Conducting Competitive Brand Analysis – Wimgo

Conducting Competitive Brand Analysis

In today’s crowded marketplace, brands constantly compete for consumers’ attention and loyalty. A comprehensive competitive brand analysis is essential for understanding your brand’s strengths and weaknesses relative to rivals in your industry. Benchmarking against top competitors reveals areas where you can improve your brand identity, marketing tactics, and overall positioning. 

This in-depth guide will walk you through the key steps for conducting competitive brand research and analysis. Follow this strategic process to gain actionable insights that can help strengthen your brand, differentiate it from competitors, and achieve growth objectives.

Define Your Competition

First, identify who you consider to be your direct competitors. Select established brands that offer similar products or services and target the same consumer segments. Also include any brands that consumers may perceive as alternatives to yours, even if they don’t match precisely. 

Create a list of your top 3-5 competitor brands for analysis. Ensure you have a mix of brands with larger market share as well as those disrupting the industry.

Research Your Competitors’ Brands

Conduct in-depth research on each of your key competitors’ brands. Explore their websites, products, marketing materials, social media, and any available sales/financial data. Aim to understand:

– Brand history – when founded, evolution over time

– Brand vision, mission, values 

– Target consumers and positioning

– Product/service offerings, pricing

– Marketing channels and campaigns

– Brand personality and visual identity

– Online presence and SEO strategy

Develop brand profiles summarizing your learnings for each competitor. Highlight areas that may differ from your own brand identity and strategy.

Analyze Their Brand Identities 

Now analyze the brand identities of your competitors. Assess key elements including:

Brand Names – Evaluate naming style, length, distinctiveness, and alignment to positioning.

Logos – Note color palette, fonts, symbols, and overall visual style. 

Taglines – Review messaging, tone, uniqueness, and brand attributes reinforced.

Website – Compare website design, content, functionality, and how well it communicates the brand.

Packaging – For physical products, analyze packaging colors, materials, fonts, and other elements. 

Imagery – Assess imagery style, diversity, scenes/settings, and brand personality projected. 

Identify strengths, weaknesses, and differentiators for each competitor’s brand identity.

Evaluate Their Marketing Strategies

Study your competitors’ overall marketing and advertising strategies across channels including:

– Paid advertising campaigns and tactics – Search, display, social media, TV, print

– Content marketing assets – Website, blogs, videos, social posts 

– Email marketing, SEO initiatives

– PR and events 

– Partnerships, sponsorships, influencer collaborations

– Loyalty programs, promotions, sales

Track types of messaging used, adoption of new media platforms, creativity, and results when available. Determine areas where competitors are outperforming your own marketing efforts.

Assess Their Online Presence  

Compare your brand’s online presence to competitors’ in areas like:

Website – Conduct technical audits assessing site speed, mobile optimization, SEO elements like metadata, schemas and structured data, content quality, and user experience. 

Search Visibility – Use tools like SEMrush to compare domain authority, keyword rankings, and traffic sources. 

Social Media – Compare followers, engagement, content types, paid advertising, and community growth strategies.

Reviews – Contrast review volume, sentiment, and responsiveness. Identify gaps where your brand lacks presence.

Determine if competitors are leveraging platforms, content, or strategies you have yet to adopt.

Compare Your Brand Positioning

Now conduct a strategic analysis evaluating your brand positioning versus competitors’ positions in the minds of consumers.

– Create perception maps showcasing brand associations for each competitor vs. your own brand. Identify gaps.

– Assess brand personalities – are competitors seen as more modern, innovative, premium, or affordable?

– Consider emotional benefits and relationships consumers have with each brand.

Use surveys or focus groups with target consumers to validate assumptions and reveal areas of differentiation. 

Identify Opportunities for Differentiation

With a data-driven understanding of competitor brands’ identities and strategies versus your own, you can pinpoint areas of uniqueness and opportunities to differentiate. 

Look for ways to differentiate on:

– Product features, quality, or unique offerings

– Brand personality, voice, and visual identity

– Messaging and brand storytelling

– Customer service and company values

– Marketing channels, creativity, and content formats

Focus on your brand strengths aligning to target consumer needs/values not currently fulfilled by competitors. This powers differentiation.

Track Competitive Trends Over Time

Conducting competitive brand analysis is an ongoing process. Set calendar reminders to revisit your analysis every 6-12 months. 

Monitor competitor brands for changes like new positioning, branding, products, or campaigns. Subscribe to their email lists, follow their social channels, and set alerts on key brand names.

Regular analysis ensures you rapidly respond to competitor moves and adjust strategies to sustain differentiation. Ongoing tracking also reveals new innovation opportunities.

Use Your Findings Strategically 

The insights gained from competitive analysis are invaluable for strategic planning. Use them to:

– Address brand identity gaps limiting growth

– Overhaul marketing strategies lagging competitors  

– Brainstorm ideas for new products or services

– Find “blue ocean” opportunities competitors miss

– Refine brand positioning and messaging 

– Shift budgets to higher-performing channels

– Update visual identity elements

– Improve website and online presence

– Create content and campaigns that stand out

Align next brand and marketing plans to insights from the analysis. Track KPIs pre- and post-changes to optimize based on what works.


Conducting in-depth competitive brand analysis provides strategic guidance you can’t obtain elsewhere. Following this rigorous process yields fact-based insights on improving your brand identity, creative marketing, online presence, differentiation, and growth opportunities.

Dedicate time quarterly to analyze competitor brands. Use the data to inform everything from branding decisions to yearly planning. With regular analysis, you’ll keep your brand positioned for success amid shifting consumer preferences and industry competition.

Stay tuned for future posts covering specific steps of competitive analysis in greater depth. I welcome your thoughts on streamlining this process in the comments below!