Influencer Marketing – A Rising Advertising Strategy – Wimgo

Influencer Marketing – A Rising Advertising Strategy

Influencer marketing has taken the online world by storm over the past few years. But what exactly is it? Simply put, influencer marketing is when brands partner with influential social media personalities to promote products and services to their engaged audience. It’s like word-of-mouth marketing powered by someone your audience looks up to.

Unlike traditional celebrity endorsements, theinfluencer trend took off thanks to relatable social stars on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. Audiences began following and interacting with these digital creators who shared their passions, lifestyle, and recommendations. Brands realized they could work with these influencers to authentically connect with target consumers.

The numbers show this is way more than just a passing fad. Influencer marketing grew into a $13.8 billion industry in 2021 and is expected to hit $85 billion by 2028 according to Business Insider. Over 75% of brands now use influencer marketing in their online and social strategies. But why has it become so popular so fast?

Audiences trust influencers’ opinions and recommendations, even over traditional ads. Their engagement and loyalty is invaluable.

Influencer content feels more raw, honest and authentic compared to polished corporate marketing. It resonates emotionally.

Micro and nano influencers have highly engaged niche followings that brands want access to. Their fans view promotions as tips from a knowledgeable friend.

You can measure clicks, engagement, conversions – hard metrics that prove ROI. Much more than just ‘reach’.

Clearly influencer marketing is here to stay as brands have seen how it can organically reach audiences and drive results. But executing a successful influencer campaign requires understanding the different categories of influencers and following a strategic playbook.

The Different Types of Influencers

Influencer marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses influencers across a wide spectrum of different niches, follower counts and content formats. Brands wanting to run influencer campaigns first need to understand the different tiers of influencers available:

Mega Influencers:

This top tier has follower counts in the millions. Mega influencers like Charli D’Amelio, Addison Rae and MrBeast have exploded in popularity over the past few years, amassing over 100 million followers on TikTok and YouTube. Given their celebrity status and exposure, mega influencers can be highly effective for raising brand awareness and reaching mass audiences. However, engagement rates are often lower and their high fees puts them out of most budgets.

Macro Influencers: 

The mid-tier contains influencers with follower counts between 100k and 1 million. A macro influencer has already built a strong personal brand and niche audience. While not A-list celebs, they have good name recognition and engagement. For mid-size to large brands, macros can help drive conversions at a lower cost point than mega influencers. Lifestyle bloggers, prominent YouTubers or avid Instagrammers typically fall into this category.

Micro Influencers:

This tier refers to influencers with follower counts from 10k up to 100k. What micro influencers lack in reach they often make up for in engagement and connection with audiences. For brands targeting a specific niche, partnering with micro influencers within that niche can pay off big. Followers are highly engaged and see recommendations as coming from a peer.

Nano Influencers:

At under 10k followers, nano influencers have small yet targeted audiences. Their fans value them for their knowledge on a niche topic. For small brands, nano influencers are an affordable way to generate word-of-mouth and organic buzz. The goal is to tap into their specialist credibility and gain access to an engaged audience.

The ideal influencer tier will depend on campaign goals, audience targeting and budget considerations. A smart approach is often utilizing a mix of macro, micro and nano influencers.

Why Influencer Marketing Works

Now that we’ve looked at the different categories of influencers, let’s explore in more depth why influencer marketing as a strategy delivers results:

Trust and Relationships

Influencers put in tremendous time and effort connecting with their followers and building what feels like two-way friendships and relationships. Engaging day in and day out with followers fosters intimacy and trust. When they eventually make a product recommendation or talk about a brand campaign, it comes across as a trusted friend giving their honest advice.

Targeted Audiences

Every influencer has a specific niche whether it be fashion, travel, gaming, parenting etc. This allows brands to zero in on niche demographics they are looking to reach. The followers signed up for content specific to their interests. And recommendations coming from an influencer cultivating that niche holds tremendous weight.


Influencer content comes across as more raw, unscripted and authentic than polished corporate advertisements. Videos and posts feel more natural and honest when an influencer is just being themselves and sharing their passions. This authenticity allows audiences to connect with influencers and brands on a real emotional level.


Influencers are masters of visual and narrative storytelling. They pull audiences into their lives and engage them through compelling stories and narratives that naturally weave in products or brands. Their creative and storytelling skills make branded influencer content entertaining and memorable.


By putting a human face and personality behind a brand, influencers provide a way for brands to humanize themselves. Audiences get to know the values, personality and stories behind brands through influencers. This builds rapport, affinity and connection beyond just pushing products.

In summary, influencer marketing succeeds where traditional advertisements fail. Influencers provide a way for brands to tap into authentic storytelling, targeted relationships and niche audiences.

Keys to Successful Influencer Campaigns 

Now that we understand why influencer marketing is so powerful, let’s look at some best practices for partnering with influencers:

Select Relevant Influencers

It all starts with choosing influencers whose niche, audience and values aligns with your brand. Don’t just look at follower numbers. Vet influencers carefully based on content quality, engagement levels, transparency and overall fit. Taking the time to find the ideal influencers will pay dividends.

Set Clear Expectations 

Bringing influencers on board early and having transparent discussions about campaign goals, responsibilities and expectations is crucial. Provide them with background on products/services, ideal messaging, deliverables and timelines. The more information they have, the better the content.

Give Creative Freedom

While you want to provide guidelines, also give influencers room to put their own spin on branded campaigns. They know their audiences and what type of content will resonate best. Avoid overly prescriptive contracts and embrace their creative talents.

Focus on Long-Term Partnerships

The most successful collaborations view influencers as long-term brand partners rather than one-off mercenaries. Developing that trust and rapport leads to better content. And it shows audience you are invested in the influencer relationship beyond just a quick campaign.

Track Performance 

Leverage tools to track engagement rates, clicks, conversions and overall ROI throughout a campaign. This allows you to refine strategy and identify your top performing influencers. Influencer marketing provides quantifiable performance data beyond just reach.

Influencer Marketing Best Practices

Campaign execution is where the rubber meets the road. Here are some additional best practices to ensure influencer marketing success:

Reasonable Budget

Influencer fees can vary greatly depending on follower size, content demands and negotiations. Set an actionable budget for your first campaigns. Test the waters with smaller nano/micro collaborations before committing big dollars.  

Vetting Process  

Have a formal process to vet the integrity and legitimacy of influencers. Verify follower counts and engagement metrics. Check for fake followers or bot activity. Get testimonials and case studies from past brand partnerships.


Have a contract clearly outlining campaign scope, usage rights, deliverables, compensation structure and timelines. This protects both brand and influencer. Define ownership of content and next steps should either party not fulfill obligations.

FTC Disclosures

Influencers are legally required to disclose sponsored content as ads. Confirm your influencers are aware of FTC disclosure guidelines and best practices for seamlessly integrating disclosures.


Don’t just publish influencer content then move on. Amplify it across your owned channels via shares, reposts and paid boosting. Turn influencer partnerships into resources you can continue leveraging.

The Future of Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is still a relatively new and evolving space. Here are some key trends shaping the future of the industry:

More Interactive Content 

Pre-recorded influencer content will be supplemented by more livestreams, AMAs and real-time engagement with audiences. The wave of new social audio spaces like Clubhouse also points to the appeal of interactive influencer content.

Continued Rise of Micro and Nano

As ad fatigue grows, brands will shift more dollars to micro and nano influencers for their high engagement and authenticity. Their specialization in niche topics also allows for precise targeting.

Growth in Male Influencers

While the space has been female-dominated, more male influencers are also gaining traction across topics like gaming, tech, fitness and finance. Brands are tapping into male audiences through these influencers.

Focus on Diversity

There will be a push for greater diversity in influencer backgrounds, ages and body types represented. Brands want influencer partners reflecting their diverse customers and values around inclusion.

More AR/VR Integrations

The use of augmented and virtual reality by beauty, fashion and tech influencers will provide more immersive experiences for audiences to interact with brands.

Increased Pressure for Authenticity

With concerns over disingenuous influencers, they will need to place extra emphasis on creating authentic content true to their personal brands. Remaining genuine and transparent will be critical.

In summary, these key shifts show how influencer marketing will provide brands more creative and interactive opportunities to reach customers. The focus will be on authenticity, diversity, transparency and niche targeting.


Influencer marketing has cemented itself as an essential advertising strategy for brands of all sizes and industries. When done thoughtfully with careful influencer vetting and clear expectations, collaborating with social influencers offers a multitude of benefits.

Influencers provide brands the ability to:

– Tap into niche communities and loyal followings

– Engage audiences through authentic and creative storytelling 

– Humanize their brand by partnering with relatable personalities

– Generate quantifiable ROI, conversions and engagement

Brands will want to start small by testing nano and micro-influencer partnerships centered around their ideal audience, product and campaign goals. Choose influencers carefully based on shared values and credibility within their topics. Set clear expectations while also allowing influencers creative license to employ their voice. 

View influencers as long-term partners who can help infuse creativity, personality and authenticity into your brand marketing. With consumers increasingly jaded toward traditional ads, influencer marketing provides a way to cut through the noise and connect with audiences craving more meaning, transparency and engagement with the brands they support. Adapting marketing strategies to effectively leverage influencers will be crucial for future success.