Automating Expense Tracking and Reporting with Software – Wimgo

Automating Expense Tracking and Reporting with Software

Managing expenses is a constant chore that consumes countless hours for most businesses. Employees make purchases every day for travel, meals, office supplies, and other needs to keep the business running. Processing and reimbursing these expenses becomes an endless grind, with finance teams bogged down tracking spending and approving reports. For many companies, expense management remains a stubbornly manual process. However, modern software solutions can automate the entire cycle of expense tracking, reporting, and reimbursement. 

Automating this critical business process provides transformative benefits compared to manual techniques. It slashes the time spent on expense administration while also boosting accuracy and enabling advanced analytics. As technology innovations continue to improve automated platforms, the benefits keep increasing while costs decline. Any organization can reap significant gains by utilizing expense management software.

In this comprehensive guide, we will fully explore the advantages of modern automated expense management and how to choose and implement the right software. We will cover:

– The major benefits automated systems provide

– Must-have features to look for when selecting software

– How to configure and rollout a new automated expense platform

– Best practices for optimizing the system during daily use

– Tips for switching from manual to automated tracking

– Leading expense management software solutions 

By the end, you will have a complete understanding of how to transform expense tracking into an efficient, accurate process that provides unparalleled visibility into company spending. Let’s dive in to the game-changing benefits automated systems deliver.

The Transformative Benefits of Automating Expense Management

Transitioning to automated expense management brings five major areas of benefit:

 Radical Time Savings

Automating expense tracking minimizes the hours spent on manual tasks like collecting receipts, generating reports, and approving expenses. Employees simply snap photos of receipts, which are automatically captured and logged in a central system. Expenses are seamlessly coded and routed for approval per policy. Managers avoid hassles approving reimbursements since all data is captured digitally. 

This automation eliminates large volumes of administrative work that bog down finance teams under manual tracking. Studies show finance departments reduce time spent on expense reporting by over 75% after implementing software. Those saved hours can be reallocated to value-adding analysis and decision support.

 Boosts Accuracy to Near Perfection

Manual expense tracking depends on error-prone human actions like deciphering handwritten receipts or remembering details weeks later. This inevitably leads to mistakes like incorrect expense coding or missing cost items. Software solutions nearly eliminate such errors through automated data capture and policy enforcement.

Receipts are digitized via mobile cameras and OCR technology extracts details with high precision. Expenses are reliably coded to correct categories using configurable rules. Approval workflows with audit trails guarantee policy adherence. By automating error-prone manual tasks, automated systems achieve near perfect accuracy.

 Real-Time Reporting and Analysis

Traditional expense tracking only provides periodic snapshots of spending through infrequent reports. Modern software enables continuous real-time visibility as expenses occur. Managers access central dashboards that track and analyze spending in real-time.

On-demand reports can be generated to slice and dice expenses by any variable- date, employee, category, or project code. No more waiting 30 days to view a monthly expense summary. The latest spend data is available 24/7 to inform decisions and manage budgets.

 Unlocks Strategic Spend Analysis

Automated systems don’t just eliminate drudgery- they provide new opportunities to gain strategic value from expense data. Robust analytics tools allow finance leaders to model spend projections, identify savings opportunities, enforce budgets, pinpoint high outliers, and guide policy.

Predictive modeling based on historical expenses enables accurate annual budgets. Insights into spend patterns by department or manager inform policy updates. Bringing expense management out of the dark ages unlocks a treasure trove of useful analytics.

 Significant Employee Satisfaction Gains

Employees loathe the time drain and hassle of manual expense management. Automation liberally frees them from this drudgery so they can focus on core responsibilities that drive business forward. It also gets them reimbursed faster, improving satisfaction and morale. Workers across the company reap benefits from automated tracking.

In summary, automated expense management creates a win-win for both finance teams and employees. Administrators save countless hours while realizing strategic benefits from spend analytics. Employees get freed from grunt work while benefiting from faster reimbursements. The gains impact nearly every corner of an organization.

Now that the profound benefits of automation are clear, what features should companies look for when selecting expense management software?

Must-Have Features for Automated Expense Reporting

The right software transforms expense management from a painful chore into a strategic advantage. Here are the key features your platform must deliver:

 Frictionless Mobile App

A mobile app optimized for expense tracking is essential to eliminate friction for on-the-go employees. The app should allow easy expense creation by snapping photos of receipts. Expenses should be categorized quickly as they occur. Seamless sync across mobile and desktop eases follow-up editing or additions when back at a desk. Mobile convenience is key for user adoption.

 Seamless ERP Integrations

Tight integration between the expense platform and your accounting software is crucial to eliminate duplicate data entry. The system should integrate with all major ERPs like Oracle NetSuite, SAP Concur, QuickBooks, etc. This allows automatic population of approved spend into your financial records, avoiding manual re-entry in the accounting system.

 Advanced OCR Scanning

Optical character recognition (OCR) technology extracts key details from imaged receipts, eliminating tedious manual data entry. As capabilities advance, OCR can capture increasingly fine levels of detail including merchant, date, items purchased, and amounts for each line item. Look for a system with maximum OCR capabilities to minimize required employee input.

 Configurable Rules and Workflow

Each company needs the system tailored to support their specific expense policies, approval hierarchy, reporting needs, and integrations with other platforms. Seek software that is highly configurable to match approvals, reporting, and integrations to your exact requirements.

 Real-Time Reporting and Dashboards

On-demand reporting enables the visibility needed to tightly manage expenses and inform decisions. Look for easy generation of reports based on any dimension – employee, department, date, project, etc. Charts and graphs should provide visual analytics into spend patterns, trends, and outliers.

 Predictive Analytics and Forecasting

Advanced systems move beyond reactive reporting into predictive analytics. Platforms with artificial intelligence can analyze past expenses, identify trends and cycles, and predict future spend. This enables accurate budgets and informed policy updates. Seek predictive capabilities for maximum strategic advantage.

Successfully Configuring and Launching an Automated Expense Platform

Once the ideal software is selected, effectively implementing it requires careful configuration and rollout:

 Link Corporate Cards and Bank Accounts

Connecting company credit cards and bank accounts allows transactions to automatically flow into the system without manual submission. Obtain credentials from finance leaders to link business accounts from major cards and banks, enabling automated capture of company purchases.

 Build Approval Workflows

Map out required approval workflows for different expense scenarios based on company policy – who approves purchases by department heads vs. individual contributors or travel expenses vs. supplies? Configure the rules, hierarchies, and exception approvers needed to match required policies.

 Tailor Categories and Coding

Set up expense categories and associated rules to automatically code purchases from certain merchants or employees. Ensure the categories and attribute mapping align with how your finance team expects expenses to be categorized and reported. Tweak over time as needed.

 Pilot with a Small Group

Avoid chaos by slowly rolling out the platform. Start with a limited pilot for a single department or office location. Get the pilot group proficient before expanding to other functions or business units. Gradual expansion lets you address any issues at smaller scale.

 Train Employees Thoroughly

Educate employees on consistently capturing receipts, coding expenses, completing reports, and understanding reimbursement processes in the new system. Training is essential to driving quick proficiency and user adoption. Gamify learning and offer support resources to accelerate success.

 Monitor and Refine

Track utilization, proficiency, and user feedback metrics early on. Be prepared to refine configurations, simplify steps, or improve training to boost adoption. Tweak approvals, rules, reporting, and integrations to best suit business needs based on real-world usage and feedback.

Optimizing Day-to-Day Operations

Once the expense system is implemented, optimize ongoing operations by following proven best practices:

– Require capturing receipts immediately to aid memory and prevent lost details. Encourage mobile receipt uploads as purchases occur.

– Perform quick expense report audits, not just approvals. Double check reports match receipts and policies at least periodically.  

– Spot check high outliers or unusual spend. Explore the details and business purposes behind unusually high expenses.

– Regularly utilize reporting to analyze trends, identify issues, and fine tune configurations. Don’t just set it and forget it.

– Solicit user feedback via surveys or focus groups. Identify where workflows or ease of use can improve.

– Continue enhancing OCR capabilities as technology improves. Optimize scanning to extract maximum data.

– Assess predictive analytics accuracy and utilize forecasts to guide budget planning.

– Automate as many steps as possible over time, like receipt capture and coding. Reduce required human actions.

By continually optimizing processes and leveraging analytics, maximum strategic value can be generated from automated expense tracking.

Navigating the Transition from Manual Processes 

Switching over from manual to automated systems requires careful planning and discipline:

– Set a firm cutover date and freeze expenses prior to that date. Complete and approve all reports in the legacy process before moving forward.

– Briefly run the old and new systems in parallel. Use the overlap to train employees and handle outstanding legacy items.

– Communicate frequently leading up to the transition. Get buy-in by demonstrating improvements and provide training and support.  

– Following cutover, direct all employees to strictly utilize the new system. Remove access to old tracking tools or processes to prevent backsliding.

– Address inefficiencies or training gaps identified post-transition. Quickly refine the system and build additional proficiency.

With careful change management, organizations can successfully transition from manual hassle to automated excellence.

Leading Software Solutions

Many feature-rich expense management software options exist for organizations of all sizes. Below are top platforms to consider:

– SAP Concur – The market leader, Concur offers industry-leading OCR and integrations with all major accounting systems. Ideal for large enterprises.  

– Expensify – Extremely user-friendly with handy features like automated expense categorization. Designed for ease of use.

– Certify – Captures every line item from receipts for maximum visibility into transaction details. 

– Abacus – Streamlined platform tailored for small businesses. Integrates seamlessly with QuickBooks and

– Rydoo – Leverages AI and machine learning to simplify expense tracking. Offers intuitive mobile app.

Every company has unique needs when selecting expense software. Outline must-have capabilities, nice-to-have features, and ideal integrations to aid in your buying decision. 

The Bottom Line

Very few business processes offer an opportunity to simultaneously boost productivity, improve accuracy, increase employee satisfaction, and uncover strategic insights. Automating expense management does all of that and more. Modern software has transformed what was once a necessary evil into a strategic advantage for forward-thinking companies.

The innovation embedded in today’s solutions will only continue as technology advances. Forward-looking organizations should take the first step toward expense tracking automation. Carefully choose and implement the right platform based on your specific integration, policy, and analytics needs. 

With all the available options, every company can find software that streamlines expense submission while providing unparalleled visibility into spend. Making the move eliminates hours upon hours of grunt work while unlocking game-changing analytics. If your business is still relying on spreadsheets and shoeboxes full of receipts, it’s time to step into the future. Automating expense tracking should be at the top of your priority list for operational transformation. The benefits will quickly speak for themselves.