Accessible Design – Meeting the Needs of All Users – Wimgo

Accessible Design – Meeting the Needs of All Users

As a website owner, you want your content to be available to everyone. However, many websites unintentionally exclude people with disabilities. An accessible website is one that can be used effectively by people with visual impairments, hearing loss, limited mobility, and other disabilities. 

Creating an accessible website has multiple benefits beyond being the right thing to do. It allows you to reach a wider audience and comply with legal requirements. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what website accessibility means, who it benefits, and how to achieve it.

What Is Website Accessibility?

Website accessibility refers to designing and developing a website so it can be navigated and understood by all users, regardless of ability. This includes people with:

– Visual impairments, including blindness, low vision, and color blindness.

– Hearing loss and deafness. 

– Motor disabilities that impact their ability to use a mouse or keyboard.

– Cognitive disabilities like ADHD, dyslexia, and autism that affect focus and reading comprehension.

An accessible website is one that provides content in multiple ways, gives users control over how content is displayed, and uses best practices for coding, design, and content creation.

Accessibility Standards

Several standards guide accessibility efforts worldwide:

– Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): Published by the W3C, WCAG outlines how to make web content accessible to people with disabilities. Meeting WCAG is necessary for ADA compliance.

– Section 508: U.S. federal law that requires government electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities. Based on WCAG 1.0.

– EN 301 549: European standard for web accessibility, also based on WCAG. Required for public sector sites in EU countries.

– ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act): U.S. civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. Title III covers private business websites.

WCAG 2.1 is the current standard, with criteria organized by four principles often called POUR:

– Perceivable: Users can perceive/sense website content in multiple ways.

– Operable: All functionality can be accessed via keyboard, there’s enough time to read content, and content doesn’t cause seizures.

– Understandable: Content is readable, predictable, and consistent.

– Robust: Content can be interpreted reliably by assistive technologies like screen readers. 

WCAG 2.1 categorizes criteria into three conformance levels from A (minimum) to AAA (highest). Most experts recommend websites meet level AA standards at minimum.

Why Website Accessibility Matters

You may be wondering—how many website visitors truly need accessibility features? Is it worth the extra effort to accommodate them? 

In the United States alone, 61 million adults and 5.4 million children under 15 have a disability. That’s 26% of the population. Disabilities also become more common with age—by 65, one in four adults has a disability.  

Plus, many more people are temporarily disabled by an injury or illness at some point. Vision and mobility can also decline with age, even in people not disabled.

Beyond serving this large portion of the population, creating an accessible website has additional advantages:

– Attract more visitors: Accessible sites rank higher in search engines because they offer multiple options for users to consume content (like text alternatives for images). They allow more people to access your content and link to it.

– Comply with legal requirements: In many countries, websites operated by the government and businesses serving the public must meet accessibility standards by law. Lawsuits over inaccessible websites have risen in recent years.

– Improve UX for everyone: Features for accessibility like alt text, headings, and captions benefit all users, not just those with disabilities. They make websites easier to navigate and use.

– Do the right thing: Most importantly, ensuring your website is accessible helps create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive web. It allows everyone to participate freely in society—a basic human right.

When you make accessibility a priority in your web design, you open your content to millions more people. Those are potential new customers, clients, students, voters—anyone you want to reach. It also future-proofs your site for your own potential disabilities as you age.

Types of Disabilities and Barriers

To understand how to make websites accessible, it helps to review common disabilities and barriers people encounter:

Blindness and Low Vision

– Blindness: Cannot see at all or only have light perception. Rely on screen readers that read text aloud. May also use braille displays or magnifiers.

– Low vision: Have significant vision loss that is uncorrectable with glasses. Conditions like macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy. Use screen magnification software, screen readers, braille displays. 


– Images, PDFs, videos without text alternatives

– Inaccessible PDFs and documents  

– Automated captions on videos that aren’t accurate

– Visual cues without text (like color to convey meaning)

– Small text size with no way to increase it

– Undescriptive link text like “Click here”

– Complex page layouts and navigation

– No headers to understand page structure 

Deafness and Hearing Loss

– Deafness: Profound hearing loss, rely primarily on visuals rather than listening. Use sign language, read lips, or write to communicate.

– Hard of hearing: Can use hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other tools to enhance hearing. Require captions on audio/video and alternatives to audio cues.


– Videos without accurate captions

– Audio content without transcripts  

– Lack of visual alerts for audio cues

– Important information in audio only recordings

– No options for call support like chat, email, TTY

Mobility Disabilities 

– Weakness/paralysis: Due to conditions like cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s. Difficulty moving body parts needed to use mouse/keyboard. Rely on alternate input devices, dictation software.

– Loss of fine motor control: Impacts precise mouse control needed to click small objects. Benefit from larger click areas. 

– Limited reach/flexibility: Cannot reach all areas of screen or keyboard comfortably due to short stature or stiffness. May use Switch Control or eye gaze instead of mouse.


– Small tap targets like links and buttons

– Long mouse/keyboard interactions needed for forms 

– Content that requires hover to trigger popups or expand

– No keyboard access to all features and functions

Cognitive Disabilities

– Dyslexia: Impacts reading ability. Benefit from simple navigation, consistent styling, alt text for images.

– ADHD: Causes difficulty concentrating. Prefers simplicity, clear navigation, concise content.

– Autism: Sensory overload from bright colors, flashing content. Consistency is key.


– Complex site navigation and page layouts

– Walls of dense text content 

– Confusing interfaces with many options

– Unexpected animations or moving elements

– Bright contrasting colors and flashing content

Designing an Accessible Website

Now that we’ve covered the importance of accessibility and challenges users face, let’s look at specific best practices for designing an accessible site.

Focus on POUR Principles

WCAG criteria are organized by the POUR principles. Keep these in mind throughout design and development:

– Perceivable: Offer alternatives for non-text content like images, video, and audio. Ensure contrast levels meet standards.

– Operable: Allow keyboard access to all functions. Give users time to complete tasks. Avoid content that causes seizures.

– Understandable: Write clearly, make navigation consistent, and structure content well. Website should be predictable.

– Robust: Maximize compatibility with assistive technologies like screen readers. Use semantic HTML.

Conduct Accessibility Testing

Don’t make assumptions about the accessibility of your website—put it to the test!

– Install browser extensions to experience site as a user with low vision, blindness, color blindness, dyslexia.

– Disable mouse usage and tab through site functions with just a keyboard.

– Use a screen reader to ensure all content is announced properly.

– Check color contrast levels.

– Turn off animations and test effects on focus.

– Review site on mobile devices.

– Ask users with different disabilities to evaluate site.

Regular accessibility testing will reveal where improvements are needed.

Focus on Universal Design 

Universal design means creating an experience that works well for everyone from the start, rather than just accommodating some groups afterward. 

Follow universal design principles:

– Equitable experience: Site is similarly usable for any user regardless of ability.

– Flexibility: Provides options to personalize display, text size, color contrast, etc. 

– Simple design: Intuitive navigation, clear language, and ease of use.

– Perceptible: Communicates necessary information effectively to the user.

– Tolerance for error: Minimizes hazards that could cause unintentional actions.  

– Low physical effort: Can be used comfortably without fatigue.

– Size and space: Easy reach and manipulation regardless of user’s body size, posture, mobility.

Prioritize Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML clearly communicates the meaning and structure of content:

– Use header tags (h1, h2) appropriately to create hierarchy.

– Mark up navigation landmarks like `<nav>` and `<footer>`.

– Indicate emphasis with `<strong>` and `<em>`.

– Use semantic tags like `<form>`, `<table>`, `<figure>`.

This improves accessibility and SEO by making content more understandable to people using assistive technology and search engines.

Provide Text Alternatives 

Text alternatives convey what non-text content represents, like:

– Alt text: Concise descriptions for images, charts, graphics that screen readers can access.

– Transcripts: Text versions of audio content for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

– Captions: Timed text for audio and video content.

– Descriptive transcripts: Additional text descriptions for complex visuals like charts or videos. 

– Accessible PDFs: Tagged PDFs with actual text vs. scanned images to allow text reading.

Design Clear Navigation

– Create simple, consistent navigation schemes.

– Use descriptive text for links that makes sense out of context.

– Allow keyboard access to all navigation and page elements.

– Ensure sufficient color contrast between text and background. 

– Craft categories that make relationships clear at a glance.

– Use breadcrumbs.

– Include a search function.

Structure Page Layouts

– Use headings in hierarchical order and style them properly.

– Make sure reading/focus order is logical.

– Group related elements.

– Separate distinct sections with white space.

– Avoid cluttered pages with too many elements fighting for attention.

Optimize for Screen Readers

Screen readers announce content on the page including text, links, headings, lists, and form fields. Ensure screen readers work properly:

– Eliminate unnecessary links saying “click here” or “read more” with no context.

– Hide decorative/redundant content from screen readers with `.sr-only` class.

– Announce dynamic changes on page with ARIA live regions.  

– Use proper form field labels associated to inputs.

– Don’t convey meaning just through color or sensory characteristics alone.

Choose Colors with Care

– Use an accessible color palette with sufficient contrast.

– Enable users to adjust colors and contrast.  

– Don’t use color alone to convey meaning.

– Avoid busy background images or overlays that obscure text.

Design Easy Forms

Forms should be accessible both visually on screen and to screen reader users:

– Associate labels to inputs using `for/id`. Labels should be proximate to inputs.

– Indicating required fields programmatically.

– Allow keyboard access to all fields.

– Provide text instructions and cues.

– Use built-in HTML5 validation.

– Group related inputs.

– Limit required inputs.

Provide Multiple Ways to Navigate and Interact

Don’t rely on just one mode of navigation and interaction like mouse use alone. Provide options:

– Keyboard access to all functionality.

– Skip navigation links to bypass repetitive content.

– Control timeouts for time-restricted activities.  

– Options to postpone or suppress animations and flashing content.

– High contrast and grayscale modes.

– Resize text without breaking layout.

Follow Accessibility Standards and Guidelines

Stay up to date on standard best practices for accessible design:

– Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

– Section 508 Standards

– W3C Accessibility Initiative Resources

– WebAIM Guides

Use automated tools to check for conformance issues before launch. Conduct user testing regularly with people who have different disabilities. 

Common Accessibility Mistakes to Avoid

While designing your accessible website, watch out for these frequent pain points and pitfalls:

Insufficient Colour Contrast

Text needs to clearly stand out from backgrounds. Failing to meet contrast standards makes content hard to read for those with low vision or colour blindness. Check contrast with tools like WebAIM’s Colour Contrast Checker.

Decorative Images Without alt Attributes

Screen readers will try to announce images lacking alt text, which creates a poor experience. Use null/empty alt text (alt=“”) for decorative images that add no context.

Missing Form Input Labels

Without labels, forms don’t make sense when announced by screen readers. Labels should be proximate to inputs and linked via `for/id` attributes.

Non-Descriptive Link Text

Links like “click here” and “read more” are meaningless when read out of context by screen readers. Use descriptive text that gives context.

Inaccessible PDFs, Docs, and Multimedia

Files uploaded to websites must also be accessible. Ensure PDFs and Word docs are tagged, videos/audio have captions/transcripts, and slides have alt text. 

Keyboard Traps

All functionality should be operable by keyboard alone without a mouse. Test tabbing through site to ensure keyboard focus isn’t accidentally trapped in one place.

Auto-Playing Audio/Video

Unexpected media playing automatically creates a jarring experience. Allow users to opt-in with a button before starting video or audio.

Complex Page Layouts

Screen reader users benefit from clean, hierarchical page layouts. Nest headings properly, use landmark elements, and style pages simply.

Over-Reliance on Sensory Cues Like Color

Conveying meaning through color or other sensory styles alone excludes users with impairments. Use multiple modes like text, icons, position, etc.

Accessibility Tools and Testing Resources

Numerous tools are available to help build and audit accessible websites:

– Contrast checkers like WebAIM, Contrast Finder, Contrast Grid, Color Safe, Stark.

– Color blindness simulators like NoCoffee, Color Oracle, Sim Daltonism.

– Screen readers like VoiceOver, NVDA, JAWS for testing.

– Linting tools like axe, WAVE, Tota11y that scan for accessibility issues. 

– Browser extensions like axe, Web Developer, HeadingsMap.

– Chrome has an accessibility panel with contrast checker, focus style view, and ARIA attributes.

– Screen magnification software like ZoomText and MAGic. 

– Microsoft Windows has built-in Ease of Access settings like color filters, screen readers, magnification, and high contrast display.

Pair automated tools with manual testing by real users with disabilities whenever possible.

Accessibility Regulations Worldwide 

Most countries impose some regulations related to web accessibility for the public and government sector. Be aware of laws in regions where you operate:

– United States: ADA applies to businesses serving the public. All government sites must meet Section 508. Multiple lawsuits over website accessibility.

– Canada: AODA regulations similar to ADA. Required for public and private sector.

– United Kingdom: Public Sector Bodies Accessibility Regulations. Equality Act 2010 also imposes “reasonable accommodations.”  

– European Union: EU Web Accessibility Directive from 2016. Public sector sites must comply with WCAG 2.1 AA.

– Australia: Disability Discrimination Act and Disability Standards for Education apply to web accessibility.

– Worldwide: Many countries model laws after US ADA or have voluntary initiatives promoting accessibility. 

Making Future Updates Accessible

Achieving initial website accessibility is just the first step. Maintenance and future updates also need to preserve accessibility: 

– Perform accessibility checks after making significant page edits, adding new multimedia, or launching large site updates.

– Train content contributors on using proper HTML, styling content accessibly, writing alt text, and creating accessible documents. 

– Document website accessibility policies like standards followed, testing procedures, and responsibilities.

– Assign clear ownership of website accessibility efforts across teams like content, design, development.

– Solicit user feedback through surveys, user testing, support tickets to identify recurring issues.

Prioritizing accessibility from the start and maintaining vigilance over time ensures your website continues serving all users equitably.


Creating an accessible website provides content to users who have been traditionally underserved and overlooked on the web. By taking the time to meet accessibility standards and test your site with impaired users, you open your message to a wider audience.

While perfection may not be possible, do your best to identify and fix the most significant barriers limiting access. Partner with disability rights organizations, funds groups to test your site, and stay up to date on emerging best practices.

Most importantly, listen to feedback from disabled users themselves on how you can improve. The rewards of an accessible website are immense for both users and your organization.