How CPAs Can Help You Understand Complex Accounting Rules – Wimgo

How CPAs Can Help You Understand Complex Accounting Rules

If you’re like most entrepreneurs and small business owners, the world of accounting rules and regulations seems ridiculously complicated. Between all the accounting standards, principles, laws, and guidelines you’re expected to follow, it’s enough to make your head spin!

As someone passionate about your business, you want to do things right. But trying to become an overnight accounting expert while also running your company’s operations is next to impossible. The complex accounting landscape can feel like an intimidating maze.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone! There are qualified professionals known as Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who can guide you through the accounting intricacies. Partnering with a skilled CPA provides the translation, navigation, and expertise needed to master complex accounting concepts and requirements.

In this post, we’ll explore how CPAs can help demystify key areas of accounting for small business owners like you. I’ll share advice based on my 10 years of experience supporting entrepreneurs as a CPA. You’ll learn how CPAs can assist with:

  • Important accounting principles and standards
  • Selecting GAAP or IFRS
  • Taxes for small businesses
  • Financial statements and audits
  • Budgeting and forecasting
  • Accounting systems and software
  • Payroll, benefits and HR policies
  • Improving processes and controls
  • Financing and investments

Let’s dive in! I’ll shed light on how CPAs can simplify accounting complexity so you can focus on growing your phenomenal business.

What are CPAs and What Do They Do?

A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is an accounting professional who has passed rigorous licensing exams and met experience requirements to be certified by the state. CPAs offer a wide range of accounting, auditing, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services. They are essential experts for small business finances.

Some of the key services CPAs provide include:

– Preparing and analyzing financial statements

– Conducting audits in accordance with GAAS (Generally Accepted Auditing Standards)

– Advising on taxes for corporations, partnerships, nonprofits, and individuals 

– Consulting on accounting systems, processes, and internal controls

– Providing business valuations and litigation support

– Assisting with mergers, acquisitions, and investments

– Preparing personal financial plans and retirement strategies

Most small businesses utilize CPAs for help preparing and understanding their financial statements, filing business tax returns, and ensuring they follow accounting rules and standards properly. CPAs can audit financial statements to verify their accuracy and compliance before reporting or filing. They also stay up-to-date on the latest tax laws and accounting regulations to guide clients.

Understanding Key Accounting Principles

There are several important accounting principles and standards businesses must follow when preparing their financial statements. CPAs have expert knowledge of these concepts and can explain exactly how to apply them to your unique circumstances. Here are some of the key principles a CPA can help you understand:

GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles are the accounting standards used in the U.S. They determine the appropriate methods for measuring, processing, and presenting financial data. A CPA can advise on the GAAP standards relevant to your company. 

IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards are the global accounting standards used outside of the U.S. If your business operates internationally, a CPA can explain IFRS and how they differ from GAAP.

Revenue recognition – The rules for when and how to record revenue are complex. A CPA can guide you on revenue recognition principles to accurately reflect sales.

Cash vs. accrual accounting – These different methods have pros and cons for businesses. A CPA can help determine which is best for your company.

Depreciation – Calculating depreciation expense for fixed assets can get tricky. CPAs can assist with applying the optimal depreciation method.

Inventory valuation – Deciding whether to use FIFO, LIFO, average cost, and other inventory valuation methods has implications. A CPA can provide recommendations.

Accounting for leases – Recent updates changed the accounting rules for leases. A CPA can ensure you are compliant with the latest standards.

Accounting for investments – Properly recording investments while adhering to impairment guidelines and other rules is key. CPAs are well-versed in investment accounting.

Using GAAP vs. IFRS 

One area CPAs are extremely helpful is guiding whether GAAP or IFRS accounting standards are most appropriate for your business. Here are some tips a CPA can provide:

– Use GAAP if you only operate in the U.S. It is required for U.S. public companies.

– Apply IFRS if you have international subsidiaries or operations. Over 120 countries use IFRS.

– Compare GAAP and IFRS principles in areas like revenue recognition, asset valuation, and more. They have some key differences.

– Moving from GAAP to IFRS or vice versa takes planning and transition adjustments. A CPA can assist.

– Consult an accounting professional as standards are updated. Staying current is crucial for compliance.

– Use GAAP for private companies in the U.S. and check if lenders or investors prefer it. 

– Know that both GAAP and IFRS aim for accounitng that is relevant, reliable, comparable, and understandable.

– Discuss with a CPA whether IFRS or GAAP principles make more sense for your company goals and situation.

In summary, leveraging a skilled CPA can help you select and apply the accounting standards that are best for your small business or organization. Their guidance can save you headaches with accounting rule compliance.

Navigating Tax Laws and Regulations

Tax rules are always changing and can get very confusing for small business owners trying to navigate them alone. CPAs are tax experts who proactively keep up with the latest regulations from the IRS, state taxation authorities, and other jurisdictions. They can answer tax questions on topics like:

– Business structure – How to minimize taxes with LLCs, S-corps, C-corps, partnerships, and other entity types.

– Corporate taxes – Understanding corporate income taxes, deductions rules, credits, and specific industries like manufacturing or ecommerce. 

– Employment taxes – Proper calculation, payment, and reporting for federal and state payroll taxes, unemployment tax, and workers compensation.

– Sales tax collection – Guidance on collecting, filing, and remitting sales tax for your state and local jurisdictions. 

– Tax-deferred retirement plans – Setting up and optimizing 401(k), SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA, or other tax-advantaged retirement accounts.

– Pass-through taxes – Advice on taxes for pass-through entities like S-corps and LLCs. 

– Tax planning and projections – Strategies to minimize income taxes through deductions, deferrals, tax credits, retirement plans and more. 

– Quarterly estimated payments – Help determining estimated tax payment amounts to avoid underpayment penalties.

Having an experienced CPA in your corner for tax help can save you money through tax planning as well as ensure you avoid mistakes with tax compliance. Their guidance can be invaluable navigating small business taxes.

Making Sense of Audits and Financial Statements

Most small business owners know they need solid financial statements, but actually producing GAAP-compliant reports can be daunting. A CPA can take this important but time-consuming task off your hands. CPAs can provide services like: 

– Preparing financial statements – Income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows, statement of owner’s equity. 

– Performing audits – Obtain an independent auditor’s report to verify the accuracy of your financial data and compliance with GAAP.

– Analyzing financial ratios – Interpret liquidity, profitability, leverage, efficiency, and other ratio analysis to diagnose strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

– Forecasting – Build and critique budgets, cash flow projections, profit/loss forecasts, and other forward-looking financials.

– Bookkeeping – Handle your business books and records using accounting software. 

– Internal controls – Evaluate and recommend improvements to processes, procedures, documentation, oversight, and compliance practices.

– Notes and disclosures – Ensure your financial statements include all required explanatory notes and disclosures for added clarity and compliance.

Having accurate, audit-proof financial statements prepared by a knowledgeable CPA provides immense value for small businesses. The statements communicate the true financial picture and health of the company.

Getting Help with Budgets and Forecasts

Budgeting and forecasting are difficult but crucial activities for small business success. A CPA can provide guidance with the process and lend their financial modeling expertise. Specifically, a CPA can assist with:

– Budgeting 101 – Methods for developing budgets, best practices to follow, types of budgets to create, and keys to an effective budget.

– Developing assumptions – Provide input on revenue growth, cost assumptions, and drivers to model into budgets/forecasts.

– Building financial models – Construct models to forecast income statements, balance sheets, cash flows and KPIs. Stress test various scenarios.  

– Analyzing variances – Compare actual results to budgets/forecasts, investigate causes for differences, and refine models accordingly.

– Performance metrics – Establish and track KPIs for monitoring financial performance vs. plans.

– Cash flow management – Develop cash flow projections and advise on managing cash/working capital efficiently.

– Capital budgeting – Build capital spending budgets and calculate ROI on investments in equipment, facilities, IT, etc.

– Budget training – Educate managers on how to develop budgets for their departments, analyze results, and modify forecasts.

With their financial acumen and analytical skills, CPAs can provide invaluable assistance with budgeting and forecasting. This drives improved business performance.

Advice on Setting Up Accounting Systems

CPAs aren’t just number crunchers – they can provide strategic advice on establishing effective accounting systems and processes for your company based on best practices they see across many clients. A CPA can help with:

– Choosing accounting software – Recommend software like QuickBooks, Xero, Sage, etc. based on your business needs and budget. 

– Setting up the software – Ensure proper configuration and settings for features, users, workflows, etc. during implementation.

– Integrations – Connect accounting system with other tools like CRM, ecommerce platform, payroll system, and banking for streamlined data flows.

– Controls and security – Establish proper controls, access roles, and review procedures for data integrity and fraud prevention.

– Accounting workflows – Advise on efficient processes and close procedures to govern the recording, review and reporting of financial data.

– Documentation – Create an accounting policies and procedures manual for consistency and training.

– Training – Provide training to employees on using the accounting system properly and following controls.

– Troubleshooting issues – Resolve problems or bugs that may arise with the accounting platform.

Tapping into a CPA’s expertise setting up systems and procedures can help lay a solid financial foundation for managing your small business effectively.

Assistance with Payroll and Benefits  

Payroll and benefits administration often gets complex quickly when accounting for taxes, deductions, garnishments, retirement plans, health insurance, workers compensation, paid time off and more. An experienced CPA can advise on:

– Payroll processing – Recommend payroll frequency, manage filing and payment of payroll taxes, ensure compliance.

– Payroll tax forms – File required quarterly and annual payroll tax returns accurately and timely. 

– Labor regulations – Stay on top of federal/state rules for overtime, minimum wage, leave time, tipped employees, contractors, etc.

– Payroll systems – Choose and implement payroll software like Gusto, ADP, OnPay, etc. that fits your needs.

– Retirement plans – Set up and administer 401(k)s, Simple IRAs and other retirement accounts.

– Fringe benefits – Know rules for tax-free perks like healthcare, transit benefits, life insurance, etc.

– Cafeteria plans – Establish Section 125 plans allowing pre-tax benefits contributions.

– Workers compensation – Obtain coverage at the best rates and properly classify employee risk levels. 

– Paid time off – Implement vacation, sick leave and PTO policies in compliance with laws and regulations.

– Employee handbook – Develop policies for pay rates, raises, bonuses, deductions, and time off eligibility.

While daunting, getting payroll and benefits right is crucial. A CPA has the experience to handle payroll and perks smoothly or guide you through the process.

Recommendations for Improving Processes

In addition to advising on accounting rules and regulations, CPAs can take a critical look at your systems and procedures to identify opportunities for improvement. With their specialized knowledge, CPAs may recommend:

– Automating repetitive manual processes to boost efficiency

– Separating transaction authority from transaction review for better control

– Digitizing paper records and utilizing document management systems

– Standardizing procedures with documented, step-by-step guidelines

– Improving controls and security around cash management and expenditures

– Instituting approval workflows and exception reporting for transactions

– Performing regular account reconciliations as preventative measures

– Tracking KPIs and metrics to enhance reporting and analysis 

– Changing software systems to better meet evolving needs

– Providing additional staff training on policies and new software

– Implementing system integrations to eliminate redundant data entry

Process improvements enable scaling while preventing errors and fraud. CPAs have a knack for spotting weak spots and are invaluable for shoring up operations as your business grows.

Guidance on Financing and Investments

From sorting through financing options to analyzing potential investments, CPAs are trusted advisors for small businesses seeking growth. Their guidance in this area includes:

– Funding needs analysis – Evaluate working capital, liquidity, and growth capital requirements.

– Financing options – Explore financing instruments like business loans, lines of credit, factoring, and alternatives like crowdfunding.

– Loan applications – Provide financial information and projections needed to obtain financing. 

– Investor documents – Assist with financial data required for business plans, memos, and presentations.

– Valuations – Perform or critique valuations needed for equity transactions, partnership deals, etc.

– Buy/sell agreements – Consult on terms and accounting implications of buy-sell deals.

– Make vs. buy analysis – Quantify if investing in equipment/facilities or outsourcing makes more financial sense. 

– ROI analysis – Calculate return on investment for capital projects and growth opportunities being considered. 

– Investment deals – Vet proposals, analyze pro formas, assess risks/returns, and evaluate deal terms.

– Contract review – Interpret financial terms and accounting treatments in major contracts.

For major financial decisions, it pays to have a talented CPA in your corner to optimize funding, investments, and deal structures. Their specialized skills can prove invaluable.


As you can see, Certified Public Accountants offer immense value for small businesses seeking to comprehend and properly apply accounting guidelines. Their expertise across GAAP/IFRS, business taxes, audits, financial statements, accounting systems, payroll needs, processes, budgets, investments, and more provides invaluable guidance on staying compliant and making sound decisions. If complex accounting rules seem like a foreign language, partnering with a skilled CPA can help decipher it all. Leverage their knowledge to gain a precise financial picture and use that data to drive growth.