AI Development Trends to Follow – Wimgo

AI Development Trends to Follow

Artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing at a rapid pace and transforming businesses across industries. From chatbots to self-driving cars, AI is powering innovative technologies and disrupting the status quo. As we move deeper into the 2020s, several key AI development trends are emerging that business leaders, developers, and professionals should keep an eye on. 

In this comprehensive blog post, we will cover the top five AI development trends to follow in 2023 and beyond. We will provide an overview of each trend, explain why it matters, and provide examples of real-world applications. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of the promising AI developments on the horizon so you can strategize how to leverage them for your organization. Let’s get started!

AI Development Trend #1: Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

Automated machine learning, or AutoML for short, is the process of automating parts of the machine learning workflow that previously required extensive human intervention. This includes automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks like data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and more. 

With AutoML, the vision is to make machine learning more accessible and efficient for a wider range of users and organizations. Non-experts can leverage user-friendly AutoML tools to train and deploy ML models faster without needing to code or understand the underlying mathematical concepts. Even experienced data scientists can benefit from the time and resources AutoML saves by automating the grunt work.

AutoML tools and techniques are still evolving but some real-world examples demonstrate the promise:

– Google’s Cloud AutoML can build custom image recognition, text sentiment analysis, and other ML models with minimal human involvement. Users simply provide training data.

– DataRobot offers an end-toend automated platform to streamline the entire ML lifecycle, including data prep, model building, deployment, and maintenance.

– H2O Driverless AI automates feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning using algorithms like XGBoost, lightGBM, and deep learning.

As AutoML capabilities improve, expect higher quality models with less manual effort and lower barriers to leveraging AI.

AI Development Trend #2: Explainable AI (XAI) 

Explainable AI refers to AI and machine learning techniques that can explain how and why they make decisions or come to conclusions. Also called interpretable AI, it essentially aims to make AI systems more transparent and understandable to humans.

With many advanced ML algorithms like deep learning neural networks, the internal logic and decision-making process behind predictions can be extremely complex and opaque. This black box effect makes it difficult to trust and act on AI judgments, especially in fields like healthcare where decisions directly impact human lives.

XAI techniques open the black box by generating explanations along with predictions and recommendations: 

– Google researchers created Facets that visualizes deep learning model data flows and highlights key influencers behind classifications.

– IBM Research’s AI Explainability 360 toolkit helps extract insights on various models’ reasoning, evaluate fairness, and detect bias.  

By improving explainability, developers can more easily identify flaws, biases, and other issues in AI systems before real-world deployment. Users also gain peace of mind understanding how the technology arrives at conclusions. In highly-regulated industries like finance and insurance, explainable AI may soon become a necessity, not just a bonus feature.

AI Development Trend #3: AI for Social Good

Many of the world’s pressing challenges like climate change, disease, hunger, and inequality require social and policy innovations, not just technological ones. AI for social good applies artificial intelligence to benefit humanity and the world as a whole versus purely commercial ends.  

Some examples of AI aimed at positively impacting society include:

– Using ML in apps to detect crop diseases and improve sustainable global agriculture

– Analyzing satellite imagery with AI to measure environmental impacts and inform conservation efforts

– Implementing robotic AI assistants in elder homes to provide company and support 

– Preventing gender, racial, and other discrimination biases from creeping into ML models

– Empowering underserved groups with inclusive access to AI education and tools

AI offers immense potential for humanity and it is inspiring to see responsible stewardship of the technology for social causes, not just profits. We expect more conscious development and application of AI “for good” throughout the tech industry in the future.

AI Development Trend #4: Responsible AI

Hand-in-hand with using AI for social good comes the greater need for responsible AI development overall. As artificial intelligence becomes more powerful and ubiquitous, developers and companies have an ethical obligation to ensure these technologies are created, used, and managed responsibly.

Responsible AI considers the ethical, moral, social, and legal implications of AI systems, not just the technological capabilities. Some key pillars of responsible AI include:  

– Trustworthiness: AI should perform reliably while protecting user privacy and security

– Transparency: AI should explain its decision-making processes, especially for high-risk applications 

– Diversity & inclusion: AI should be accessible to all groups and avoid unfair bias

– Accountability: Organizations must take ownership of AI failures and abuse 

Frameworks like the Ethical AI Practices published by the Future of Life Institute provide guidance for building and deploying AI responsibly. More organizations are also forming internal committees and hiring Chief AI Ethics Officers to assess AI risks proactively. 

Prioritizing responsibility helps build public trust in AI, stimulates discussion on mitigating harms, and maximizes the benefits of AI going forward.

AI Development Trend #5: AI Chips & Computing Power

The previous four trends cover how we program and apply AI, but there are also key developments happening on the computing hardware side to empower these advanced systems behind the scenes.

Training complex machine learning and neural network models requires vast amounts of data and computing power. While GPUs helped boost AI capabilities in recent years, customized AI chips are now emerging to take things to the next level.

Some examples include:  

– Google’s Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) designed specifically for neural network machine learning

– Mythic’s M1000 AIInference Chip for on-device inferencing with low power

– Qualcomm’s Cloud AI 100 chip to deliver over four times higher AI performance for data centers

Massive tech giants like Google and Microsoft are also investing billions into developing quantum computing, which taps into quantum physics to exponentially speed up processing for certain AI applications.

Faster computing equals faster training and deployment for transformative AI tools across industries. But ethical oversight of all that power is crucial as well, linking back to the responsible development trend.

Conclusion: The Future is AI

From automated machine learning to quantum computing and everything in between, artificial intelligence indeed has an exciting yet challenging road ahead. These five key trends – automated ML, explainable AI, AI for good, responsible AI, and AI hardware – are just some of the developments poised to shape the AI landscape in 2023 and beyond.

For businesses and professionals in every industry, the time is now to start building AI knowledge, skills, and strategy to capitalize on what’s to come. Understanding the emerging trends is the first step to staying ahead of the curve and harnessing AI’s immense opportunities. Those who implement the right initiatives early will be poised for success in our increasingly AI-powered future.

Which of these AI trends are you most excited or cautious about? How do you plan to leverage artificial intelligence where it can have the most positive impact, both for your organization and society? The possibilities are endless, but we must put in the thought and effort to steer these technologies towards a better future for all.