Adapting Your Model to Meet Changing Conditions – Wimgo

Adapting Your Model to Meet Changing Conditions

In today’s fast-changing world, machine learning models need to be able to adapt to stay accurate and useful over time. Models that do not change will inevitably become outdated as data evolves and new concepts emerge. Building adaptable models is critical for organizations that want to maximize the value of their AI investments. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore why models need to adapt, techniques for adapting them, when to adapt vs. rebuild models, real-world examples of adaptable models, and best practices for creating systems that can automatically detect and respond to changing conditions. By the end, you will understand the importance of model adaptability and have actionable insights to implement processes that keep your models accurate regardless of how quickly your data changes.

Why Models Need to Adapt

Machine learning models are trained on historical data to make predictions or decisions about new data. This works well when the statistical properties of the training data match those of the inference data the model will see when deployed. However, in many real-world applications, the characteristics of the data change over time in ways that degrade model performance.

There are two main reasons models need to adapt to changing data:

Performance Declines – If the patterns in the inference data change, the model makes less accurate predictions. For example, a fraud detection model trained on credit card transactions from 2019 may start missing new types of fraud in 2022.

Concept Drift – Sometimes entirely new concepts emerge in the data. For example, new slang words and emoji start appearing in social media text. Models need to learn these new concepts to maintain performance.

Additionally, models may need to adapt to handle Data Drift – when the feature distributions change but the fundamental concepts stay the same. For example, customer incomes increasing over time.

Without adapting to these changing conditions, even highly accurate models will experience performance declines over time. The next section explores techniques for detecting when adaptation is needed.

How to Know When Your Model Needs to Adapt  

To determine if a model needs updating, monitor its performance over time to detect:

Performance Declines

If model accuracy, AUROC, F1 score, or other metrics on holdout validation data start dropping, it indicates the model is going stale. Statistical process control charts are a good way to monitor metrics for abnormal downward deviations.

Another sign is increases in model error specifically on recent inference data. Does the error rate go up for the last 30-60 days of data? This indicates the model is not keeping up with changes.

Data Drift

Directly measure if training data distributions differ from inference data distributions using statistics like KL-divergence. Large drift values indicate the model may need retraining or other updates.

Visualize distributions of key features over time to spot outliers and skew. Are values shifting, spreading out, or becoming multimodal? These changes can affect model performance.

Concept Drift

New classes or sub-categories can emerge, making models unable to recognize new concepts. Track unknown/other classes and precision of bottom-ranking classes to spot new concepts.

Model explanations can also detect new features influencing predictions that were not originally important, signaling concept drift.

Now that we know how to detect when models need updating, what are some techniques to actually adapt the models?

Techniques for Adapting Models

Many techniques exist to modify models to maintain accuracy over time. Choosing the right approach depends on factors like speed of change, privacy and security policies, and infrastructure constraints.

Retrain on New Data 

The most straightforward approach is periodically retraining the model on new data that better reflects current data distributions. This can use a rolling window of the most recent data.

Retraining works well for gradual drift but can be slow if training cycles are infrequent. It also requires storing new training data.

Online Learning 

Online learning continuously updates the model incrementally by looping through new inference examples. This adapts the model rapidly to drift.

Algorithms like stochastic gradient descent make online learning efficient. However, data privacy and model stability are concerns.

Transfer Learning

Transfer learning starts with a pretrained model then tunes it on a small amount of new data. Fine-tuning pretrained networks boosts performance on modest sized datasets.

This adapts models quickly since only the higher layers need retraining. But it can overfit to small datasets if not careful.

Ensemble Methods 

Using an ensemble of models trained on different time windows improves robustness. At inference time, examples are routed to the expert ensemble member most suitable for the data.

Ensembles adapt well when historical data is available. But more models must be maintained.

Continual Learning 

Continual learning frameworks aim to directly build adaptable models. As new data arrives, the model selectively updates weights to maintain performance on existing classes while learning new concepts.

This allows adapting models to drift without needing the original training data. However, algorithms remain challenging to develop and scale.

Now that we have explored techniques to update models, how do you decide when adaptation is needed versus a full model rebuild?

When to Adapt vs. Rebuild Your Model

Adapting models enables responding efficiently to drift, but is not always the best option. Consider rebuilding models in these cases:  

– Drastic performance drops, even after adaptation. This indicates the original model architecture is a poor fit.

– Entirely new classes, new features, or fundamental shifts in the problem. Adaptation will be limited if the foundational schemas change.

– Deployment of more advanced techniques. Periodic rebuild is a chance to take advantage of state-of-the-art algorithms.

– Data volume has increased dramatically. More data may support a larger model.

In general, adapt when new patterns emerge within the same problem scope. Rebuild when the problem itself changes. Hybrid approaches are also possible – rebuild certain model components while adapting others.

The next section looks at real-world examples of adaptable machine learning systems.

Adapting Models in Real World Applications

Many businesses are applying adaptable models to detect changing conditions and maintain predictive accuracy over time:

Fraud Detection

Fraud evolves quickly, requiring constant model updates. Adaptable ensembles trained on recent data detect new attacks. Online learning immediately incorporates each transaction.

Customer Churn 

To predict churn, customer behavior data requires continual retraining. Time-based model selection uses rolling windows of training data recency.

Predictive Maintenance

Machine wear evolves gradually, enabling online learning from streams of sensor data. Continual learning avoids catastrophically forgetting early failure modes.

Recommendation Systems

User preferences change, so models adapt to reviews, clicks, and ratings. Context also shifts, adapting geo-based models to new venues, events, and trends.

These examples demonstrate the range of techniques and creativity needed to keep models aligned with changing business conditions. What are some best practices for developing adaptable systems?

Best Practices for Adaptable Models  

Here are some recommendations for setting up processes and infrastructure that builds adaptable models:

Modular Design

Adaptable systems often have pluggable model components that can be individually updated. APIs facilitate swapping model versions and ensembles.

Robust Validation

Broad validation suites detecting concept drift ensure models do not overfit to only the latest trends. Models that forget past concepts underperform.

Drift Detection  

Monitor inference statistics, data distributions, and performance metrics for deterioration. Clearly define thresholds to trigger adaptation.

Flexible Architectures

Using cloud platforms enables scaling resources to rebuild models. Containers facilitate testing and deployment of model updates.

Overall, adaptable systems require planning during initial development for features like modularity, monitoring, and pipelines to ingest and validate model updates. Organizations also need mature MLOps and DevOps capabilities to fully benefit from adaptable models. But once established, maintaining accuracy through changing conditions provides major competitive advantage.


In this guide, we discussed why models need to adapt to changing data, how to detect when updates are needed, techniques for adapting models, deciding between adaptation and full rebuilds, real-world applications, and best practices.

The key takeaways are:

– Monitor for performance declines, data drift, and concept drift to detect when adaptation is required

– Techniques like online learning, transfer learning, and ensembles enable efficient updating

– Adapt to new patterns within the same problem scope, but rebuild for major shifts

– Modular architectures, robust validation, and automated pipelines facilitate adaptable systems

Adaptable machine learning is crucial for maintaining the value of AI investments over time as businesses evolve. Organizations that embrace adaptable models gain significant competitive advantage through accurate predictions, insightful analytics, and responsive optimization. However, achieving adaptability requires planning during initial development and solid MLOps foundations.

By understanding the techniques and best practices covered here, you can position your organization to continuously update models and fully benefit from AI that keeps pace with changing conditions.