How to Choose the Right Aviation Consultant – Wimgo

How to Choose the Right Aviation Consultant


– Explain what an aviation consultant is and their typical responsibilities (advising on operations, regulations, aircraft transactions, etc.)

– Discuss why hiring the right consultant is crucial for success in the aviation industry

Factors to Consider When Selecting an Aviation Consultant

– Industry experience and background credentials 

– How long have they been an active consultant in the field? 

– Do they have relevant education, training, and certifications?

– Have they worked for airlines, airports, manufacturers, etc. to understand the business?

– Specialized expertise and services offered

– What aspects of aviation do they specialize in (e.g. operations, regulations, transactions, safety, etc.)?

– Do they offer the specific services you are looking for?

– Track record of past clients and projects

– What types of organizations have they worked with previously? 

– Can they provide references for work done?

– Do they have proven success assisting clients similar to you?

– Relationships and connections in the industry 

– Do they have strong relationships with key industry players?

– Can they leverage their network to aid your business?

– Communication skills and working style

– Do they communicate clearly and listen to your needs?

– Will their work style mesh well with your organization’s culture?

– Costs and fees for services

– Are their fees competitive and within your budget?

– Do they offer flexible options or packages?

The Consultant Search and Hiring Process

– Define your needs and goals for a consultant

– Research firms and individual consultants that fit your criteria 

– Shortlist the top 3-5 candidates and have introductory calls

– Ask for proposals from your top choices 

– Vet credentials, get client references, and conduct interviews

– Gauge chemistry – can you work well with this person/team?  

– Negotiate final details like scope, deliverables, timelines, fees

– Carefully review and sign consulting agreement  

– Onboard consultant and establish regular communication cadence

Maximizing the Value Gained from Your Aviation Consultant

– Clearly communicate goals, constraints, deadlines, and expectations

– Maintain open and frequent dialogue through regular status updates

– Offer feedback and course-correct if needed

– Leverage their expertise – avoid micromanaging

– Provide access to all personnel and data needed for their work

– Have your team collaborate effectively with the consultant 

– Provide prompt approvals when required to keep projects on track  

– Measure progress and success in achieving desired outcomes

– Be prepared to extend contract or re-engage for future work


– Key takeaways and recap of choosing the right aviation consultant

– Parting advice on getting the most value from the consultant relationship


Selecting the right aviation consultant can be one of the most important decisions for ensuring success in this complex, highly regulated industry. With the stakes so high, it’s crucial to take the time to find and choose a consultant who best fits your specific needs and goals. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the key factors to evaluate when hiring an aviation consultant, tips for conducting an effective search process, and advice for getting the maximum value from your consulting engagements.

Critical Factors in Choosing an Aviation Industry Consultant

When evaluating aviation consulting firms and individuals to partner with, what are the most important criteria to look for? Here are the top considerations:

Depth of Experience and Credentials 

First, you want to examine a consultant’s overall background and credentials closely. How many years have they been actively consulting in the aviation sphere? Do they have relevant education, training, and certifications that pertain directly to the type of work you need done? The ideal consultant will have extensive real-world experience working within airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers, government agencies, or other aviation enterprises. This hands-on perspective enables them to provide more practical and actionable guidance.

Specialized Expertise and Services Offered

You also want to consider the specific niches, operational areas, and services that a consultant specializes in. For example, some may focus on safety management, operational efficiency, aircraft transactions, regulatory compliance, emergency response, or environmental sustainability. Clearly identify your top priorities and needs, and look for consultants who advertise expertise in those particular practice areas. They should offer a robust range of offerings to choose from.

Proven Track Record and Clientele 

Vet the types of organizations a firm has worked with in the past, as well as their track record of success stories and satisfied clients. Case studies, online reviews, and client testimonials can provide insight. Of course, you’ll also want to request several references you can contact directly to inquire about their experience. The ideal consultant will have a long roster of previous clients similar to your company and a strong reputation for delivering positive outcomes.

Industry Relationships and Connections

A robust professional network is invaluable for an aviation consultant, enabling them to better serve your needs. Try to gauge whether a firm seems to have relationships with key industry organizations, government agencies, OEMs, and other players. An established consultant may be able to leverage their connections and influence in ways that give you an advantage.

Personality Fit and Communication Style

Since you’ll be working closely together, it’s crucial to assess whether a consultant’s communication style and personality seem like a good fit. Do initial interactions indicate they are responsive, understanding, and attentive to your needs? There’s no one right personality type, but look for a style that meshes well with your organizational culture for smooth collaboration.

Costs and Fee Structures

Naturally, you’ll need to examine the typical fees and rates charged by any consultant you’re evaluating. Their pricing should be competitive for the level of services offered. Many will provide flexible structures like hourly, project-based, or retainer fees. Get an estimate of total costs and look for budget-friendly options like packages. Just be wary of rates that seem unrealistically low.

By weighing each of these key criteria carefully as you evaluate aviation consulting firms, you’ll be well-positioned to make the right choice for your needs. Let’s go over some best practices for conducting an effective consultant search and hiring process.

Steps for Choosing the Best Aviation Consultant  

Once you’ve determined the criteria that matter most for your situation, follow these steps to conduct a thorough consultant search and hiring process:

Clearly Define Your Needs and Goals

Carefully consider the business challenges you’re trying to solve or goals you want to achieve through engaging a consultant. Is it enhancing safety? Improving operational efficiency? Regulatory compliance? Aircraft transactions? Reducing costs or environmental impact? Get very clear on priorities so you can communicate needs and look for great fit.

Research Firms That Meet Your Criteria 

Compile a list of consulting firms or independent consultants that advertise expertise in your priority areas. Search industry association directories, Google, attend conferences, or ask contacts for recommendations. Create a spreadsheet to track details on each one that interests you.

Shortlist Top Candidates and Conduct Introductory Calls

Based on initial research, narrow options to the top 3-5 firms or individuals that seem best aligned to your needs. Have introductory calls to introduce your company, discuss needs, and gain a sense of their working style and fit. Ask questions to further vet experience, services, and qualifications.

Request and Compare Proposals

For the 2-3 finalists, invite official proposals outlining their approach, proposed scope of work, timelines, and fees. Compare side-by-side, including services offered, consultant team bios, and total costs. If needed, conduct follow-up interviews.

Vet Credentials, Experience, and References   

Take a deeper dive into the final contender’s credentials and claims of experience. Ask for documentation of certifications, training, and educational background. Request 3-5 client references you can contact to inquire about work quality and value delivered.

Determine Chemistry and Fit

With the top choice, meet key team members who you’d work with day-to-day. Determine whether you communicate well and seem compatible. Make sure they understand your business needs and priorities and seem genuinely interested in helping you achieve goals.  

Negotiate Fees and Service Agreements

Before finalizing your choice, negotiate specifics like fees, payment terms, scope of services, timelines, and deliverables. Ensure you get detailed service agreements in writing to protect your organization’s interests. Include confidentiality and other provisions as needed.

Carefully Review Agreements Before Signing

Don’t gloss over the fine print! Have your legal team carefully review any consulting contract before signing to ensure favorable terms and required provisions are included to protect your interests. Make sure you understand and agree to all parts.

Following these steps will allow you to conduct thorough due diligence and confidently select the consultant that’s the best match for your needs and budget. Next let’s go over some tips for getting maximum value from the partnership.

Getting the Most Value from Your Aviation Consultant 

To help ensure your aviation consulting engagement delivers the maximum possible value and impact for your organization, here are some best practices to follow:

Clearly Communicate Goals, Expectations, and Constraints

Prevent misunderstandings by being clear from the start about what you want to achieve, requirements, deadlines, budget constraints, or any other expectations. Create a shared vision for success so you’re aligned.

Maintain Open and Frequent Dialogue

Communication is key for a smooth consulting partnership. Have regular check-in calls or meetings to discuss progress, issues that arise, and any needed course corrections. Be responsive to requests and discuss concerns transparently. 

Offer Feedback to Keep the Work on Track

If the consultant does exceptional work, let them know. If something isn’t meeting your expectations, address it promptly. Offering candid feedback helps keep projects moving in the right direction.

Avoid Micromanaging and Let the Consultant Do Their Job

You’re hiring experts, so don’t undermine their work by micromanaging details. Give guidance on the end goal but allow flexibility in how they achieve it. Trust their judgement but stay involved.

Provide Access to Data, Personnel, and Resources

To ensure the consultants have what they need, provide full access to data, internal personnel for interviews, accounts, and anything else required. Lack of access can hinder their work.

Have Your Team Work Collaboratively with Consultants  

Instruct your staff to fully cooperate with consultants by responding to queries promptly, attending meetings, and dedicating time to the project. A collaborative dynamic leads to better outcomes.

Provide Timely Approvals When Needed  

If the project requires your sign-off on specific milestones or deliverables, turn them around quickly to avoid delaying the consultants. Be reasonable about response times.

Measure Progress and Success in Achieving Goals 

Determine clear metrics and KPIs to gauge impact, and check in regularly on progress made towards desired outcomes. This helps maximize the value delivered by their work.

Consider Extending or Re-Engaging for Future Work

If the engagement is proving successful, consider extending the contract or engaging the firm for additional projects. You can build on the established relationship vs. starting over.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your aviation consultants deliver work that truly moves the needle for your organization and provides benefits that outweigh the costs.


Finding and hiring the right aviation consultant takes time and due diligence. It’s a significant investment, so the choice deserves careful evaluation on criteria like experience, expertise, working style, relationships, and budget fit. Following a thorough search and hiring process leads to partnerships with trusted advisors who can help aviation businesses minimize risk, improve operations, follow regulations, and achieve strategic goals over the long-term.

With an increasing complex global aviation landscape, having knowledgeable advisors in your corner becomes even more crucial. By establishing clearly defined needs, conducting thorough research, and implementing best practices in your consultant engagements, you’ll be well on your way to a fruitful partnership. With the right guidance supporting your organization, you can feel confident in navigating industry challenges – no matter how high you aim to fly.