Creating Customer Service Standards and Policies – Wimgo

Creating Customer Service Standards and Policies

Providing amazing customer service seems like it should be simple, right? Just empower your team to do whatever it takes to make each customer happy. If only it were that easy! Without clearly defined standards and thoughtful policies to guide them, even the most well-intentioned service reps can deliver inconsistent, frustrating experiences.

Believe me, I’ve been there. At my last company, we touted our “legendary customer service” in marketing materials without ever actually spelling out what we meant by that. As we grew rapidly, service started slipping through the cracks. Customers were confused and angry, while our frontline folks felt overwhelmed and unsupported. It was a hot mess!

Once we realized service excellence requires more than a tagline, we embarked on a long journey of research, reflection and courageous conversations to create customer service standards and policies that transformed our culture. Along the way, we learned so many 

valuable lessons about what works—and what doesn’t.

Now I want to share our hard-won knowledge with you, so you can avoid some of the painful pitfalls we encountered. Consider me your customer service spirit guide! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore:

  • Why clearly defined standards and policies are so critical
  • The step-by-step process for creating standards that wow
  • How to develop detailed policies to support your standards
  • Effective ways to train employees on your new guidelines
  • Encouraging ongoing feedback and improvement
  • Continuously evolving your standards over time

Whether you’re building from scratch or looking to improve existing programs, I’ll provide actionable best practices to help you connect more deeply with customers. When you consistently exceed expectations, you earn lifelong loyalty. Let’s get started on doing just that!

Why Customer Service Standards and Policies Matter

Many companies do not realize the enormous impact that clearly defined standards and comprehensive policies can have. Here are some of the key benefits:

Promote Consistent Experiences

Well-documented standards ensure customers have a consistent, predictable service experience regardless of which employee helps them. Without standards guiding employees, service quality can vary dramatically between different reps. Defined standards promote aligned behaviors and approaches.

Set Clear Expectations

Customer service standards explicitly communicate expected service behaviors, practices, and procedures. This eliminates ambiguity or confusion for employees and allows them to confidently meet and exceed expectations. Standards provide clarity on what “good” service looks like.

Enable Effective Training 

Comprehensive standards and policies provide the content for employee training programs. They ensure every rep understands exactly how to deliver excellent service through all channels and touchpoints. Ongoing training is essential for reinforcing standards.

Support Accountability 

With clearly defined expectations in place, employees can be held accountable for upholding standards. Performance evaluations should be tied directly to standard adherence. This motivates employees to consistently achieve excellence.

Improve Efficiency

Clear standards help streamline customer interactions by guiding appropriate responses for common scenarios. This enables employees to handle a higher volume of inquiries without sacrificing quality. Standards boost productivity.  

Enhance Customer Satisfaction 

Customers notice when service employees demonstrate aligned behaviors and share consistent knowledge. Uniformly excellent service increases satisfaction, loyalty, referrals, and brand affinity. Standards directly impact customer impressions.

Differentiate from Competitors

Most companies tout “great service” but lack the standards to truly deliver it. Defined standards allow you to stand out with service that wows customers. This becomes a competitive advantage that gets noticed.

With so many advantages, making customer service standards and policies a priority must be a strategic imperative. Let’s look at the process for creating effective standards.

Steps to Creating Customer Service Standards

Developing exceptional customer service standards does not happen overnight. It requires an intentional, methodical approach. Here are the key steps:

Research and Analysis

Start by thoroughly researching customer expectations, industry best practices, and standards used by service leaders. Analyze current service levels, common pain points, and customer feedback. Identify areas for improvement.

Executive Input

Conduct executive interviews to align on service philosophy, values, vision, and objectives. What should differentiate your service experience? What principles and priorities should guide standards? Incorporate executive perspectives. 

Advisory Team

Form a cross-functional advisory team including representatives from key departments like sales, marketing, product, and technology. This ensures alignment and buy-in across the organization.

Draft Initial Standards

Synthesize research learnings, executive input, and advisory team guidance to draft initial standards focused on the desired customer experience. Define expected behaviors, knowledge requirements, process steps, timelines, and communication methods.

Customer Testing

Socialize draft standards with a sample of customers. Does it resonate with their needs and expectations? Solicit open feedback on what should be added, modified, or removed. Incorporate learnings into the standards.

Pilot and Refine

Test standards through a pilot group of employees first. Identify gaps, challenges, and necessary revisions based on real-world experience. Refine and simplify standards for clarity.

Leadership Approval 

Once standards have been thoroughly vetted and refined, obtain executive team approval as the official version 1.0. This solidifies leadership alignment and commitment to upholding standards.

Develop Detailed Policies 

With official standards in place, develop the comprehensive policies needed to support successful implementation. Now let’s examine this process.

Developing Detailed Customer Service Policies 

While standards define expected behaviors, customer service policies outline the specific procedures and guidelines enabling employees to consistently achieve standards. Well-constructed policies address the “how” associated with service standards. Consider these best practices when creating policies:

Align to Standards

Ensure every policy maps directly to one or more defined standards. This strengthens consistency and alignment. Reference the relevant standard(s) within each policy.

Cover All Channels/Touchpoints

Construct detailed policies for all channels and touchpoints including phone, email, chat, self-service, in-store, social media, online communities, and more.

Address Accessibility 

Include policies for assisting customers with disabilities or language barriers. This ensures consistently accessible service for all.

Outline Procedures

Document step-by-step procedures for common service scenarios like returns, escalations, complaints, etc. Provide playbooks employees can reference.

Share Sample Dialogues

Where applicable, provide examples of ideal dialogues, language, greetings, hold messages, closings, and scripts. These bring standards to life.

Include Timelines 

Define timeliness expectations and deadlines for different types of responses such as first reply, resolution update, case closure, callbacks, etc. 

Specify Tools and Systems

Detail which systems, tools, and resources should be used for different service tasks like ticketing, knowledge management, customer data, etc.

Describe Quality Assurance

Explain quality assurance methods for upholding standards like monitoring, scoring, auditing, and coaching. Hold employees accountable.

Set Security Protocols

Document information security protocols for handling customer data, safely verifying identities, securing payments, and related privacy/compliance needs.

Outline Hiring Practices 

Detail standards-based hiring practices like competency assessments, values/culture interviews, and probationary evaluation periods. Start with shared commitment to service excellence.

With comprehensive policies developed, employee training is the next critical step for success.

Training Employees on Standards and Policies

Simply publishing standards and policies does little to impact actual service delivery. To influence behaviors, extensive training on applying standards and following policies must occur. Consider these tips:

Make Training Mandatory 

Require all customer-facing employees to complete an initial training course on standards and policies. This sends a clear message about their importance.

Added to Onboarding

Incorporate training on standards and policies into new hire onboarding processes. This sets clear expectations from day one.

Highlight Examples

Bring standards and policies to life through real examples of applying them. Share videos, recordings and case studies of excellence in action.

Skills Practice 

Include skills practice exercises related to standards like role playing sample scenarios, mock customer calls, email response drafting, accessibility accommodations, etc. 

Ongoing Refreshers 

Require refresher training on standards and policies at least annually. More frequent refreshers keep them top of mind.

Make Training Engaging

Leverage adult learning best practices to make training interactive and enjoyable through gaming, friendly competition, peer-to-peer teaching, and other innovations.

Management Involvement  

Have managers co-facilitate portions of the training to show alignment and provide direct feedback. Managers should complete training first.

Evaluate Comprehension

Incorporate knowledge checks, quizzes, assessments, and certifications to evaluate how well employees understand standards and policies. Require passing scores.

Integrate Technology

Deliver training through your learning management system, microlearning apps, online video, and other modalities. Blend self-study with live sessions.  

Localize Content

Provide localized training content and examples tailored to region-specific needs, languages, regulations, business practices, and customer preferences. 

With extensive training implemented, ongoing reinforcement is required to sustain adherence. Next we will explore methods for encouraging this.

Encouraging Ongoing Feedback   

Initial training equips employees with knowledge on standards and policies. However, adopting the disciplines to consistently execute takes time and practice. Encouraging ongoing feedback is crucial for reinforcing skills and excellence. Consider these options:

Peer Mentoring

Develop peer-to-peer mentoring programs for employees to learn together and share constructive feedback on applying standards.

Calibration Sessions  

Conduct regular calibration sessions where groups of employees review examples of service interactions and score against standards to align perspectives. 

Leader Roundtables

Host periodic roundtable discussions for managers across regions to compare observations, share wins and gaps, brainstorm improvement ideas, and synchronize support.

Sample Monitoring

Have managers proactively monitor and score random customer service interactions against defined standards to identify coaching opportunities. Provide recognition for excellence observed.

Customer Surveys 

Send targeted surveys after service interactions to get timely customer feedback tied directly to standards. Review responses with individual employees.

Online Feedback

Enable online review forms, quick polls, and feedback buttons to collect customer perspectives. Highlight comments related to standards.

Multichannel Data

Assess data on support quality by channel like chat ratings, email response times, call handling metrics, etc. Connect insights to standards performance.

Solicit Suggestions

Ask employees directly for suggestions on strengthening standards, enhancing policies, and improving training. They have invaluable insights from the frontlines.  

Effectively responding to feedback and continuously improving is equally crucial.

Continuously Improving Standards and Policies

The work does not stop once standards and policies are established. They must evolve regularly through structured evaluative processes. Consider these best practices:

Quarterly Reviews 

Convene leadership, managers and employees quarterly to formally discuss what is working well and identify areas for improving standards and policies.

Customer Advisory Panel

Form a customer advisory panel that meets biannually to assess standards effectiveness and whether revisions are needed based on current customer expectations.

Proactive Auditing

Conduct regular detailed audits of service quality, interactions, and procedures to proactively uncover enhancement opportunities before issues arise.

Document Feedback

Log all customer comments related to service quality, both positive and constructive. Analyze for themes and insights to inform improvements.

Version Tracking 

Maintain version control of standards and policy documents. Capture update rationale, reviewer notes, and approvals over time.

Process Analysis

When service problems occur, thoroughly analyze related standards, policies, training, and procedures to determine the breakdown. Isolate root causes.  

Impact Evaluation

Work with data analysts to identify correlations between updates to standards and policies and key performance metrics like CSAT, quality scores, case closures, etc. 

Bright Spots Research 

Analyze teams, regions, or individuals who consistently achieve exceptional standards results. Replicate their best practices elsewhere.


Regularly benchmark standards and policies against service leaders and best practices. Identify innovation opportunities.

With a culture of continuous improvement instilled, companies can consistently evolve standards and policies to provide ever-higher levels of customer service excellence.


Delivering consistently amazing customer service hinges on well-constructed standards and comprehensive policies. They provide clarity for employees, align organizations, enhance efficiency, and help companies stand out from competitors. By diligently developing standards, creating aligned policies, thoroughly training employees, encouraging ongoing feedback, and continuously improving – any company can elevate service to maximum impact.

Customer service must be a strategic boardroom priority, not just an afterthought. Defined standards and policies are the vehicle for transforming service from good to great. With the rising expectations of empowered customers and intense competition, the time for action is now. Use the strategies outlined in this guide as your blueprint to establishing service excellence through standards and policies that connect, engage, and wow your customers.