Benefits of Asking for Recommendations and Referrals – Wimgo

Benefits of Asking for Recommendations and Referrals

We’ve all heard it – “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” This age-old adage rings true now more than ever, especially in business. Leveraging your network through referrals and recommendations can generate huge benefits for growing your customer base, brand authority, and overall success. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore five compelling reasons why you should proactively ask colleagues, partners, and customers for referrals. From saving time and generating free marketing to expanding your network and boosting credibility, referrals pack a serious punch. Read on to learn why building a referral generation strategy should be a top priority.

The Anecdotal Hook Goes Here

Start with a personal anecdote about how asking for a referral led to a big opportunity. For example:

Early in my career, I hit it off with a fellow young professional at a local networking night. We swapped business cards and connected on LinkedIn. A few weeks later, I mustered up the courage to ask him for an introduction to the VP at his company, as I thought my skills could provide value. He was happy to make the connection, and it ultimately led to a lucrative consulting contract that became a game-changer for my fledgling business. This experience proved, first-hand, the power of proactively asking colleagues for referrals and recommendations.

Now, let’s explore the main reasons you should incorporate this referral-focused mindset and strategy into your professional toolkit.

Benefit #1: Referrals Lead to Higher Quality Leads and Customers

Referrals don’t just help you get more leads and sales. They help you get higher quality leads and customers. Why? Because when someone you know and trust takes the time to refer you to someone, it’s a pre-vetted lead. Your referral source has already qualified this person as a potentially great fit for what you offer. The lead didn’t come out of the blue, but from within your existing network.

This means referred leads are much more likely to convert to sales compared to other leads. According to a study by Influitive, customers that came from referrals had a 37% higher retention rate. And they’re also more likely to be recurring, long-term customers.

Plus, think of all the time and effort you save by not having to do as much lead qualification and vetting. You can focus your sales conversations on real opportunities with referred leads, rather than weeding through more cold contacts.

The referral screening process is especially beneficial for higher ticket sales or more complex services. For example, if you’re a business consultant who charges $5,000+ per engagement, every sales call is precious. You want to maximize conversations with qualified prospects truly ready to buy your services. If a colleague or past client refers you to someone saying “I think you could really help them,” that’s as close to a guaranteed qualified lead as it gets!

Benefit #2: Referrals Convert at a Higher Rate

We’ve established that referred leads are higher quality. It logically follows that higher quality leads, from trusted referral sources, will convert at higher rates. 

But just how big is the referral conversion advantage? According to data from Influitive, referred leads convert:

– 30% compared to leads from marketing activities.

– 15-20% more than leads from sales reps.

Why such a discrepancy? There are a few reasons referred leads convert better:

1. Credibility – A referral from someone known and respected gives you instant credibility. It’s a personal endorsement that can shortcut much of the sales process. If a valued contact tells a prospect “You should talk to Bob, he helped me a lot with X,” it establishes authority and trust from the start.

2. Social Proof – Along the same lines, a referral provides incredibly powerful social proof. It proves that you’ve done great work for others, and gives the prospect confidence that you can deliver results for them too.

3. Qualified – As discussed above, referred leads are pre-vetted and qualified as a good fit. They come to you “sales-ready” and highly likely to buy.

4. Relationships – You can leverage the referring contact’s existing relationship to establish quick rapport with the prospect. This provides a level of familiarity that you don’t get from typical cold leads.

With referral leads converting at up to 30% higher rates, the impact on your sales pipeline and revenue can be tremendous. The boost in conversion rates alone is reason enough to start focusing on referral generation.

Benefit #3: Referrals Are Free Marketing

Paid advertising, content marketing, trade shows…business promotion can get expensive. But referrals? They provide free word-of-mouth marketing powered by your happy customers and partners.

Referrals are in many ways the purest form of marketing. It comes directly from someone who knows and trusts you, to someone they believe would benefit from your product or service. It’s as authentic as it gets.

And authenticity goes a long way today, with buyers increasingly tuning out promotional marketing messages. A referral carries much more weight than any ad ever could. 

Beyond the marketing benefits, a referral mindset also incentivizes you to provide such great service that people can’t help but recommend you. You want to “wow” customers so they become loyal promoters. This drives you to strengthen your core offering for the long-term.

From a financial perspective, referrals provide unbeatable ROI. While you still need to devote time and effort to optimizing the customer experience, you don’t have to pay directly for the resulting marketing exposure. That makes it a best-in-class channel you should fully leverage.

Benefit #4: Referrals Help Expand Your Network  

Asking colleagues for referrals has the added benefit of expanding your professional network. When a contact connects you with someone they know, it puts you in touch with a new relationship. If the referral conversion goes well, you’ve organically grown your network by one new qualified connection.

Rinse and repeat this over time, and you can see how referral requests help compound your network expansion. Your existing relationships become nodes that facilitate more and more new connections. 

This expanded network then becomes a future asset. The broader your network, the more referral potential you have down the line. You’ll have a larger pool of potential sources who can send referrals your way.

It’s also worth noting that referral introductions open doors faster than cold outreach. If you tried connecting with certain prospects out of the blue, you may not get a response. But an introduction through a mutual contact provides a level of familiarity that helps shortcut the process.

That’s why using your network for referrals is one of the fastest ways for getting your foot in the door with key decision makers. A colleague’s referral could help you land a meeting with someone who otherwise may be unreachable.

Benefit #5: Referrals Boost Your Credibility  

We’ve touched on this benefit already, but it’s worth emphasizing on its own. Referrals provide a major credibility boost that enhances your reputation and accelerates trust-building.

One of the hardest challenges for any business is establishing credibility quickly with new prospects. You need to prove you can actually deliver what you claim. Referrals help fast-track this process by providing social proof of your expertise before you even start engaging.

Here’s just a sampling of the credibility-enhancing power of referrals:

– A LinkedIn recommendation from a past client shows you did great work.

– A warm email intro from a respected industry colleague implies you come highly recommended. 

– Multiple Facebook tags from satisfied customers gives you recognizable social authority.

The more referrals and recommendations you can highlight, the stronger your credibility and reputation will become. It shows you’re so good, people can’t stop talking about you.

Proactively gathering credible referrals should be a cornerstone of your online presence. Feature them prominently on your website, social media profiles and email signature. Highlight testimonials and referral stories as case studies demonstrating your track record.

Drive More Referrals by Asking – It’s That Simple

Looking at all these compelling benefits, it’s safe to say: seeking referrals should become a regular part of your customer, colleague, and partner interactions.

Yet too many professionals are hesitant to ask directly for recommendations or introductions. It can feel imposing or awkward. But getting over that initial discomfort is absolutely essential. 

Because the simple truth is you’ll never unlock the full power of referrals until you start proactively asking for them. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Here are some proven tips for integrating referral asks into your professional activities:

– When meeting new contacts, follow up with a LinkedIn connection request asking if they can recommend anyone you should connect with. 

– On sales calls, ask customers if they can think of any colleagues that could also benefit from your product/service.

– Send “report card” surveys to customers asking if they would be willing to provide a testimonial, recommendation or referral.

– Personally reach out to past happy customers asking if they would be open to endorsing you on LinkedIn or Facebook.

– Regularly communicate with your network letting them know you’re open to introductions and referrals.

Kick Your Referral Strategy Into Gear

If you’ve been slow to seize the referral advantage, now is the time to step up your game. Commit to incorporating proactive referral asks into your regular professional activities. Setup processes for capturing referrals when you get them. And leverage all that referral goodness into more closed deals, an expanded network and enhanced credibility.

Make building an ongoing stream of quality referrals a top priority. You’ll unlock benefits and opportunities that can take your career or business to new heights. The power of referrals is game changing – start reaping rewards today.