Digitizing Your Bookkeeping Process – Going Paperless – Wimgo

Digitizing Your Bookkeeping Process – Going Paperless

In today’s digital age, paper-based bookkeeping can feel antiquated and inefficient. With the right tools and systems in place, going paperless can revolutionize your accounting processes and provide major benefits for your business.  

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk through the steps for transitioning your bookkeeping fully online and ditching the filing cabinets for good. We’ll cover:

– The advantages of going paperless

– How to digitize your documents and implement cloud-based systems

– Best practices for maintaining security and organization

– How to get staff onboard and make the transition smoothly

By the end of this post, you’ll have a complete roadmap for taking your bookkeeping into the digital future. Let’s get started!

Why Go Paperless?

Here are some of the key benefits of going paperless with your bookkeeping:

Increased Efficiency

Digitizing documents and automating processes can significantly speed up everyday accounting tasks. Rather than sifting through filing cabinets, you can instantly search for files on your computer or in the cloud. Approval workflows also become seamlessly electronic for invoices and expenses. Overall, you’ll gain back time and headaches.

Enhanced Security 

Paper documents can easily be misplaced, damaged, or stolen. Digitally stored files are more secure through backups, encryption, and permission settings. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your data is safe.

Improved Accuracy

Paperwork inevitably leads to data entry errors and incorrect figures. Digital systems have automated error-checking and syncing across platforms. This improves accuracy and minimizes potentially costly mistakes.

Better Collaboration

Cloud-based accounting systems allow for real-time collaboration across locations and departments. Multiple people can access the same information simultaneously, improving internal communication.

Reduced Storage Needs

Storing paper records requires large amounts of physical space for filing cabinets and boxes. Digitizing eliminates this space burden and need for off-site storage facilities. You can store entire databases worth of data with minimal physical infrastructure.


Going paperless is a green initiative that reduces paper waste and the company’s environmental footprint. On average, businesses can reduce paper consumption by over 75% by switching to digital bookkeeping.

Cost Savings

The efficiencies, accuracy, and storage reduction achieved all equate to cost savings from going paperless. Also, solutions like cloud storage and software often cost less than purchasing filing cabinets, folders, shredders, and other supplies. The return on investment is substantial.

With all of these benefits, it’s easy to see why switching to paperless bookkeeping is a smart business move for organizations of all sizes and industries.

Steps to Digitize Your Bookkeeping Process

Transitioning fully to paperless bookkeeping requires some upfront work, but the long-term benefits are immense. Here are the key steps for digitizing your accounting systems:

Get Organized

Take stock of your existing paper systems and understand your workflows. This will help determine what processes should be digitized and identify pain points to be addressed. Don’t try to directly replicate your current system – think about how digitization can make key improvements. Prioritize high impact areas first for digitization.

Scan Documents

For existing paper records and archives, invest in a high-speed scanner to digitize everything. This includes receipts, invoices, contracts, bank statements and any other financial or accounting documents. Organize the digital copies by year and document type into folders just like your physical filing system. Get in the habit of scanning new documents you receive on an ongoing basis.

Use Accounting Software

At the heart of going paperless is adopting cloud-based accounting software like QuickBooks Online, Xero or Sage. These provide robust bookkeeping capabilities and a central digital system of record. Set up the chart of accounts, billing and invoicing workflows to mirror your existing processes. Import scanned documents for easy access.

Go Mobile 

Complement your desktop accounting software with mobile apps. These allow you to capture receipts, track mileage, manage invoices and more on-the-go from your smartphone or tablet. Popular options include QuickBooks, Xero, Expensify, MileIQ and Bill.com. This replaces paper forms, logs and records.

Cloud Storage

A secure cloud storage platform gives you one central location to store scanned documents, PDFs, photos, spreadsheets and other digital files. Top solutions like Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive or Box all give you robust tools for managing, sharing and backing up files. Integrate them with your accounting software for smooth access to supporting financial documentation.

Automate Processes

Paperwork like data entry and filing can be automated using software like AutoEntry or Hubdoc. These use optical character recognition to extract data from documents and sync it with your accounting system. Approval workflows can also be automated for seamless digital sign-offs. This removes manual data entry and paperwork while improving accuracy.

Digital Security

As you digitize workflows, apply best practices for digital security. Make use of permission settings, 2-factor authentication, and data encryption to control access and safeguard sensitive information. Create regular backups of critical data and store in multiple locations. Have a disaster recovery plan for scenarios like ransomware attacks or hardware failure.

By taking these steps, you’ll have a fully modernized digital accounting infrastructure free of old-school paper limitations. But making the transition successfully also requires getting your staff onboard and implementing organization-wide change management…

Making the Transition 

Moving to paperless bookkeeping affects your entire organization. Follow these best practices for smoothly facilitating the transition:

Start Small

Don’t try to revamp your entire accounting system overnight. Begin with ‘quick win’ areas like scanning accounts payable invoices or setting up digital expense reporting. Let staff get used to this limited initial change. Then build momentum by gradually rolling out additional process improvements for digitization.

Get Staff Onboard  

Your team is crucial for success. Provide training on new tools and processes. Show them the benefits of going paperless to build buy-in. Bring early adopters on first as pilot users and champions of the new systems. Then leverage their feedback and experience to get others comfortable with the changes. Recognize and reward those who demonstrate success.

Consider Pros and Cons

Understand that digitization requires some adaption and learning curves. Ensure proper expectations are set around potential growing pains of new systems. Provide ample support and address concerns quickly. If certain changes prove too cumbersome, be open to pulling back and taking a phased approach if needed. Get employee feedback frequently and continue refining.

With strategic change management, you can minimize disruptions, maximize adoption, and stick the landing on going paperless. Now let’s look at some key practices for maintaining your shiny new paper-free systems…

Best Practices for Maintaining a Paperless System

Once you’ve gone paperless, staying that way requires ingraining some important habits and disciplines:

– Continuously scan new documents – Get in a consistent rhythm of scanning forms, receipts, etc. Don’t let new paper piles accumulate.

– Keep cloud storage organized – Properly tag and file digital documents using a clear folder structure and naming conventions.

– Perform routine backups – Prevent data loss by regularly backing up your accounting system and cloud repositories. 

– Enable automatic syncing – Link accounts and apps to auto-sync new transactions, receipts, invoices and other data.

– Standardize naming protocols- Establish consistent rules for naming documents, folders and files to maximize searchability.

– Set retention policies – Determine appropriate retention periods for accounting documents based on legal requirements.

– Tightly control permissions – Only allow necessary personnel to access confidential financial information.

– Train new employees – Ensure your paperless systems and best practices are taught to new hires.

– Ask for feedback – Check in with staff on what digitization processes are working well versus need improvement.

By vigilantly following these guidelines, you can avoid backsliding into old paper-dependent ways. Technology can make it seamless – but you still need discipline.

The Bottom Line

Going paperless holds tremendous potential to modernize and strengthen your company’s financial processes and oversight. While the migration requires forethought and diligence, the long-term efficiency gains are undeniable.

By methodically digitizing documents, automating workflows, and implementing cloud-based accounting systems, you can unlock game-changing benefits:

– Increased productivity

– Enhanced visibility and controls 

– Improved data accuracy 

– Seamless collaboration

– Heightened security

– Significant cost savings

Today’s technologies make a paperless environment completely attainable, even for small businesses with limited resources.

With a smart and structured approach, you can successfully join the ranks of leading organizations who have already embraced paper-free accounting and reaped the rewards. So don’t get left behind – go digital for a brighter future!