Digitizing Your Bookkeeping Process – Going Paperless – Wimgo

Digitizing Your Bookkeeping Process – Going Paperless

As small business owners, we’re always looking for ways to improve efficiency and boost productivity. In today’s digital era, paper-based workflows can really slow things down and lead to costly errors. If you’re still relying on filing cabinets bursting with receipts and invoices, it may be time to get with the times! 

Transitioning to digital bookkeeping and paperless processes has some big advantages. At my company, it’s helped us work faster, smarter and more accurately. Transactions flow seamlessly into reports and everything is backed up automatically in the cloud. Goodbye clunky binders and hello streamlined automation!

In this post, I’ll walk through the step-by-step process my team used to digitize our bookkeeping. I’ll also share tips for making your whole office paper-free. Change can be daunting, but I promise the effort is worth it. With the right prep and guidance, you can smoothly join the digital era. Let’s dive in!

Why Digitize Your Bookkeeping?

If your system of ledger books and paper receipts ain’t broke, you may wonder why fix it. Here are some excellent reasons to go digital:

Increased Efficiency  

No more time wasted on manual data entry! With accounting software, transactions seamlessly flow into digital ledgers. You can simply snap photos of receipts and invoices to log expenses on the go. Reporting is automated and real-time. It’s a massive time saver.

Improved Accuracy

Let’s be honest – hand written logs and calculations lead to errors, especially as business grows. Cloud accounting tools crunch the numbers flawlessly every time. Automation leaves little room for human error. The boost in accuracy is invaluable.

Enhanced Security 

Filing cabinets and desk drawers aren’t exactly Fort Knox. Paper records are susceptible to all kinds of catastrophic loss and theft. Digital records are much more secure behind encryption, firewalls and password protections.

Better Scalability

Think of the logistical headache of scaling paper systems as your company expands! Digital tools allow you to seamlessly scale while controlling user access. Multiple locations can access the cloud-based system with ease.

Cost Savings 

While digital software requires an upfront investment, it leads to significant cost savings – no paper, ink, storage space or filing equipment needed! And avoiding errors means avoiding potentially costly rework down the line.

Steps to Digitize Your Bookkeeping

Migrating your bookkeeping to the digital realm takes careful planning. Rushing into it can be disastrous. Here are the steps my team followed for a smooth transition:

Assess Current Bookkeeping Process

Take time to thoroughly understand your current bookkeeping workflows. Document each pain point, bottleneck and area prone to errors. This assessment will make the benefits of digital crystal clear.

Choose Cloud Accounting Software

Do your research to find a software that’s scalable, full-featured and easy to use. Test different platforms. I’d recommend cloud-based services like QuickBooks Online or Xero for on-the-go access.

Set Up Chart of Accounts 

Your chart of accounts is essentially your bookkeeping blueprint. Take time to thoughtfully organize this digitized ledger based on your business needs and accounting requirements. 

Scan Paper Documents

You’ll want all existing financial docs and records digitized. Designate a scanning station and have someone take on the big task of scanning everything into your cloud repository. 

Enter Existing Data

If your business has years’ worth of bookkeeping data, it also needs entered into your new system. Temp staff can help speed this tedious process. But it’s essential for historical reporting.

Automate Processes

One of the best parts of digital bookkeeping is automating repetitive manual processes. Configure your software to automatically reconcile accounts, send invoices, synchronize payroll and more. 

Implement Paperless Workflow

With your new tools in place, it’s time to roll out paperless workflows for everything from approving expenses to filing documents. Lean on software guides and online help resources.

Train Staff on New Process

Your team will need guidance to adopt the new digital systems. Offer hands-on training and quick-reference guides. Be patient as everyone gets up to speed – it’s a learning curve.

Do a Trial Run

Before fully making the switch, run a trial with your old and new processes in parallel for a set period. Work out any kinks before going live. It builds confidence in the new approach.

Go Live! 

Once fully prepared through training and trial runs, it’s time to cut over to the new digital systems, pronto! Gradually phase out all vestiges of old paper processes. Maintain extra vigilance as you get rolling.

Key Things to Consider

A digital overhaul introduces some new considerations:

Data Security

Financial data is highly sensitive, so security is paramount. Use two-factor authentication, role-based permissions and encryption. Routinely update passwords and cybersecurity software. Enable remote wipe for lost devices.

Compliance Requirements

Make sure your new systems meet any compliance obligations for financial reporting, tax filing, data retention laws, etc. Stay current on requirements as regulations evolve. Don’t get caught out of compliance.

Backup and Recovery

Data loss cripples a business. Have rock-solid backup plans in place. Test restoring backups regularly. Consider having critical infrastructure duplicated for redundancy. Disaster recovery plans should specifically cover digital assets.

Software Integrations

Choose accounting software that integrates seamlessly with tools you already use like payroll, CRM, ecommerce and inventory platforms. APIs and automation cut out repetitive manual work.

The Paperless Office 

To fully leverage the potential of digital bookkeeping, consider going paperless across your entire organization with these steps:

Go Digital

Select secure cloud-based software services that enable collaboration from anywhere – email, e-signatures, document storage and editing, project management etc. Services like G Suite or Office 365 provide an easy starting point.  

Organize Files

Without tangible folders and cabinets, a strategic digital organizational system is crucial. Optimize folder structures and naming protocols. Use tagging and metadata to enhance searchability. Archive older files to reduce clutter.

Implement Processes  

Carefully map out standardized digital processes for everything from procurement to employee onboarding. Put procedures in writing. Get used to requesting and tracking approvals digitally.  

Train Staff 

Help staff get proficient and comfortable with new digital tools through training sessions and quick reference guides. Have team members with expertise in certain tools provide peer assistance.

Manage Data Storage

Closely monitor usage of local storage, networked files shares and cloud storage. Strategically tier data across storage mediums to balance performance and costs. Expand capacity proactively as your digital footprint grows.

Benefits of Going Paperless

Here are some of the biggest perks my business has enjoyed:

Greater Efficiency

Automating manual paperwork has made us far more nimble and productive. Information is accessible anywhere instantly instead of buried in file drawers. Digital processes help us do more with less.

Better Collaboration 

Cloud storage and apps let team members simultaneously work on documents and projects across multiple locations. No more emailing files back and forth! File sharing and video calls also improve collaboration.

More Security

Digital records have given me peace of mind knowing my data is secure behind encrypted cloud storage, firewalls and multi-factor authentication. I used to constantly stress about misplaced documents or fire damage.

Lower Costs

While tech spending increased, our paper and storage spending plummeted – no small feat for a growing company. The reduction in human errors has also minimized spend on rework.

Environmental Sustainability 

I’m proud that eliminating paper has made our operations greener. My team feels good about doing our small part to reduce waste and resource consumption. It’s been a morale booster.

Challenges of Going Paperless

While worthwhile, a digital overhaul has some challenges to manage:

Upfront Costs

Transitioning to new tech always requires some investment. There’s software costs, new scanners and printers, employee training time and potential consulting fees. It adds up, but yields savings over time.

Learning Curve

Humans are creatures of habit. Adopting new processes requires an adjustment period. Productivity may initially lag while people acclimate to new tools. Patience and support pave the way.

Dependence on Technology

Once fully digital, technology disruptions can grind things to a halt. Internet outages, power failures or software bugs can paralyze operations. Have contingency plans in place for critical systems.  

Lack of Physical Records

Despite digital convenience, some folks still prefer paper files, financial statements, etc. during the transition. Offer some key documents in both formats to assuage technophobes.

Unorganized Documents  

Digital documents can quickly become disorganized without strict metadata and folder structures. Establish naming conventions, storage tiers and access controls so documents don’t end up lost in the ether.

Tips for Transitioning to Paperless

Based on my experience, here are some tips to ensure success going paperless:

Get Buy-In from Staff

Solicit feedback from staff on pain points and ideas for improvement. Involve team members in solution design. This builds excitement for changes and sets clear expectations.

Do It in Phases 

Trying to go completely digital overnight is asking for trouble! Transition in stages starting with bookkeeping processes first. Let changes sink in before moving to the next department.

Invest in Software and Hardware

Buy quality technology from reputable vendors. Skimping will come back to bite you. Provide sufficient storage, fast internet, top-tier computers and devices to set your team up for success.

Implement Processes and Procedures

Technology alone is not enough. Meticulously map updated processes and document standard operating procedures. Make sure everyone understands how new tools integrate into workflows.  

Train Employees

Bookkeeping staff will need deep training on new accounting systems. But provide some technology literacy training companywide. Tap tech-savvy staff to mentor others. Consider hiring temporary helpers.

Address Security Concerns 

Put safeguards in place to ease worries about data protection. Make cybersecurity policies transparent. Provide secure equipment. Instill that digitizing actually better protects sensitive information.

Consider Offsite Physical Records Storage

If going 100% paperless seems daunting, consider putting older records in offsite storage rather than trashing them. It provides a physical backup during the transition.


Migrating from paper to digital bookkeeping and business processes is an intimidating but rewarding endeavor. With careful planning and training, you can minimize hiccups and maximize benefits like improved efficiency, collaboration and security. Don’t be afraid to lean on experts like accountants, IT consultants and experienced peers. Soon you’ll be off and running with streamlined paper-free operations. The future is digital – it’s time to join in!