Crafting Your Key Messages and Positioning – Wimgo

Crafting Your Key Messages and Positioning

In today’s crowded and noisy marketplace, crafting clear, consistent and compelling key messages is more important than ever. Your key messages are the core ideas you want your audiences to remember about your brand, products or services. They serve as the foundation for all your communications and positioning. 

Getting your messaging right is crucial for cutting through the clutter, connecting with your target audiences and differentiating from competitors. But it can be a challenge to define and distill your value proposition into a few concise, memorable messages. 

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key steps for crafting killer key messages and positioning that deliver maximum impact. Let’s get started.

Understanding Your Audience

The first step is getting crystal clear on who you are talking to. Defining your target audiences or customer personas allows you to craft messages that directly speak to their needs, pain points and desires. 

Take the time to research and analyze your different audience segments, including:

– Demographics – Age, gender, location, income level, education etc.

– Psychographics – Values, lifestyles, beliefs, attitudes, interests etc. 

– Needs and Pain Points – Their major needs, problems you can solve, desired outcomes etc.

– Objections – What might stop them from buying, engaging or converting? Address these head on.

– Your Existing Brand Perception – What do they currently think about your company? Build on this. 

The more insights you have into your audience motivations, the better you can tailor your messaging to resonate.

Defining Your Key Messages

With your audiences clearly defined, the next step is honing in on your key messages. These are the 3-5 high-level concepts or ideas you want to communicate to describe your brand, product or service. 

Aim for key messages that are:

– Concise – Short, snappy and to the point. Avoid lengthy descriptions.

– Memorable – Use compelling language that sticks in your audience’s mind.

– Meaningful – Relate directly to your audience wants and needs.

– Differentiated – What makes you stand out versus competitors?

– Emotional – Create an emotional connection to make your messages more memorable.

– Consistent – Reinforce the same messages across all content and campaigns.

Brainstorm a long list of potential key messages then pare down to the absolute most impactful concepts aligned to your brand and audience. These messages will form the foundation for all your positioning and content.

Crafting Your Positioning Statement

Now it’s time to develop your positioning statement. This succinctly captures your target audience, their key need, your brand and your distinct solution or approach. 

An example positioning statement could be:

“[Brand] provides [target audience] with [key need/solution] by focusing on [unique approach/advantage].”

So for a fictional CRM software targeting small businesses it might be:

“360CRM provides growing small businesses with an easy-to-use CRM solution by focusing on an intuitive user experience and simplified feature set.”

A tight positioning statement can help inform and align your messaging and communications. Use it as a North Star when creating content.

Aligning Your Messaging Across Channels 

With your key messages and positioning defined, it’s time to put them into action across your various marketing and communications channels. 

Consistency is critical here. Audiences should hear the same core messages reinforced as they engage with your brand across multiple touchpoints, including:

  • Website Pages
  • Blog Content
  • Email Marketing 
  • Social Media Posts
  • Paid Ads
  • Sales Collateral
  • PR Outreach
  • Events / Webinars

Rather than reinventing the wheel for each channel, identify ways to adapt and repurpose messaging per channel while keeping it aligned.

Adapting Your Messaging for Different Audiences

While the core messages should remain consistent, you may need to adapt messaging slightly for different audience segments. 

For example, on a site with both technical and non-technical visitors, technical content would focus on product capabilities and specifications, while non-technical content would focus on ease-of-use and outcomes.

Look at how to reframe and emphasize certain messages for different groups. But avoid overly diluting or straying from your core brand messaging.

Keeping Your Messaging On-Brand

As you build out content, carefully check that messaging remains true to your desired brand identity and voice. 

Does the tone and style of language align with your brand personality? Or does it feel mismatched? Maintaining brand consistency across all touchpoints helps boost recognition and trust.

It can help to create brand messaging guidelines with:

  • Brand voice traits (friendly, formal, humorous etc)
  • Commonly used terms and phrases
  • Tone and language style
  • Imagery guidance
  • Formatting, colors and fonts 

This guides anyone creating content while keeping messaging aligned.

Testing and Refining Your Messaging

Treat your key messages and positioning as fluid, not set in stone. Continuously test their effectiveness and refine over time.

Some ways to test and optimize messaging include:

– Surveys – Ask audiences what messages resonate and are most memorable.

– Focus Groups – Get qualitative feedback on messaging.

– A/B Testing – Try variations of messages and see which perform best.

– Analytics – Track conversions/actions on pages with certain messages.

– Reviews / Testimonials – See what language customers naturally use. 

Use these insights to double down on what’s working while switching up what’s not. Refine confusing messaging or add/remove messages based on relevance. 

With ongoing testing, your messages will evolve to be clearer and more impactful.


Crafting the right key messages and positioning is crucial for making your brand stand out and connect with audiences. By clearly understanding your audiences, defining your core brand messages and consistently reinforcing them across channels – while still allowing some flexibility – you’ll be on the path to messaging that delivers maximum impact.

Revisit your messaging as your brand evolves. And continuously test, analyze and optimize to ensure your positioning and messaging hits the mark. With these steps, you can cut through the noise, engage your audiences and achieve your communications goals.