Evaluating Your App Development Partners – Wimgo

Evaluating Your App Development Partners

Developing a mobile or web application is a major undertaking that requires finding the right app development partner. As a startup or established company looking to build an app, choosing the right development team or agency is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. This will have a huge impact on your budget, timeline, feature set, and ultimately the success of your app. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key factors to evaluate when selecting an app development partner. We’ll cover assessing their expertise, capabilities, communication style, timeline, and more. Follow this framework when researching and interviewing potential partners to find the team that’s the best fit for building your vision.

I. Assessing Technical Expertise and Capabilities

– What is their specialty and focus area – native mobile, web, emerging tech? 

– Review portfolio of past work and apps delivered successfully. 

– What is the size of their dev team and resources?

– Do they have expertise across the full stack and roles needed?

– Domain experience in your specific industry.

– Technical breadth to deliver on the scope and features.

– Check reviews and ratings on sites like Clutch.

II. Evaluating Communication and Collaboration Approach 

– What is their communication style, frequency, and availability?

– Will they dedicate an account manager or project lead?

– Do they use project management tools to keep you updated?

– Will they communicate challenges and tradeoffs early?

– How collaborative vs. top-down is their process?

– Look for team chemistry – you’ll be working closely for months.

III. Assessing Their Development Process 

– Do they follow an agile development methodology?

– How do they carry out design, prototyping, and user testing? 

– Request to see specs, documentation, or past post-mortems/learnings.

– How flexible is their process to changing requirements?

– How much upfront scoping vs. MVP approach?

– How will they keep your project on timeline and budget?

IV. Reviewing Work Quality and Attention to Detail

– Take a very close look at their portfolio and past apps. 

– Review App Store ratings and user feedback on those projects.

– Look for polished designs, intuitive UX, attention to detail.

– How robust is their coding and how diligent are their testing processes?

– Do they have safeguards for security, privacy, compliance issues?

V. Considering Their Experience Level

– Number of years in business and apps delivered successfully.  

– Size of team and company. Solo developer vs agency.

– Startup/MVP focus vs. large enterprise projects.

– Do they have experience with projects similar to yours? Industry?

– Background and training of their engineers and designers.

VI. Evaluating Their Pricing and Engagement Models

– Fixed bid pricing vs time and materials pricing.

– Monthly retainer model vs per project engagement. 

– Policy on number of revisions and change orders.

– How will they handle scope creep or shifting requirements?

– Who owns the IP for code and designs?

VII. Assessing Timeline and Ability to Meet Deadlines

– Realistic assessment of timeline based on your scope

– Speed at which they deliver on past projects

– Current availability and workload of team

– Policy on delays, overages, and project extensions

– Proven ability to stay on schedule and within budget


– Key takeaways and recap of what to look for

– Rightsizing your choice based on your app size, budget, needs

– Following a diligent process ensures you find the right partner  

– Invest time upfront in evaluation before committing 

– With the right partner, you’ll be set up for app success!


Developing a mobile or web application is a major undertaking that requires finding the right app development partner. As a startup or established company looking to build an app, choosing the right development team or agency is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. This will have a huge impact on your budget, timeline, feature set, and ultimately the success of your app. 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the key factors to evaluate when selecting an app development partner. We’ll cover assessing their expertise, capabilities, communication style, timeline, and more. Follow this framework when researching and interviewing potential partners to find the team that’s the best fit for building your vision.

Assessing Technical Expertise and Capabilities

The first area to assess is the technical expertise and capabilities of the potential partner. Consider questions such as:

– What is their specialty and focus area – native mobile, web, emerging tech? Look for expertise that aligns with your project needs.

– Review their portfolio of past work and apps delivered successfully. Case studies and examples are telling. 

– What is the size of their development team and resources? Do they have the bandwidth for your scope?

– Do they have expertise across the full stack and roles needed – backend, frontend, UX, DevOps?

– Relevant domain experience in your specific industry is a plus. 

– Evaluate if they have the technical breadth to deliver on all the required features and scope.

– Check out reviews and ratings on third-party sites like Clutch to see client feedback.

Vetting their technical competency thoroughly will indicate if they can successfully execute on your vision and handle the complexity of your app build. 

Evaluating Communication and Collaboration Approach

Beyond just technical skills, you need an app partner that communicates well and will collaborate with you effectively. Explore questions like:

– What is their communication style, frequency, and availability? 

– Will they dedicate an account manager or project lead to your project?

– Do they use project management tools and processes to keep you consistently updated?

– Will they proactively communicate development challenges and tradeoffs early?

– How collaborative vs. top-down is their development process and company culture?

– Look for team chemistry – you’ll be working very closely together for months.

Frequent, transparent communication and a collaborative spirit are key for an optimal partnership. This promotes alignment and reduces surprises down the line.

Assessing Their Development Process 

Take a close look at the prospective partner’s development process and working model:

– Do they follow an agile software development methodology? Iterative approaches allow flexibility.

– How do they carry out design, prototyping, and user testing? This creates better product-market fit.

– Request to see project specs, documentation, or post-mortems/learnings from past projects. This provides insight into how they operate.  

– How flexible is their process to changing requirements and pivots? App dev often requires adjustments.

– Is their process focused on comprehensive upfront scoping or a minimum viable product approach?

– How will they keep your project on timeline and budget? Look for guardrails.

Their process will dictate the day-to-day of your engagement, so fully understand how they work.

Reviewing Work Quality and Attention to Detail

You want an app partner who obsesses over quality and takes pride in their work: 

– Take a very close look at apps in their portfolio. Focus on design, UX, feature richness, and polish.

– Read App Store ratings and user feedback on those projects to gauge real-world experience. 

– Look for intuitive, user-centric design and seamless UX in their apps.

– How robust is their coding methodology and how diligent are their testing processes? Bugs or performance issues are unacceptable.  

– Do they have safeguards and best practices for security, privacy, compliance issues?

Attention to detail matters – you’re entrusting them to build your product. Scrutinize their craftsmanship.

Considering Their Experience Level

In general, you want an app partner with substantial experience under their belt:

– Number of years in business and apps successfully delivered. Seasoned teams have seen it all.

– Size of team and company. Solo developer vs. large agency. Match size to your needs.

– Startup/MVP focus vs. large enterprise project experience. Choose their sweet spot.

– Do they have experience with highly successful projects similar to yours? Industry experience is ideal.

– Background and training of their engineers and designers. Top talent delivers top results.  

For the best outcome, choose a partner with years of relevant experience and proven results.

Evaluating Their Pricing and Engagement Models

App dev partners offer different pricing models, each with pros and cons:

– Fixed bid pricing provides cost certainty, but less flexibility. Time and materials pricing is adjustable, but less predictable.

– Monthly retainer model vs per project engagement. Retainer aligns incentives over time. 

– Policy on number of revisions and change orders – this dictates flexibility.

– How will they handle scope creep or shifting requirements? Look for reasonable change order terms.

– Who owns the IP for code and designs? Important to clarify upfront.

Review pricing thoroughly and align on a model that suits your priorities and constraints.

Assessing Timeline and Ability to Meet Deadlines

Even with the best intentions, app dev timelines can slip. Minimize risk by:

– Seeking a realistic assessment of timeline based on your full feature scope

– Reviewing speed at which they delivered on similar past projects 

– Understanding current availability and workload of the proposed team

– Learning about their policy on delays, overages, and timeline extensions

– Looking for proven ability to stay on schedule and within original budget

An experienced partner should be able to forecast schedules and limitations accurately.  


Choosing the right app development partner is a hugely consequential decision. Follow a diligent process when evaluating potential teams, using the criteria above as your guide. Take time upfront to research options thoroughly before committing. With the ideal partner in place, matched to your needs and priorities, you’ll be set up for app development success.

Rightsize your choice – a solo developer may be great for an MVP, while an agency may better suit a complex project. Focus on finding cultural fit and understanding how they work. With tradeoffs made transparent, you can make the best decision for YOUR app, budget and team.

What has your experience been when evaluating and selecting app partners? What criteria proved most important? Share your lessons learned so others can benefit! Leave your comments below.