Blueprint Services: Determining If You Need As-Builts for Your Project – Wimgo

Blueprint Services: Determining If You Need As-Builts for Your Project

If you’re overseeing a construction project, you’re probably wondering whether you need as-built drawings once everything is finished. I get asked about this a lot in my role as a blueprint specialist. As-builts—also called as-built plans or record drawings—document all the final details of a project after it’s constructed. They show all the changes made in the field while building was underway, giving you an accurate record of the completed work.

Figuring out if you need as-builts means understanding what exactly they are, when they’re required by law, and the big benefits they offer. You’ll also want to look at cost factors and how to work with a professional blueprint service to create and manage your as-builts. 

This in-depth guide covers all the key aspects of as-built drawings—what’s involved, when you need them, and how they help. Read on for the inside info that’ll help you decide if as-built plans are a smart investment for your next construction effort.

What Exactly Are As-Built Drawings? 

As-built drawings document everything about the final constructed state of a building or infrastructure project. They reflect all the changes made from the original design plans during construction. This includes:

– Changes to dimensions, measurements, and positioning

– Layouts of spaces and components  

– Locations of mechanical systems, electrical, plumbing, etc.

– Specific building materials and brands used 

– Any other variations between what the plans specified and what got built 

During the build, the contractors track all deviations from the blueprints as work progresses. These changes then get incorporated into the final as-built drawings. This creates an accurate, up-to-date record of the finished project.

As-built plans contain much more detail than the original design drawings. They document every nook and cranny of the completed building with precision. This includes exact measurements, brands/types of materials used, locations of hidden elements like wiring and plumbing, and more refinement on finishes and features. 

As-builts serve as a vital reference for anyone needing to understand precisely how the structure was built. Uses range from scheduling maintenance to planning future additions or renovations. As-built drawings are considered legal documents and must be incredibly accurate. 

Specialized blueprint firms like mine have the skills to produce detailed, meticulously precise as-built drawings. We can also digitize old paper as-builts to make them more usable. Creating as-builts requires technical expertise, precision drafting, and thorough on-site fact-checking. 

Key Situations Where As-Builts Are Required

For some building projects, producing as-built drawings is mandatory. In other cases, they aren’t required but are still highly recommended to protect your interests down the road. Here are the main situations where you’ll need as-builts:

New Building Construction 

For newly constructed buildings and facilities, the general contractor is typically required to submit final as-built drawings. This expectation is spelled out in their original contract.

Builders need as-builts for their own records, but the property owner also wants an accurate set of drawings documenting the finished building. This gives them a complete package on the completed work. It also helps ensure compliance if permits and inspections were needed.

Many government agencies and commercial developers mandate as-builts once new buildings are finished. For example, a retail chain constructing a new store would require their GC to deliver these drawings.  

Renovation Projects

As-builts are critical for renovation work, when you’re modifying an existing structure. The original drawings must be updated to reflect all new layouts, dimensions, utilities, and changes made during the reno.

Without accurate as-builts, future work on the building can run into nasty surprises. Workers won’t know the exact locations of wiring, plumbing, and structural parts hidden inside walls. As-built plans prevent headaches by documenting all updates thoroughly.

Larger renovation projects often require submitting as-builts to amend the original building permits. The county wants proof the work complies with current codes. As-builts give them a detailed record of what was renovated. 

Public Works Projects 

For public buildings and infrastructure, as-built drawings are typically mandated right in the construction contracts. A city building department might require contractors to submit as-builts for their files on new municipal facilities. A school district would also demand as-builts for any new campus buildings made with public money.

Infrastructure projects done by government agencies need as-built deliverables too. For instance, a new city roadway project must provide detailed plans of all the finished roads, drainage, utilities, etc. This allows proper maintenance and any future modifications.

Federal building projects come with strict as-built drawing requirements. The government wants assurance taxpayer dollars were used efficiently and safely. Detailed as-builts provide that proof for facilities like military bases.

LEED Certification

For structures pursuing LEED green building certification, as-built drawings aren’t just recommended—they’re mandatory. The as-builts serve as evidence that the project achieved its sustainability goals. 

LEED as-builts verify important details like energy-efficient systems, water conservation measures, and use of eco-friendly building materials. They prove the green features were implemented properly according to the original LEED plans.

Without thorough as-built drawings, a project can’t complete the LEED certification process. The as-builts are required for documentation and performance verification.

Property Sales or Transfers 

When a property changes owners, the seller should provide the buyer with comprehensive as-built drawings. This gives the new owner complete documentation of the existing buildings and systems.

Before purchase, the buyer may stipulate that up-to-date as-builts must be delivered prior to closing. They want to fully understand what they’re acquiring.  

Having accurate as-builts benefits both parties in a sale. The new owner can renovate or expand smoothly, while the seller reduces liability down the road.

The Benefits of Investing in As-Built Drawings

Besides meeting legal and code requirements, as-built drawings provide other great benefits:

Reliable Reference for Future Work

As-builts give you an authoritative record of exactly how the finished building was constructed. This serves as an invaluable reference for future projects like:

– Additions and renovations – As-builts contain the measurements and layouts needed for expansion plans. Interior details are documented to assist design.

– Retro-commissioning – As-builts help optimize energy efficiency. The operational data is compared to current performance to identify improvements.

– Maintenance scheduling – As-builts include detailed utility information to assist planning repairs and upkeep.

– Obscured building elements – If areas are hard to access, the as-builts provide measurements and locations of hidden components.

With accurate as-builts, there won’t be any unpleasant surprises that stall future construction or maintenance. The drawings provide trusted data to work from.

Meet Legal and Code Requirements  

As mentioned earlier, as-builts are required for many project types by law. They verify the building complies with regulations and meets safety codes.

As-builts also reduce liability regarding potential safety issues. Without them, there could be questions about whether the structure was built improperly. Detailed plans prove standards were met. 

If legal disputes arise, certified as-builts demonstrate due diligence in documenting the work. They show the contractors followed proper protocols and that owners have complete records.

Liability Protection   

Even when structures are built to code, defects can still happen. As-builts offer important protection if accidents or failures result from construction problems down the road. 

The drawings verify whether the original specifications were followed. For example, if lower-grade materials used during construction contribute to issues, the as-builts would reveal that discrepancy.

Well-documented drawings demonstrate whether the owner, architect, or contractor is potentially at fault for defects. As-builts provide crucial legal evidence.

Streamlined Maintenance and Repairs

Accurate as-builts make maintenance much smoother for facility managers. They can quickly find shut-off valves, electrical panels, and other building systems without wasted time. 

Knowing the exact positioning of buried utilities is a huge help for excavation jobs. As-builts also make replacements and upgrades simpler, since all measurements are documented.

With detailed as-builts, repair work can proceed quickly and smoothly. They reduce wasted time and prevent accidental damage to hidden structures.

Preserving Institutional Memory 

Longtime employees with inside knowledge of a building eventually move on. As-builts capture their wisdom in an accessible technical reference document. 

New maintenance personnel can rely on the as-builts for insights that veteran staff had in their heads. Critical details aren’t lost when staff transition occurs.

As-built drawings serve as a lasting informational legacy that benefits new generations of building workers. Onboarding and training get easier too.

Partnering With a Specialized Blueprint Service

Creating accurate, meticulously detailed as-built drawings requires specialized expertise. This includes:

– Field verification skills to precisely document measurements and changes

– Software proficiency to update and finalize drawings 

– Technical drawing and drafting capabilities

– Project management to handle drawing versions and updates

– Ability to consolidate plans across disciplines like architectural, structural, MEP, etc.

A seasoned blueprint firm has all these capabilities covered. They can professionally handle the full as-built process:

Digitizing Old Drawings

We can scan legacy paper drawings and convert them into digital formats like PDF or CAD. This makes them much easier to update and reproduce. Faded blueprints may need restoration before digitization.

Creating New As-Builts 

For major projects, creating new drawings is best. This gives complete consistency without vestiges of old plan language and styles. All measurements and details can be made super accurate.

Managing Updates 

The as-built process involves constant changes. We maintain proper version control through naming conventions, change logs, and layered CAD files. This ensures the latest plans are always definitive. 

Securing Documents

Professional blueprint firms provide secure cloud storage for digital as-builts. This includes backups, encryption, access controls, and strong cybersecurity. Storing plans with a service provider is safer than locally.

For maximum quality and security, a specialized blueprint company is the smart choice. Our technical expertise results in authoritative, incredibly accurate as-builts you can trust for years to come.

Cost Factors for As-Built Drawings

Producing as-built drawings does entail added costs to a construction budget. However, it’s an investment that pays off for decades by:

– Meeting contractual and legal obligations 

– Reducing liability and risk

– Improving maintenance efficiency 

– Preserving institutional knowledge

For large projects, expect .25% – .5% of total construction costs to go toward comprehensive as-builts. On a $50 million project, that’s $125,000 – $250,000. Budgets account for this early.

For smaller renovations, streamlined as-builts cost much less—just $2,000 – $3,000 to document basic layout and finish upgrades to an office space for example. 

See the as-built expense as inexpensive insurance that protects you over the building’s lifetime. As-builts also boost property value if you ever want to sell.

Most blueprint firms (including mine) provide free estimates based on your project’s scope and needs. This allows accurate budgeting.

Key Takeaways

As-built drawings give you a detailed record of the completed project to serve you for years to come. They’re required for many building types and provide tremendous ongoing value.

Here are the major takeaways on as-builts:

– They accurately document construction changes with precise measurements and details.

– Government, commercial, and LEED projects often mandate as-builts contractually.

– They assist future renovations, maintenance, repairs, and improvements.  

– As-builts meet legal and code requirements while reducing liability.

– Specialized blueprint services can expertly create and manage your as-builts.

– The expense is well worth it for proper documentation and maximum benefits.

Carefully determine if your project contractually requires as-builts. But even if not mandated, they usually make sense as inexpensive insurance to protect your interests. For peace of mind and smooth facility management, make as-built drawings part of your next construction project.