How to Make Your App Stand Out in the Crowded Market – Wimgo

How to Make Your App Stand Out in the Crowded Market

Launching an app in today’s crowded market is an uphill battle. There are over 5 million apps in the major app stores like the App Store and Google Play. With millions of apps competing for attention, standing out has become harder than ever. In fact, 25% of users abandon an app after just one use. How can you beat these daunting odds and make your app stand out?

While challenging, making your app successful is far from impossible. With careful planning, precision execution and creative marketing, you can craft a breakout strategy for your app. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 10 proven and effective strategies to make an app get noticed in a crowded space. Whether you are launching a photo editing app, a productivity tool or a game, these app marketing best practices will help your app stand out from competitors.

Understand Your Target Audience Deeply

The first key to standing out is having an intimate understanding of who your target audience is. The biggest mistake you can make is trying to create an app for everyone. When apps attempt to appeal to too broad of an audience, they end up appealing to no one. The key is identifying your core target audience and crafting an app tailored specifically for them.

Research your intended audience extensively across metrics like:

– Demographics: Age, gender, income, education level, occupation etc.

– Psychographics: Values, lifestyles, personalities and interests.

– Geography: Location, climate and population density.

– Platform: Android or iOS? Also consider web and desktop.

– Pain points: Issues and challenges your audience faces.

– Motivations: What excites and drives your audience?

Not only do you need to have a clear profile of your ideal users, but you need to understand what problems they are facing. The most successful apps solve a specific need or challenge for users. Utilities like Slice make managing deliveries easier. Meditation apps like Calm reduce stress. Language apps like Duolingo help master new skills. Obsess over your target audience and the value you can provide them above all else.

Offer a Unique and Compelling Value Proposition

Once you know who you’re building your app for, the next step is offering a unique value proposition tailored for them. In a crowded space, having a generic value proposition makes it impossible for your app to get attention and retention. You need to identify what makes your solution different from competitors and articulate that single differentiating benefit clearly. 

Assess your competition and ask yourself:

– What problem does my app solve that has not been solved before?

– How is my approach fundamentally different and better?

– What can I deliver that competitors cannot?

This could be resolving an unaddressed pain point, providing cheaper or more convenient access, introducing innovation etc. Identify your app’s unique selling point and build your messaging around it. For example, Calm’s proposition is “meditation made simple”. Slice’s is “track all your packages”. Duolingo’s is “fun free language education”. A strong value prop becomes your hook in a crowded market.

Nail the App’s Core Functionality

Before you get fancy with bells and whistles, it’s crucial to nail your app’s core functionality first. Far too often, apps try to run before they can walk and end up stumbling. Prioritize building a stable app with an intuitive interface and smooth user experience above everything else. 

Here are the key areas to focus on:

– Bug-free app: Rigorously test for and fix all defects pre and post-launch.

– Easy onboarding: Make the initial sign up and setup simple and quick. 

– Intuitive navigation: Follow conventions and make options easy to find. 

– Seamless performance: Fast load times, no lags or crashes.

– Help documentation: Provide contextual help when users need it.

Resist the temptation to cram your app with features. Start with just the core features that deliver primary value and get those working perfectly. You can always add more later. Trying to make a complex app without foundations being solid first is a recipe for failure. Get the basics right before reaching for the stars.

Integrate Innovative Features Strategically 

Once you have established a stable app with clear utility, the next opportunity is integrating innovative features powered by emerging technology. This could give you an edge over competitors. But technology for technology’s sake rarely helps. The key is choosing features strategically that accentuate your value proposition.

Some examples of meaningful innovation:

– AI and ML: Personalize experiences like gifts and recommendations.

– AR/VR: Immersive shopping and gaming experiences.   

– Biometrics: Enhanced speed and security with touch/face ID.

– 3D Touch: Contextual interaction by pressing harder on screens.

– Voice tech: Hands-free natural language control.

Look at innovations that are mature enough for seamless integration. For inspiration, study what tech leaders in your domain are using. While chasing every fad can dilute your app, selective innovation can make you stand out from the crowd.

Make Your Visuals Stand Out

Humans are visual creatures. We form our first impressions of apps based purely on how they look. Invest in stellar visual design – starting with your icon and logo. These are your first and possibly only chance to grab attention. Craft graphics that communicate your brand personality, mood and story.

Graphic design is no longer optional. Business software company Drift saw a 76% increase in conversions after redesigning their website. For games, visual polish can be the difference between getting funding or not. Even for utility apps, visuals set user expectations and innate satisfaction. Other areas to focus on include:

– Color palette: Colors that pop in a subtle way.

– Motion: Smooth and consistent animations.

– Layouts: Structured minimalism over clutter.

– Typography: Carefully chosen fonts and text flow.

You don’t need a huge budget to get graphics right. Tools like Canva make professional design accessible. Work with a designer skilled in mobile interfaces to bring your vision to life. Stunning visuals make your app memorable in an instantly glanceable way.

Write a Magnetic App Description 

Your app description is hugely influential in conversion rates. This is your pitch to convince potential users to download your app. You usually have only 30 to 80 characters for the app title and around 140 characters for the short description. Make every single letter count.  

Your app title should instantly convey:

– What your app does

– Key benefit

– Brand personality

For example: “Calm: Sleep, Meditate, Relax” 

The description elaborates on the title with a simple call-to-action. For example: 

“Join the millions experiencing lower stress, less anxiety and more restful sleep with Calm, the #1 app for meditation and mindfulness.”

Run A/B testing experiments on descriptions frequently. Even minor changes in wording can massively impact conversions. Write conversationally and focus on your audience’s needs above yours. This is some of the most valuable real estate for your app – make the most of it.

Curate Powerful App Screenshots

App screenshots visually demonstrate the value of your app. Instead of generic screenshots, carefully curate images that highlight your app’s strengths and convince users to make the download. 

Best practices for irresistible screenshots:

– Spotlight must-have features in action. 

– Use annotations like arrows to point out key details.

– Show content customized for your audience.

– Capture the wow factor where possible. 

– Complement with lifestyle imagery when helpful.

– Optimize screenshots for glanceability.

A common mistake is using the same generic screenshots as competitors. Be creative and let your app’s personality shine through. Show exactly how delightful and useful your app is through imagery. Include screenshots optimized for both mobile and desktop. Like your app description, continuously experiment with screenshots to maximize conversion.

Earn Press and Influencer Coverage

Positive coverage of your app from reputable press outlets and influencers goes a long way in establishing credibility. Making an app visible in a crowded market takes both paid acquisition and organic discovery. Earning press coverage builds brand affinity and quality signals that boost organic downloads.

Some tips for getting coverage:

– Find reporters who cover topics relevant to your app niche.

– Craft customized story pitches that meet their requirements.  

– Make press outreach personal and relationship driven.

– Offer exclusives like first access to new features.

– Build relationships with bloggers and influencers.

– Sponsor influencer content and campaigns.  

Coverage on a major tech site like TechCrunch or Mashable can work magic. But smaller niche sites that cater to your target users also have impact. Getting on the radar of popular bloggers and YouTubers in your market provides value too. PR is about timing and persistence. Start building relationships with press long before launch.

Optimize Your App Store Optimization 

App Store Optimization (ASO) makes your app visible and discoverable in app stores. It’s about optimizing your app metadata and marketing to rank for strategic keywords. The higher you rank for relevant search terms, the more organically your app gets downloaded.

ASO best practices:

– Research and compile target keywords. 

– Use keywords in title, description and metadata.

– Run experiments with keywords and conversion rates.  

– Monitor rankings and adapt based on competition.

– Encourage ratings and reviews.

– Provide localized and translated metadata.

Tools like App Annie, Sensor Tower and App Radar provide intelligence on competitor keywords and rankings. Treat ASO as a constant optimization process, not a one-time task. Effort spent here directly translates to bottom-line results.

Promote Your App to Drive Downloads

Beyond app store visibility, you have to spread the word about your app through promotions, partnerships and advertising. Promoting across channels is critical for driving massive awareness in the early days after launch.

Smart ways to promote your app:

– Social media campaigns and influencer partnerships on platforms like Instagram. 

– Cross promotion with other apps through guest features and collaborations.  

– Retargeting ads on platforms like Facebook to re-engage visitors who bounced.

– Out of home advertising on platforms like billboards and subway stations.

– TV and digital video ads on Youtube and streaming services.

– Search advertising on Google, Amazon and Microsoft Advertising.

– Attending tradeshows and conferences to demonstrate your app.

Make use of any channel that can reach your target audience. Be ready to test aggressively and persistently promote your app over a sustained period of time. Without active promotion, even the best apps fade into obscurity in a crowded market.


Launching and sustaining an app in a marketplace filled with millions of competitors is an ambitious goal. But standing out from the crowd is completely achievable by following the strategies above. The key is starting with your target audience, validating product-market fit, getting foundations right and then creatively marketing your app’s strengths across channels. Apps that provide genuine value tailored to an underserved audience will eventually find their users through steady execution on fundamentals. By implementing the best practices in this guide, you can craft an app experience that resonates, excites and delights users.