How Automation is Transforming the Accounting Industry – Wimgo

How Automation is Transforming the Accounting Industry

As an accountant, I’m sure you’re familiar with the continual march of progress in our industry. Not so long ago, we were still using ledgers and paper records. Now we’ve embraced the digital age with new tools and technologies that are transforming accounting as we know it. 

One major catalyst driving this transformation is automation. New innovations in artificial intelligence, machine learning and other automation are creating opportunities to streamline and optimize huge swaths of the accounting workflow. This promises to empower us accountants to focus our expertise on more impactful initiatives, while tedium and routine tasks are handled automatically.

In this post, I’ll explore some of the key applications of automation across accounting. From lightening the load of data entry to conducting seamless audits, we’ll analyze how these new technologies are boosting productivity and reshaping the accounting role. We’ll also consider what lies ahead and how to adapt our skills to thrive in an industry increasingly powered by automation. So let’s dive in!

Automating Data Entry and Bookkeeping – Lightening the Load  

As accountants, we’re no strangers to the mind-numbing grind of manual data entry. Recording transactions, inputting invoices, reconciling accounts – these repetitive chores eat up hours of precious time. But what if intelligent automation could absorb these mundane tasks and let us apply our talents where they really count?

New optical character recognition (OCR) software can extract and input data from scanned documents and forms with incredible accuracy. Machine learning algorithms can review expenses and seamlessly categorize based on past trends. Automated reconciliation tools can match transactions from client bank statements to their internal ledgers in seconds.

Cloud accounting platforms like QuickBooks Online and Xero now integrate many of these automation capabilities in their workflows. This enables smoother management of bills, invoices, payments and other transactions with minimal manual input. By handling the grunt work, these technologies allow us to focus on advising clients versus grinding through data entry.

As automation assumes more of the repetitive tasks that have traditionally fallen on human accountants, it frees us up to embrace the more analytical and strategic aspects of the job we love. We can spend less time mired in spreadsheets and more time deciphering insights that impact clients’ businesses.

Automating Tax Preparation – Crunching the Numbers

Tax season can be the busiest and most stressful time for accountants. As we scramble to file accurate returns amid a blizzard of data, even small mistakes can have major consequences. But automation is coming to the rescue to ease the burden.

Many tax prep software platforms now incorporate artificial intelligence that can automatically populate forms using client data. Machine learning algorithms can review returns and detect potential deductions or credits you might miss in a manual review. Some programs can even estimate a taxpayer’s refund or liability based on their unique filing history. 

Natural language chatbots are also easing client communications for tax prep. They can interact with clients to collect documentation and information, sending reminders as deadlines approach. This frees us accountants to focus our skills on the high-value tasks of analyzing returns and planning strategies, versus chasing down paperwork.

As compliance requirements grow more complex, automation gives us an ally in the fight against tedious tax preparation. While it handles form-filling and number-crunching, we can provide the thoughtful expertise and judgment needed to build client relationships and minimize obligations.

Automating Audits – Ensuring Accuracy and Compliance 

Audits require meticulous, rigorous analysis to validate reporting and identify any issues. Automation brings welcome support for these labor-intensive efforts. AI algorithms can rapidly review and cross-check key documents like invoices, bank statements and inventory records to flag any discrepancies. 

Bots can also aid in assembling necessary documentation, gathering confirmations, and comparing financial records against reporting standards to identify areas of non-compliance. This allows human auditors to focus their skills on investigating flagged issues versus rote confirmation tasks.

For continuous internal monitoring, automation enables auditors to go beyond periodic sampling. Machine learning algorithms can perpetually comb through all transactions and journal entries, alerting us to anomalies in real time. This empowers more proactive financial governance versus a purely retrospective review.

By handling the routine while elevating human judgment, automation enables auditors to provide more value-added assurance. We can operate as insightful advisors guiding strategy, versus behind-the-scenes compliance checker.

Automating Payroll Processing – Increased Efficiency for HR  

Payroll has always involved extensive record-keeping and complex compliance obligations. But new innovations are easing the burden through automation to enhance accuracy and efficiency.

HR platforms can now automatically port updated employee information into payroll systems, ensuring seamless data sharing. Timekeeping software similarly provides easy transfer of hours worked to eliminate manual tabulation.

Payroll software automates calculation of gross to net pay, factoring in changing rates, deductions, overtime rules, bonuses and more. Bots stay continually updated on evolving tax laws and regulations to guarantee accurate withholdings and filings.  

Direct payroll deposit and pay cards are also paperless options. And employee self-service portals allow easy access to pay stubs, tax forms and changing personal data.

With automation handling the heavy lifting, HR and payroll professionals can focus on more strategic initiatives. These include workforce analytics, talent development programs and competitive compensation planning to attract and retain top talent.

Automating Billing and Invoicing – Smoothing Cash Flow

For professional services firms like accounting practices, timely and accurate billing is crucial for smooth cash flow. But creating, sending and tracking invoices can devour administrative resources. Automation presents a better way.

By integrating time tracking software with billing systems, billable hours are automatically logged per client project for seamless invoice generation. Client portals allow on-demand access to invoices and statements for transparency and prompt payments. 

Automated reminders and follow-ups provide polite but persistent collections on past due invoices. Analytics on historical invoices and client payment patterns also inform better credit decisions and forecasting.

With automation handling the drudgery, accountants and other service professionals can devote more time to clients versus administration. We can focus on providing the expert counsel and service that clients truly pay us for.

Automating Financial Reporting and Analysis – Insights at Your Fingertips

One of the most laborious accounting tasks comes at period close – compiling results across systems and business entities to produce financial statements and analysis. This demands countless manual hours. But automation can absorb much of this grunt work.

Centralized ERP systems integrate financial data from across organizations into a single source of truth. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to pull the right numbers into standard report templates for faster generation. Natural language generation (NLG) tools can even auto-compile written commentary and analysis.

Bots can handle the routine tasks of distributing finalized reports to key stakeholders and alerting staff to any follow up questions or requests. Dashboards offer continuous visibility versus periodic reporting.

With automation crunching the numbers, accountants are free to focus on interpreting what the data means for an organization’s financial health and strategy. The power of human analysis and storytelling will remain central to impactful reporting.

The Many Benefits of Accounting Automation

It’s clear automation brings transformative benefits across accounting workflows including:

– Increased productivity and efficiency

– Reduced errors through automation of routine rules  

– Faster processing and turnarounds  

– Enhanced regulatory compliance

– More accurate data with seamless reconciliation

– Higher value advisory time versus basic data entry  

– Continuous visibility into financial performance   

– Data-driven resource allocation optimizations

Accountants gain back time to focus on the rewarding, value-added aspects of their roles. Organizations benefit fromfaster insights, improved compliance and resource efficiency. It’s a win-win path to elevating the strategic contributions of modern accounting.

Overcoming the Challenges of Accounting Automation

While the benefits are profound, accounting automation does raise valid concerns including:

– Upfront costs of software, integration and training 

– Ongoing management of automation platforms

– Reluctance among some accountants to change entrenched workflows

– Ensuring security of sensitive financial data 

– Staying compliant amid evolving regulations   

– Potential job impacts on lower-level accounting roles

– Developing new skills like advanced data analytics

– Lack of human judgement in automated analysis of anomalies  

However, the efficiencies automation offers appear to outweigh these challenges given its rapid industry adoption. Proper change management and skills development can ease the transition. The key is achieving the right balance of automation versus human oversight.

The Future of Accounting – Rise of the Bots

Automation’s impact on accounting is still early, with massive untapped potential. Here are some key innovations we may see in future:

– Hyper-intelligent AI that continuously self-corrects and learns without human input

– Advanced cognitive automation capable of mimicking human analysis and judgement  

– End-to-end, touchless accounting across the full process spectrum  

– Integration of process mining tools to identify automation opportunities

– Blockchain/DLT enabling automated, immutable accounting 

– Predictive analytics and modeling for forecasting and planning

– Virtual assistants and chatbots acting as AI accountants and advisors

– Augmented/virtual reality to simulate data for automated testing

While fully automated accounting may still be far off, expect accelerated enhancements in self-service reporting, compliance, planning and advisory. Much of the routine “heavy lifting” of accounting looks primed for a robotic takeover.

This leaves us human accountants free to embrace a more proactive role – using our creativity and strategic thinking to guide organizations amid relentless change. Our core competencies of analysis, communication, ethics and expertise seem likely to only grow in value.

Conclusion – Automation Augments Accountants  

Repetitive, rules-based tasks are ideal for automation – and ripe for disruption. As this transformation continues, accountants must embrace the efficiencies and insights automation offers. We must see it as an opportunity to augment our skills, versus a threat of replacement. 

There will be challenges in adapting our roles, but automation ultimately provides a path to elevating accounting. We can reskill and reorient from compliance checker to strategic advisor. We can spend less time mired in spreadsheets and more time deciphering insights that drive business success.

Rather than recede, the uniquely human strengths of judgment, relationships and storytelling seem likely to become even more central to accounting. Our field will thrive alongside exponential technological progress by harnessing automation to its full potential.

So bring on the bots! With an open and optimistic mindset, accountants can flourish in this automation-assisted future. We’ll be freed to focus on the fulfilling aspects of our work that first drew us to this dynamic profession. The machines handle the routine – we’ll provide the insight. Onward!