Creating a Membership or Subscription Model – Wimgo

Creating a Membership or Subscription Model

If you run a business, chances are you’ve considered offering some kind of membership or subscription option to customers. This model has exploded in popularity across all kinds of industries in recent years. Businesses are realizing they can create ongoing, predictable revenue streams while customers appreciate the convenience and exclusivity of memberships. It’s a win-win.

But where do you start when creating a membership or subscription model? What options work best for different business types? How do you market it and retain subscribers? This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to build a successful membership or subscription offering.

I’ll share examples of creative models, best practices for implementation, effective marketing tactics, and tips for keeping members happy and loyal. Whether you want to provide exclusive content and community, convenient recurring deliveries, high-touch services, or something totally unique, this guide will set you up for recurring revenue success. Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Membership and Subscription Models

There are many advantages to the membership and subscription approach that make it appealing for both businesses and customers alike.

For Businesses

– Predictable, recurring revenue – Membership dues and subscription fees create reliable income streams since customers pay repeatedly for access over time. This makes revenue forecasting easier.

– Higher customer lifetime value – Subscribers tend to spend more over the life of their relationship compared to one-time purchases.

– Improved retention and loyalty – Membership models encourage customers to stick around longer to continue accessing benefits and perks.

– Ongoing relationships and marketing opportunities – Regular interaction allows you to get to know subscribers better and market new offers.

– Valuable customer data and insights – You can gather data on usage patterns to improve your offerings over time.

– New revenue streams – Additional revenue opportunities arise like upgrades, add-ons, expanded access.

For Customers

– Convenience and simplicity – Ongoing access without needing to make one-time purchases each time. Automated billing and delivery makes it easy.

– Better value – Subscriptions can provide discounts compared to one-time purchases. Customers only pay for what they’ll actually use.

– Exclusivity – Access to exclusive perks and content just for members can make customers feel special.

– No risk or commitment – Many subscriptions allow customers to cancel anytime if they’re unsatisfied. Trial periods give customers a risk-free way to try it out.

Types of Membership and Subscription Models

There are a variety of models you can use depending on your business and what value you can provide on an ongoing basis. Common options include:

Paid Communities

– Offering access to an exclusive community is a powerful membership model, especially for businesses with strong brands and engaged users. 

– This could be a physical community space or virtual community platform for members to connect.

– Community-building activities and perks create value beyond just products/services.

Premium Content Subscriptions

– Media companies, specialized information providers, and content creators can monetize content via subscriptions.

– Users pay recurring fees to access full articles, audio, video, archives, analysis, etc.

– Works best for unique, high-demand content that’s continually updated.

Physical Product Subscriptions 

– Receive products like clothes, food, beauty items, pet supplies, etc. on a recurring basis.

– Provides convenience of automatic deliveries. Businesses get predictable orders.

– Variety or personalization can differentiate product subscription services.

Virtual Event Access

– Sell tickets to a recurring virtual event series. Could be classes, conferences, performances, etc.

– Subscribers get guaranteed access to each event without buying tickets each time.

– Businesses earn steady revenue through memberships while events keep audiences engaged.

VIP Services or Perks

– Grant member-exclusive access to premium services, tools, capabilities, or expertise.

– Could include concierge services, coaching, discounts, upgrades, fast-track options.

– Great for boosting perceived value and retaining loyal brand fans.

How to Choose the Right Model for Your Business

Consider these key factors when deciding which membership or subscription model is best for your business:

Analyze Your Offerings

What do you currently sell, and what could you bundle or provide exclusively on an ongoing basis? Look for products, services, content, or access you could package together to create ongoing value.

Understand Your Target Audience

Know what your ideal customers want and what would entice them to pay a recurring fee. Would they appreciate exclusive access or early previews? Discounts and loyalty perks? Convenience of deliveries? 

Research Competitors

See what recurring revenue models competitors are using successfully. Identify gaps in the market where customers’ needs aren’t being adequately met. Think about how you can differentiate your version.

Weigh the Pros and Cons  

Consider setup costs, delivery mechanisms, pricing, the customer experience, and operational implications. Make sure you can deliver ongoing value conveniently and economically. Recurring models require more upfront investment but mean long-term gains. 

Determine if the membership approach makes sense or if a one-time sale is better for your resources and capabilities right now. Offer memberships strategically in addition to existing offerings.

Best Practices for Setting Up Your Membership or Subscription Model

Follow these best practices to create an effective and sustainable membership or subscription model:

Choosing a Pricing Structure 

Consider flat rate monthly/annual fees or usage/consumption-based pricing. Offer various tiers at different price points with tiered benefits. Make sure pricing aligns with the value delivered.

Payment Options and Billing Cycles

Offer flexibility like monthly vs. annual billing, installment plans, lifetime memberships. Automate recurring payments for convenience. Allow common payment methods like credit cards and PayPal. 

Membership Levels and Benefits

Clearly define each tier and what added perks members get with higher levels to incentivize upgrades. Entry levels should still feel worthwhile. 

Creating Exclusive Content

Develop members-only content to drive signups and increase renewal rates. Could include webinars, deep-dive articles, audio or video series, advanced tutorials, insightful data or reports, etc. Release new content often to maintain value.

Building a Private Community 

Dedicated discussion forums, networking opportunities, and member profiles help foster connections between subscribers. Make it easy for members to engage with you and each other.

Automating and Streamlining Delivery

Invest in tools and technology to remove friction surrounding purchases, onboarding, access privileges, content delivery, communication, payments and more. Prioritize seamless, automated experiences.

Marketing and Selling Subscriptions and Memberships

Use creative marketing and sales tactics to attract subscribers and convince potential customers of the ongoing value.

Crafting a Persuasive Sales Pitch

Clearly communicate the benefits, convenience, exclusivity and why membership is worthwhile. Show value with free trial periods. Create urgency and scarcity with limited time introductory offers.

Marketing Through Email, Social Media and More

Promote memberships across all customer touchpoints. Dedicate website pages explaining program details. Advertise on relevant social channels and target ads towards potential subscribers. Send promotional emails and sales funnels. 

Offering Free Trials and Onboarding Offers 

Entice signups with free trials, discounted first months and free onboarding perks. Reduce risk for customers while demonstrating your value. Structure trials to transition seamlessly into paid plans.

Retaining and Satisfying Membership/Subscription Customers

Memberships only work long-term if customers renew. Employ retention strategies proactively.

Ensuring Excellent Customer Service

Promptly respond to questions and concerns. Actively seek feedback through surveys. Invest in self-service options like FAQs, forums, and knowledge bases. 

Asking for Feedback

Check-in with members to learn what they like and want more of. What’s working? What could improve? Keep gathering feedback even from happy members.

Rewarding Loyalty 

Offer free months, discounts, or bonus perks to loyal long-term subscribers. Institute loyalty programs with points or tiers that unlock added benefits.

Automatic Renewals

Reduce churn by enrolling members in auto-renewals by default. Send reminder emails before renewals so they can cancel if unhappy.

Tools and Platforms to Manage Memberships and Subscriptions

Specialized software can make it easier to run and optimize a subscription or membership program. Solutions exist for handling payments, access control, email marketing, member communication, event ticketing, and more. Useful tools include:

– MemberNova

– MemberPress 

– Memberful

– Cratejoy

– Recurly

– Chargebee

– MoonClerk

– Drip

– MailerLite

Shop around to find options that suit your business needs and integrate with your existing tech stack. Look for key capabilities like customizable membership plans, automated billing and integrations with payment processors, advanced email automation, discounts or coupon codes, digital content delivery, and analytics.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Launching a membership or subscription model involves strategic planning but can greatly benefit your business by providing predictable revenue, valuable customer insights, and stronger retention. 

Key takeaways:

– Recurring revenue models like memberships and subscriptions provide many advantages that benefit both businesses and customers. Consider making it part of your overall business model.

– Choose a membership structure that aligns with your business offerings and target audience needs. Offer exclusive, high-value membership perks customers will pay for.

– Streamline membership management with the right software and tools to automate administrative tasks and billing.

– Market subscriptions aggressively across all customer touchpoints. Entice signups with free trials and onboarding deals.

– Focus on delighting members and prioritize retention. Gather feedback, reward loyalty, and make cancellation frictionless.

A well-executed membership or subscription program can significantly boost your business growth and build lasting relationships with your best customers. With the strategies in this guide, you’re equipped to create one successfully.