How to Conduct UX Research for B2B Users – Wimgo

How to Conduct UX Research for B2B Users

I. Introduction 

– The importance of UX research for B2B products and services

– Overview of techniques covered in this guide

II. Understanding Your B2B Users

– Mapping the customer journey to identify pain points

– Creating B2B user personas based on research 

– Conducting stakeholder interviews to understand business needs

III. Quantitative UX Research Methods

– Website analytics to uncover usage patterns

– Online surveys to measure satisfaction and collect feedback

– A/B testing landing pages and conversions

IV. Qualitative UX Research Methods 

– Contextual inquiry interviews to understand work processes

– Usability testing to evaluate designs with real users

– Diary studies and journey mapping to study complete experiences

V. Analyzing and Applying UX Research Findings

– Using affinity diagramming to find themes and insights

– Creating actionable recommendations to improve UX

– Reporting findings effectively to stakeholders

VI. Conducting UX Research Internally vs. Outsourcing

– Pros and cons of in-house vs outsourced UX research

– Rules for effectively working with external UX research agencies

– Budgeting for UX research expenses

VII. Conclusion and Key Takeaways

– Importance of continuous UX research for B2B products

– Summary of techniques covered in this guide

– Next steps for implementing a research plan


User experience (UX) research has become a critical component in the development of any successful product or service, but it is especially vital for B2B companies. High quality UX can help drive user adoption, satisfaction, and retention for B2B products. However, B2B UX research comes with its own unique challenges and requirements compared to B2C research. This comprehensive guide will explore effective techniques for conducting UX research specifically for business-to-business products and services.  

First, we’ll discuss the importance of understanding your users through methods like customer journey mapping and persona creation. Next, we’ll explore important quantitative methods like website analytics, surveys, and A/B testing. Then, we’ll cover qualitative UX research techniques like interviews, usability studies, and diary studies. You’ll learn how to analyze and apply your findings to create actionable recommendations that improve UX. We’ll also discuss whether it is better to conduct UX research in-house or outsource it. By the end of this guide, you’ll understand the most effective processes for researching and designing exceptional experiences for B2B users. Let’s get started!

Understanding Your B2B Users

In order to design a successful B2B product, you need to thoroughly understand the business customers you are targeting. Too often, companies rely on generic user assumptions rather than taking the time to research their users. B2B UX research should aim to deeply understand user workflows, pain points, and business requirements. This will ensure the product solves real needs for your business customers. There are a few key techniques for understanding B2B users at the start of the UX design process:

Mapping the customer journey – Trace your buyer’s full journey from initial awareness of their problem to purchasing and using your product. Identify key steps and pain points to address. For example, a lengthy approval process may frustrate B2B buyers.

Creating user personas – Synthesize your research into a few fictional but representative personas. Include details on their demographics, pain points, and goals. Personas help humanize B2B users. For example, you may create a Finance Manager persona concerned with ROI.

Stakeholder interviews – Interview people from your client organizations to understand their business needs. This can provide insights that end users may not know. For example, IT stakeholders can describe technical requirements.

These activities will ensure you understand B2B customers on a deeper level so you can create an optimal UX. Keep referring back to this user research throughout the design process.

Quantitative UX Research Methods 

While qualitative UX research like interviews tell the story behind behaviors, quantitative data reveals what a larger sample of users actually do. Use these quantitative methods to gather feedback from a wider range of B2B customers:

Website analytics – Review your site analytics to uncover usage patterns. This can show which pages users visit most and metrics like conversion rates. You may find checkout abandonment is high.

Online surveys – Survey users for quantitative feedback on concepts, satisfaction, features, and more. Closed-ended questions easily provide measurable data. You may ask users to rate aspects on a 1-5 scale.

A/B testing – Try out variations of your UX to see which perform better. For example, test different landing page designs to see which headline or layout converts more users.

These quantitative methods provide concrete data on how well your UX is actually working. Use them to identify issues and compare solutions.

Qualitative UX Research Methods

While quantitative data shows what is happening, qualitative UX research reveals why. Interviews, usability tests, and other qualitative methods provide deep insights into user behaviors, motivations, and thoughts. Some top qualitative methods for B2B UX research include:

Contextual inquiry – Observe B2B users working in their actual environment to understand their real workflows. This can reveal pain points usable testing alone would miss.

Usability testing – Have representative users complete tasks on prototypes to evaluate UX designs. Identify issues like confusing navigation before launch. 

Diary studies – Ask users to record details about their experiences over time. This can provide rich insights on real-world workflows.

Journey mapping – Visually map out the end-to-end experience users have. Identify pain points at different touchpoints in the journey.

Qualitative techniques like these help explain the human story behind the UX. Prioritize fixes for issues causing the biggest struggles.

Analyzing and Applying UX Research Findings 

The real value in UX research comes from analyzing the data to extract meaningful insights you can use to improve experiences. Here are some tips for making sense of all your B2B research:

Affinity diagramming – Organize notes into groupings to find themes and patterns. Brainstorm solutions that address key issues.

Recommendations – Synthesize findings into a list of actionable solutions. Prioritize quick wins and critical fixes. Share recommendations with stakeholders.

Reports and presentations – Share key takeaways through deliverables like slide decks. Visualizations help make data meaningful for stakeholders.  

Most importantly, ensure your findings actually get implemented. Continuously assess research insights against analytics to confirm improvements. Research should directly inform your UX optimization efforts.

Conducting UX Research In-House vs. Outsourcing

B2B organizations can choose to conduct UX research internally with their own team or outsource it to an external research agency. There are pros and cons to each approach:

In-house benefits – More control, easier access to customers, builds internal capabilities

In-house challenges – Requires dedicated researcher, can lack specialization 

Outsourcing benefits – External expertise, faster project execution, unbiased perspectives

Outsourcing challenges – Communication issues, higher cost, less customization

If outsourcing, clearly communicate goals and target users. Also budget for research expenses – agencies often charge per project, participant, hour or monthly. Weigh your options based on available skills, budgets, and priorities.

Conclusion & Key Takeaways

UX research is invaluable for understanding B2B users and identifying opportunities to improve experiences. Key techniques covered in this guide include:

– Customer journey mapping and stakeholder interviews to understand users

– Analytics, surveys and A/B testing to gather quantitative data 

– Interviews, usability testing and diary studies for qualitative insights

– Affinity diagramming and creating recommendations to apply findings

Conducting regular UX research, both during initial design and post-launch, is crucial for continually optimizing your B2B product. Subscribe to our email list for more UX guides tailored to your business needs. The investment into UX research will pay dividends through increased customer satisfaction, conversions, and loyalty.