Internal baseline before outsourcing

– Benchmarks for your industry

– Best historical performance  

– Contractual commitments

– Vendor capabilities

For satisfaction and attrition, leverage past performance and competitive benchmarks.

Revisit targets quarterly and revise as needed based on trends and circumstances. Exceeding targets consistently signals room for more stretch goals.

Analyzing Metrics and Forecasting 

Simply tracking metrics isn’t enough. To extract insights, you need robust analysis including:

– Centralized dashboard – Maintain an automated, visual dashboard compiling all critical outsourcing metrics in one place. Far better than scattered, stale spreadsheets.

– Standard reporting cadence – Define appropriate intervals for digesting each metric, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

– Data segmentation – Break down performance data by different dimensions like region, contract type, process type, department, or individual agent. Reveals improvement opportunities. 

– Visualized progress – Use charts, graphs, and tables to represent progress against targets over time. Annotate with contextual insights. 

– Proactive sharing – Distribute reports and analysis to both internal process owners and your BPO for transparency.

– Root cause analysis – When unfavorable trends occur, dig into the reasons like training gaps, poor tools, ineffective agents, etc.

– Forecasting – Leverage historical performance to forecast future metric trajectories based on planned improvements.

Thoughtful analysis should yield recommendations to optimize performance through better training, tools, management focus, collaboration, and more. Continued tracking verifies whether interventions positively impact metrics.

The BPO Metrics Playbook

Here are some key tips to operationalize a metrics-focused approach to outsourcing:

1. Baseline pre-outsourcing performance – Thoroughly quantify costs, productivity, accuracy, cycle times, and satisfaction before outsourcing. This provides your improvement bar.

2. Define and collect key metrics – Per the guidance above, determine the vital few operational and strategic metrics tied to your goals. Track consistently.

3. Set targets – Establish reasonable but ambitious targets for each metric based on benchmarks and historical performance.

4. Build automated dashboards – Centralize key outsourcing metrics into visual, real-time dashboards. Maintain rigorously. 

5. Analyze data and trends – Perform root cause analysis of underperformance. Celebrate successes! Share insights cross-functionally.

6. Forecast future trajectory – Leverage data to forecast future metric performance based on plans.

7. Course correct – Use analysis to drive continuous improvements in people, process, technology, and collaboration.

8. Retune targets – Increase targets quarterly for metrics consistently exceeded. Strive for ongoing excellence.

The Outsourcing ROI Secret

Too many organizations outsource business processes blindly without metrics or analysis. This leads to disappointment and missed opportunities.

Be different! Adopt a metrics-driven approach to outsourcing and gain fact-based insights to protect your interests and drive continuous improvement. With a metrics focus, outsourcing can truly deliver on its promised benefits and strategic value.

The above playbook equips you with best practices for gauging outsourcing success. Now it’s time to put these methods into practice for your mission-critical BPO relationships. I’m confident a data-backed approach will pay dividends through smarter outsourcing decisions and optimal vendor performance.

Here’s to win-win engagements where metrics illuminate the path to partner with purpose and deliver success! Let me know if any part of this guide needs further clarification. I’m always happy to help implement a measurements program that takes your outsourcing game to the next level.