Managing Multichannel Customer Service Touchpoints – Wimgo

Managing Multichannel Customer Service Touchpoints

Excellent customer service is more important than ever before in today’s highly competitive business landscape. Especially with the rise of digital channels and constantly connected customers, brands must deliver support whenever, wherever, and however customers want it. Failing to do so results in frustration for customers and lost business for companies. 

That’s why effective multichannel customer service has become essential. Customers expect to be able to interact with brands across multiple channels and devices, moving seamlessly between them as needed. Companies that can’t provide consistent, high-quality experiences across every touchpoint risk losing customers to competitors that can.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what multichannel customer service is, why it’s critical for modern businesses, and how to optimize cross-channel experiences. You’ll learn strategies and best practices for managing phone, email, chat, self-service, social media, mobile apps, online communities, and emerging channels. 

With the right technology, processes, and focus on the customer, you can create seamless omnichannel customer journeys that drive satisfaction, retention, and revenue growth. Let’s dive in!

The Rise of Multichannel Customer Service

Traditionally, customer service occurred primarily through one or two channels – generally phone and email. But the digital age has brought an explosion of new ways for consumers to interact with brands. 

In fact, studies show the average customer uses 10 or more touchpoints when seeking support now. Phone calls and emails are still widely used, but now customers also engage via live chat, social media, self-service knowledge bases, user forums, in-app messaging, online reviews, and more.

This shift has been driven by:

– Consumer expectations: Customers today demand 24/7, on-demand service through their channel of choice.

– Digital transformation: Companies have invested heavily in self-service and digital channels.

– Mobile adoption: With smartphones ubiquitous, mobile apps and messaging are now essential service channels.

– Social media: Platforms like Twitter and Facebook enable social care at scale.

– Advances in technology: Omnichannel CRM software, AI, and cloud enable multichannel customer experiences.

Research shows 90% of customers switch between channels on the same service journey. The days of siloed channels are over – customers expect seamless handoffs and unified experiences. 

Multichannel customer service ties these touchpoints together to meet rising consumer expectations and grow customer loyalty.

Key Customer Service Touchpoints

To deliver great multichannel experiences, brands must optimize each critical touchpoint in the customer journey while connecting them together into a seamless omnichannel whole. Here are the most important channels to focus on:

Phone Support

The telephone remains one of the most popular – and preferred – channels for support. Customers turn to phone for complex issues, escalations, personalized service and human empathy. Key features like IVR phone trees and skills-based routing can streamline call handling.

Email Support  

Still a workhorse channel, email allows customers to communicate asynchronously on their own time. Self-service focused customers often start with email before escalating. Automated workflows can assign, prioritize, route and respond to messages.

Live Chat  

Live chat delivers the convenience of messaging with the immediacy of phone support. Skilled chat agents can handle multiple conversations simultaneously, reducing wait times and costs. Chatbots can handle common inquiries 24/7.

Self-Service Knowledge Base

A comprehensive knowledge base empowers customers to find answers on their own, reducing call and email volume. Well-designed navigation, search and self-help tools like interactive troubleshooters can drive self-service adoption.

Social Media

Social platforms like Twitter and Facebook are essential – millions of users turn to social media for customer support. Assigning agents to monitor, respond and engage establishes your brand’s social presence. 

In-App Messaging 

Increasingly popular, in-app support via messaging or chat lets customers get help contextually within your mobile app. On-screen walkthroughs, tooltips and proactive messaging can also drive engagement.

Online Communities

Community forums enable customers to interact with each other and with company moderators. Peer-to-peer support and shared knowledge reduce repeat contacts while building customer relationships.

With customers engaging across so many service channels, optimizing each touchpoint is no longer enough. Delivering omnichannel customer service means tying these channels together to enable seamless, consistent experiences.  

The Importance of Omnichannel Integration

Omnichannel customer service goes beyond just offering multiple contact options – it’s about integrating channels into unified experiences across devices and interactions. This requires linking platforms, data and processes on the backend while presenting a seamless facade to customers.

Delivering omnichannel support has become a competitive necessity:

– 80% of customers consider experience equally as important as products. Failing to connect channels results in disjointed journeys that frustrate users.

– 60% of customers have stopped buying from a brand due to poor service. Dropped handoffs and redundant inquiries across channels drive abandonment.  

– 73% of customers expect consistent interactions across departments. Support, sales, marketing and ecommerce must share integrated systems and data.

– Over 70% of customers use multiple channels per inquiry. Moving between channels should feel easy, not start service interactions over from scratch each time.

– 67% of customers say multichannel synchronization is very important. But only 29% of companies actually deliver well-connected omnichannel experiences.

With omnichannel integration, customer context, history and data flows seamlessly between channels. Agents have access to a unified interface displaying interactions from across channels. AI-driven routing and automation ensure customers get where they need quickly. 

The result is efficient experiences that feel personalized, save customers effort, and drive satisfaction across the entire customer journey. Now let’s explore strategies to make this a reality.

Strategies for Managing Multichannel Customer Service

Managing customer interactions across rapidly evolving channels represents a significant operational and technical challenge. Siloed teams, disconnected systems, and outdated processes won’t cut it anymore. 

Here are essential strategies to unite channels into omnichannel customer experiences:

Centralize Data and Analytics

A unified dataset is the foundation of omnichannel service. Customer information, interactions, and transaction data must be captured centrally and made available to agents and systems across channels in real time. This single source of truth enables the contextual, seamless experiences customers expect.

Optimize Each Channel

While integration matters, optimizing individual channels remains critical. Meet customers on their terms on each touchpoint: offer multimedia, enable social logins, provide mobile-friendly experiences. Evaluate self-service and automation opportunities to improve efficiency.

Develop Consistent Processes  

Create standardized workflows that apply across channels – for assignments, escalations, handoffs, and more. Document requirements for interactions like first response SLA, follow-ups, and transfers. Consistent processes ensure high-quality experiences everywhere.

Monitor Performance Across Channels

Unified reporting is vital for optimizing cross-channel customer service. Track core metrics like first reply time, resolution rate, NPS, and CSAT across channels to spot bottlenecks. Analyze cross-channel data like channel switching to improve transitions.

Enable Seamless Handoffs 

Make transferring customers between channels simple for agents and frictionless for customers. Support automatic escalations, click-to-call/chat, channel prompting, and interaction histories across channels during handoffs. 

Empower Customer Service Agents

Agents should have access to customer data, interaction history, and integrated knowledge bases across channels via a single omnichannel desktop. Equip staff through training on both channel-specific and omnichannel best practices.

Offer Channel Choice  

Allow customers to easily switch between their channel of choice for each interaction, while retaining context. Offer prominent contact options across channels and device-optimized experiences. Avoid dead-ends that require starting over.

Focus on the Mobile Experience

Mobile usage continues to grow, so mobile-first customer service is a must. Optimize across iOS, Android, messaging apps, etc. Support touch and gestures, mobile payments and biometrics. Offer push notifications and in-app support.

With these strategies, you can transform customer service from fragmented, inconsistent touchpoints into connected omnichannel experiences that drive satisfaction, loyalty and revenue. But it doesn’t come without challenges…

Challenges of Multichannel Customer Service

Delivering excellent, omnichannel customer service is far from easy. Here are some of the most common obstacles brands face:

Data Silos

Disparate systems across channels lead to fractured customer data trapped in silos. Agents waste time piecing together context and customers repeat information when switching channels.

Inconsistent Experiences 

Building cohesive experiences across channels takes concerted effort. Failing to connect platforms and align processes results in disjointed, frustrating journeys.

Channel Preference Misalignment 

Assumptions about channel preferences and usage often prove wrong. You can’t just build it for their convenience, but ensure it aligns with customer needs and expectations.

Difficulty Measuring ROI

The indirect financial benefits of customer service can be hard to quantify, making the ROI of cross-channel optimization unclear. But the long-term costs of failing to improve are real.

Higher Operational Complexity

Blending channels multiplies integration points, workflows, data sources and dependencies. The added complexity makes systems more fragile and processes harder to align.

While the challenges are significant, overcoming them is essential to meeting demands. Applying best practices can help you navigate these obstacles on the journey to customer service excellence.

Best Practices for Success

Here are proven best practices any company can apply to improve multichannel customer service:

Adopt a Customer-Centric Mindset 

Customer needs should drive all decision making around channel offerings and strategy. Rigorously gather feedback through surveys, user research, and journey mapping to understand pain points and expectations.

Invest in Automation and Self-Service

Adding digital channels creates more volume. Intelligent automation and robust self-service options reduce repetitive contacts. Guide customers to the right channel with prompts and channel integration. 

Make Mobile Optimization a Priority

Mobility introduces unique challenges like small screens and fragmented ecosystems. Prioritize seamless mobile experiences, as mobile issues frequently drive channel switching.

Continuously Improve and Iterate

Don’t settle for the status quo. Set omnichannel goals, measure against them, then use the insights to optimize experiences. Take an agile, test-and-learn approach to enhancing touchpoints.

Focus on Ongoing Agent Training 

Equip agents with channel-specific expertise via training on tools, etiquette, dialog best practices, and more. Foster a customer-first mindset focused on seamless handoffs and every-channel empathy.

Monitor Satisfaction Across Channels

Track omnichannel metrics like first contact resolution as well as channel-specific CSAT and NPS. Measure at each handoff to isolate transition experience problems. Use voice of customer data to focus improvements.

Allow Customers to Switch Channels Easily

Make starting over unnecessary by enabling easy mid-conversation channel changes. Offer prominent, visible contact options across channels. Support click-to-call, click-to-chat, and channel transfers.

Getting customer service right across touchpoints is challenging – but delivering unified omnichannel experiences is worth the effort. When done well, it pays dividends across key performance indicators:

– Resolution rate: Omnichannel customers have a 360% higher first contact resolution rate.

– Revenue growth: Companies with excellent customer service grow 4-8% faster than competitors.

– Cost savings: An effective knowledge base alone can reduce contacts by 20-40%.

– Loyalty: 72% of customers say omnichannel experiences increase their brand loyalty.

– Satisfaction: Firms that adopt omnichannel see 20% higher customer satisfaction scores. 

With the right strategies and solutions, you can connect channels to create seamless journeys that convert customers, drive loyalty and accelerate business success.

The Future of Multichannel Customer Service

The customer service landscape will continue evolving rapidly in the coming years. Here are a few key trends to prepare for:

– Messaging and chatbots will expand: Platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Twitter DM will grow as service channels, supplemented by AI bots.

– Voice and video support will rise: As home assistants and video calling spread, customers will increasingly seek voice and video-based service options. 

– IoT will connect new touchpoints: From smart speakers to connected appliances, the Internet of Things will enable support via innovative embedded channels.

– AR/VR will augment experiences: Spatial computing tech will allow customers to interact with virtual agents, view repairs via AR, and more.

– Channels will fragment further: Emerging platforms like TikTok and Discord will need integration. Customers may also use experimental tech like drones and robots.

– AI will transform automation: Intelligent agents will handle progressively more complex and contextual customer interactions across channels.

– Integration and analytics will be key: Tying channels together, unifying data, and deriving cross-channel insights will only grow in importance.

Customer service leaders must stay ahead of these shifts to maintain excellent, omnichannel experiences. While which channels customers use will change, putting their needs first remains timeless.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Today’s digital-first customers demand support whenever, wherever and however they choose to interact with your brand. Failing to deliver connected omnichannel experiences across touchpoints means frustrated customers and lost business.

But optimizing multichannel customer service presents complex operational and technical hurdles. Siloed channels, disjointed workflows, and inconsistent data all undermine the seamless journeys users expect.

By centralizing customer data, coordinating processes across channels, empowering agents with omnichannel visibility, and above all, focusing relentlessly on customer needs, you can overcome these obstacles. Make mobile optimization and self-service key priorities as well.

The customer service landscape will keep evolving rapidly. But brands that commit to ongoing improvement and truly omnichannel strategies will keep pace with changing expectations. Seamless experiences differentiate market leaders and drive real ROI through higher revenue, lower costs, and increased loyalty.

In our digital world, multichannel customer service excellence is no longer optional – it’s essential. Use these best practices to connect channels and make omnichannel support a competitive advantage for your brand. Delivering phenomenal experiences across touchpoints is challenging, but immensely rewarding, for both customers and companies.