Creating Toolkits and Resources for Customer Service Teams – Wimgo

Creating Toolkits and Resources for Customer Service Teams

Providing great customer service is essential for any business that wants to retain customers and grow. But equipping staff with the knowledge and resources to handle diverse customer needs isn’t always easy. That’s where creating dedicated customer service toolkits and resources comes in handy.

Having readily available tools and information helps ensure customers receive consistent and high-quality service. It also empowers staff to confidently handle inquiries without constant hand-holding. 

This guide will explore the elements of a robust customer service toolkit. You’ll discover tips for creating resources that staff actually use. Let’s get started building toolkits that pave the way for customer service excellence.

Why Customer Service Toolkits are Important

Toolkits might sound basic, but they provide critical foundations that lift your customer service team. Well-designed toolkits and resources offer many benefits:

– Ensure consistent support – With documented guidelines and policies, representatives know how to handle different customer scenarios. This leads to uniform service quality.

– Improve efficiency – Agents can access key information and tools in one place instead of hunting around. This reduces time spent searching for answers.

– Enhance knowledge – Comprehensive resources help agents learn proper techniques and protocols. Knowledge boosts confidence and readiness.

– Allow self-sufficiency – The toolkit empowers agents to self-serve information instead of asking managers repeatedly. This lightens managers’ support burden.

– Boost compliance – Following documented standards helps keep service aligned with laws, regulations, and best practices. This reduces compliance risks.

– Facilitate training – Structured toolkits make it easier to onboard new staff. Materials guide training and get agents up to speed quickly.

– Enable continuous improvement – Toolkits provide baselines to evaluate service quality. Gaps point to areas needing enhancement.  

Given these significant advantages, customer service toolkits should be prioritized investments. Thoughtfully designed toolkits arm staff to deliver winning service.

Elements to Include in a Customer Service Toolkit

Customer service toolkits aren’t one-size-fits-all. Tailor yours to your business’s specific needs and challenges. That said, certain elements form a robust toolkit’s foundation. Consider including these essentials:

Brand Voice and Tone Guidelines

Give agents guidance on communicating in a way that aligns with your brand identity and voice. Cover:

  • Key messaging pillars 
  • Brand personality traits 
  • Commonly used terms and phrasing
  • Etiquette and best practices for written and verbal interactions
  • Dos and don’ts of tone

This ensures interactions reflect your brand consistently.

Customer Personas 

Develop personas that represent your key customer segments. Outline:

  • Demographic data
  • Values and priorities  
  • Common pain points
  • Preferred channels 

Understanding target audiences helps agents relate better and provide personalized experiences. Include some example scenarios for reference.

Service Standards and Guidelines

Define what “good” looks like for your support team. Include:

  • Service principles and values
  • Expected timeframes for responses 
  • Standards for issue resolution  
  • Service dos and don’ts
  • Routines and procedures 

This content anchors a consistent, high-bar for service.

Product and Subject-Matter Resources 

Make it easy for agents to access key information with: 

  • FAQs on popular product questions
  • Product manuals and specs
  • Video tutorials and training materials
  • Quick tips and cheat sheets
  • Subject-matter primers  

Well-informed agents can handle a wider range of inquiries confidently.

Customer Service Processes

Document end-to-end processes agents should follow across different scenarios like:

  • Handling incoming calls
  • Troubleshooting technical issues
  • Processing orders or refunds
  • Managing escalated issues
  • Following up on cases

Outline steps, guidelines, templates, and examples to eliminate guesswork. 


Detail key customer service policies on:

  • Privacy practices
  • Returns and cancellations
  • Shipping and fulfillment
  • Payments and billing 
  • Warranties and guarantees

Ensure representatives understand policies that commonly apply to customer inquiries.

Integration Information 

List credentials and usage guidelines for any systems or tools agents interact with like:

  • Help desk platforms
  • Knowledge bases
  • CRM software 
  • Account databases

Smooth technology integration enables efficient service delivery. 

Contact Resources

Make it easy to get cross-functional assistance with: 

  • Org charts
  • Team directories
  • Escalation protocols
  • Key stakeholders list
  • Partner contacts

Empower agents to bring in other resources to resolve issues.

Tips for Creating Useful Resources

Simply compiling information into a toolkit isn’t enough. You need to create resources agents actually use in their day-to-day work. Follow these best practices:

Make it comprehensive but concise 

Stick to the essentials agents need at their fingertips—don’t overcomplicate content with nice-to-knows. Prioritize actionable information.

Optimize for quick scanning

Use clear headers, bullet points, bolding, and whitespace to format documents for easy skimming. Busy agents will skip dense paragraphs.  

Keep it current

Don’t just set it and forget it. Review and update content regularly to keep it in sync with the latest processes, policies, products, etc.

Involve team input 

Ask agents what pain points resources should solve and workshop drafts. They know what will help them most day to day.

Use simple language

Write in clear, plain language. Avoid ambiguous and overly formal phrasing that could cause confusion.  

Make it easily accessible

House resources on a centralized platform agents access daily. Avoid hard-to-find folders. Consider wiki software.

Test usability

Have agents trial the toolkit and provide feedback on what works and where they struggle. Refine content based on real experience.

Combine formats strategically 

Blend documentation, videos, cheat sheets, and job aids to cover different learning styles. Visuals enhance text-heavy data.

Opt for active voice

Use active voice and directly address the reader. This makes copy more engaging and instructional.

Encouraging Consistent Use of Resources 

The best toolkit is worthless if agents don’t reference it. Get more mileage from your content with tactics like:

Promote it

Communicate the purpose of the toolkit and how to access it. Highlight it in meetings and updates. Feature new additions. 

Incorporate into training

Reference toolkit resources heavily when onboarding new hires. This ingrains the habit of using it. Reinforce during ongoing training too.

Make it part of workflows

Integrate toolkit use into core customer service processes. Cue agents to consult resources at key process points.

Monitor usage

Track analytics on toolkit usage and note low-use areas. Then reassess and optimize weak points.

Solicit user feedback

Check in with agents on their toolkit experience. Ask for input on enhancements and fixes.

Update it routinely 

Don’t neglect the toolkit once it’s live. Keep it fresh and useful with regular reviews and content additions.

Recognize usage

Call out individuals and teams making exceptional use of the toolkit. Encourage sharing of their best practices.

Adapting and Improving Tools Over Time

View your toolkit as a dynamic resource you continually evolve rather than a static one. Ensure it stays relevant with strategies like:

Regular audits

Conduct quarterly audits assessing toolkit effectiveness. Review usage data and agent feedback to spot areas for improvement.

Team check-ins 

Host periodic open forums for agents to share toolkit enhancement ideas and pain points. Then act on this input.

Content sunsetting 

Review all materials annually and “sunset” outdated, redundant, and low-value content. Don’t let it turn into a junk drawer.

New hire assessments

Get feedback from recent hires on their onboarding toolkit experience—the most objective eyes. What did they struggle to find?

Process linkage

When customer service processes change, immediately update related toolkit sections. Keep guidance in sync with workflows.

Training analysis 

Review training requests and knowledge gaps that surface during coaching. Identify opportunities to enhance toolkit coverage.

Monitoring success metrics

Watch customer satisfaction scores and service quality metrics. Falling numbers suggest toolkit improvements may be needed.

Staying on top of toolkit improvements ensures it evolves along with your service team’s needs. Don’t miss a chance to level-up support capabilities.


Customer service toolkits are a foundational element for equipping staff to deliver winning experiences. Take a strategic approach to curating toolkits with a focus on creating genuinely useful content. Keep evolving your toolkit over time as needs change. Investing in thoughtful toolkits pays off with more empowered agents, satisfied customers, and stronger service capabilities. Use these steps to start building a toolkit tailored to your team’s unique needs and challenges.