How CPAs Can Detect Financial Discrepancies and Fraud – Wimgo

How CPAs Can Detect Financial Discrepancies and Fraud

Let’s be real – financial discrepancies and fraud are a big deal. These types of issues can completely devastate organizations and people’s lives. As financial professionals, we CPAs have a huge responsibility to catch problems before they spiral out of control. 

I know some CPAs think hunting down fraud is solely the auditor’s job. But in reality, we all need to keep our eyes peeled during every engagement. Even small red flags can signal larger issues brewing under the surface. Don’t ignore your spidey senses!

In this post, I’ll walk through the common types of fishy business we need to look out for. I’ll also explain why fraud detection is so crucial for our profession, even though it means more work. The good news is new tech tools are making it easier than ever to spot issues early. My goal is to open CPAs’ minds to our collective responsibility. Financial integrity and client interests depend on it!

Okay, let’s dig in…

Common Types of Financial Discrepancies and Fraud

First things first – we need to understand what we’re looking for. Here are the main categories of suspicious activity and misdeeds:

Asset Misappropriation

This is the most frequent type, making up about 90% of occupational fraud. It’s basically stealing or misusing company resources. For example, employees skimming cash revenues, fudging expense reimbursements, or “borrowing” equipment that never comes back. Inventory theft is another big one to watch out for.

Financial Statement Fraud 

This gets more creative and involves intentionally distorting the books. Tactics include recording bogus revenues, understating expenses, and misrepresenting asset valuations way above or below market value. The goal is making the finances look rosier than reality to mislead investors, lenders, and regulators.


This encompasses shady dealings like bribery, conflicts of interest, extortion, and other abuses of power. It often goes hand-in-hand with financial fraud. Signs include questionable payments, unexplained relationships with vendors or clients, or executives living beyond their means.

While asset theft causes more direct losses, financial statement fudging and corruption can be catastrophic in their own right. Their consequences go way beyond dollars and cents to include irreparable reputation damage.

Why Should CPAs Care About Detecting Fraud?

You might be wondering why fraud busting falls on us. It’s true that auditors and forensic specialists are the pros when it comes to heavy duty fraud examination. However, I would argue that all CPAs have a professional and ethical duty to keep our eyes peeled. Here are a few reasons why:

It’s Our Duty

Our Code of Conduct explicitly says we must act in the public interest with honor and integrity. Turning a blind eye to sketchy behavior violates those principles. Staying vigilant demonstrates our commitment to ethics and earning the public’s trust.

To Protect Clients and Investors

Imagine we miss a huge embezzlement scheme or financial statement fraud. Client companies and innocent investors could suffer massive losses. Catching issues early protects those who rely on us – and our own reputations too.

Reduce Legal Liability  

If something bad happens, “I didn’t know” isn’t a great legal defense. Willful ignorance doesn’t cut it either. Spotting red flags early and properly reporting concerns reduces our liability exposure. 

For these reasons, we all need to adopt a healthy dose of professional skepticism. Take nothing at face value. Question everything!

How to Sharpen Your Fraud Detection Skills 

So how can CPAs refine our fraud finding abilities? Here are some tips to build your fraud detection toolkit:

Learn Fraud Risk Factors

Gain knowledge of vulnerabilities like weak oversight, financial strain, frequent vendor/customer turnover, industries prone to fraud like construction and healthcare, and other red flags. The more you understand risk factors, the quicker you can spot them.

Analyze the Heck Out of Those Numbers 

Get ultra familiar with client revenue and expense trends over time. Break down financial ratios. Set expected ranges based on history and industry benchmarks. Major unexplained deviations should trigger your curiosity – don’t ignore your gut feelings!

Kick the Tires on Transactions

Look beyond summaries to the source documents like invoices, inventory records, contracts, and bank statements. Trace a sample of transactions through the full process. Any missing or confusing links could signal sloppy or fraudulent activity. 

Confirm Your Suspicions 

If something seems off, do more digging through inquiries, analytics, forensics, or additional audit testing. Don’t stop until you have reasonable proof of legitimacy or detect discrepancies.

Get Forensic Help When Needed

If initial findings reveal high fraud risk, don’t go it alone. Consult experts like forensic accountants to deploy sophisticated tools and investigative methods. It takes extensive training and experience to unravel complex schemes. The extra costs will be well worth it.

While no approach is foolproof, skepticism, diligence, and leveraging all available resources will significantly improve your odds of timely detection.

New Technologies to Boost Detection 

Advancements in data analytics represent a game changer for discovery skills. Here are a few examples:

Automated Anomaly Detection

Next-gen analytics can continuously analyze massive data sets across multiple dimensions to flag unusual patterns in real time. This allows laser focus on highest risk transactions versus wading through reams of data manually.

Ongoing Monitoring

With automation, analytics enables continuous 100% transaction testing versus periodic sampling. Issues can be identified immediately versus waiting until the next audit cycle.


Presenting financial information in visual formats like graphs and dashboards makes inconsistencies and outliers easily identifiable versus staring at columns of numbers. Our human brains are wired to spot visual patterns quickly.

While not a panacea, augmented analytics expands CPAs’ capacities to uncover elbow room or flat out fraud. And many cloud-based solutions are affordable for firms of all sizes now.

Proper Reporting & Disclosure

Spotting issues is step one. But CPAs must also properly report concerns to maximize positive outcomes:

Internal Reporting

Most firms have protocols for reporting up the chain of command to an appropriate partner for evaluation and investigation. Maintaining strict confidentiality is critical during this process.

Client Disclosure 

For audit clients, disclosure requirements are based on materiality of discrepancies. The audit partner makes this judgement call. Clients decide whether to report externally, unless required by regulations. However, we must inform clients thoroughly so they can respond appropriately. Reporting fraud to legal counsel is highly recommended.  

External Reporting 

We may have affirmative legal duties to report certain frauds or misconduct to regulators, such as for public companies under Sarbanes-Oxley. Understanding external reporting duties for each case is crucial.

By following detailed reporting procedures, we protect client and public interests while minimizing liability risks from non-disclosure.

In Conclusion

Whew, that was a lot! The bottom line: financial shenanigans carry huge risks on multiple fronts. While auditors do the heavy lifting, all CPAs play an important role in early detection. We must embrace this responsibility fully by honing our skepticism, enhancing our knowledge, and leveraging today’s technologies.

Commitment to proactive vigilance represents an essential pillar of our profession. It demonstrates that CPAs stand for integrity without compromise. There’s simply too much at stake – for our clients, the public, and CPAs’ own reputations – to stay silent in the face of deceit.