Questions to Ask When Choosing a CPA for Your Business – Wimgo

Questions to Ask When Choosing a CPA for Your Business

If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner, bringing on a knowledgeable, experienced Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is one of the best investments you can make. A skilled CPA essentially serves as your personal finance guru, strategically guiding you on everything from tax planning to growth decisions. However, not all CPAs are created equal. Finding one that’s the right fit for your business’s specific needs takes thoughtful research and asking the right questions during the interview process. 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll discuss why partnering with a CPA is so valuable for business owners and entrepreneurs. I’ll then provide practical strategies to identify qualified accountants in your local area to interview. The key sections will cover the crucial questions to ask CPAs during consultations and the top factors to evaluate when deciding who to hire. I’ll also touch on signs that it may be time to switch CPAs. My goal is to equip you with expert insights to choose the ideal accounting professional to handle your finances and taxes. Let’s dive in!

Why a CPA is Worth the Investment

I know as an entrepreneur you likely wear many hats and handle diverse tasks outside your core expertise. Treating accounting and taxes as a DIY project may seem tempting. However, I’ve seen the tangible benefits hundreds of businesses experience when they partner with a talented CPA. An accountant’s specialized skills and financial insights are well worth the investment. Here are some of the top reasons to hand your books over to a qualified CPA rather than go the DIY route:

Navigating Complex Taxes 

Staying 100% compliant and maximizing write-offs with frequently changing tax codes is nearly impossible for business owners without tax expertise. An experienced CPA both prepares your returns and helps develop tax-saving strategies based on intimate knowledge of deductions and regulations impacting your specific business model and industry. The tax savings alone usually more than cover a CPA’s fees.

Objective Business Insights 

Since a CPA doesn’t have the founder’s emotional investment in your business, they can assess growth opportunities, investments, and major purchases objectively. Their unbiased number crunching and financial modeling provides data-driven insights to guide smart strategic decisions.

Audit and Assurance Services

For many businesses and nonprofits required to have GAAP-compliant financial statement audits annually, a CPA’s audit services are mandatory. But even if audits aren’t legally required for your company, they can provide that extra level of validation and transparency for banks, potential investors, and large clients.  

Balancing the Books

While bookkeeping may sound straightforward, keeping the books reconciled and balanced while handling payroll, accounts receivable, inventory, and more is a major undertaking. CPAs with full bookkeeping services can cost-effectively handle the volume in less time than an in-house full-time bookkeeper.

Regulatory Compliance

Properly producing and filing 1099 tax forms, sales tax reports, state incorporation paperwork, and other regulatory docs is rife with chances for oversight if you DIY. CPAs fluently navigate all these compliance requirements, sparing you frustrating penalties down the road.

In summary, a CPA essentially serves as your personal finance expert, freeing you from time-consuming accounting minutiae so you can focus your energy on building your business, not just the books. But finding the right CPA takes a bit of strategy and asking the right questions.

Strategies to Find Qualified CPAs in Your Area

Once you decide it makes sense to bring a CPA onboard, how do you identify qualified local CPAs to interview? I recommend a three-pronged approach:

Lean on Your Network

Word of mouth recommendations from other business owners who love their accountant carry serious weight. Ask respected entrepreneurs in your network who they partner with for accounting and taxes. If they rave about their CPA, get that name on your short list!

Research Online Directories and Reviews 

Popular online small business review sites like Yelp can be a treasure trove for finding well-reviewed accounting firms in your area. I’d focus on CPAs with 4 stars and above. Google and Facebook Business profiles also showcase credible CPAs. 

Search CPA Association Directories

For qualified, licensed candidates, the AICPA’s national directory lets you search for CPAs by location and specialty. State CPA association directories like CalCPA work too. Vet credentials thoroughly.

As you compile your list of about 5-10 potential CPAs to interview, call state accounting boards to verify all active licenses. Then narrow down to 3-5 firms or solo practitioners for in-depth interviews. 

Key Questions to Ask During CPA Interviews

The interview stage is critical for determining if a CPA is truly the right fit for your accounting and tax needs. I suggest having a set list of probing questions ready to consistently vet each potential accountant under consideration across these key areas:

Experience and Specializations

– How long have you actively practiced as a CPA? What’s your overall experience with small business accounting?

– Do you specialize in certain industries or business models? What percentage of your clients are in my niche?

– How familiar are you with the unique accounting issues businesses like mine face?

– What’s your experience working with companies around my size specifically? 

– Do you stay up to date on the latest changes in tax codes and accounting regulations? How so?

– What continuing education do you complete annually to maintain expertise?

You want confidence they have the right background to expertly handle the nuances of your type of business. Specialized industry knowledge is a huge plus.

Communication Style and Personality Fit

– Walk me through what the ongoing communication flow looks like with your clients. 

– If I have a pressing question, how quickly can I expect a response? 

– What’s the best way to reach you – email, phone, something else?

– Are you open to periodic quick check-in calls if I just need a piece of advice? 

– How would you describe your communication and work style?   

Vibe with their style and ensure you’ll have access for timely support when urgent issues arise. A personality match is important!

Scope of Services  

– Please give me an overview of the services you provide in-house vs. refer out to others.

– Can you handle all the services I’m looking for (tax prep, bookkeeping, payroll, auditing) or will I need to work with other providers too?

– Do you advise on financial decisions like major capital expenditures or business expansion opportunities?

– Are you comfortable explaining financial concepts in simple terms if I need that? 

Understand their full suite of offerings to know if they can be a “one-stop shop” or you’ll need other accounting pros too. Seek advisors not just data preparers. 

Fee Structure and Billing Process

– How do you structure your fees for services – hourly, retainer, fixed bid? Please explain.

– Could you provide me with an estimated total annual cost including all services we discussed?

– What would trigger extra fees above the estimate you provided? Any hidden surprises to watch for?

– Do you require an upfront retainer? How is this calculated?

– How often do you bill clients and for what periods? Walk me through the billing flow.

Financial alignment and predictable billing processes are key to a good CPA relationship. Ask for transparency.

Client References and Reputation

– Can you share 2-3 clients I could speak with to learn more about their experience working with you? 

– May I have permission to contact your client references directly?

– How long have your longest standing clients worked with your firm? What’s your client retention rate?

– Can you share any case studies relevant to businesses like mine highlighting the value you provided?

Seek their longest term clients and ask for candid feedback. High retention rates are ideal. 

Other Vital Questions

– Who would be my main point of contact? Are they a CPA? 

– Do you carry professional liability insurance? At what coverage limits?

– Which accounting software platforms do you recommend and integrate with? 

– What differentiates your services from competitors? Why should I choose your firm?

– How do you ensure complete data security for financial information?

Dot all your I’s and T’s with these additional queries before deciding to move forward.

While this certainly isn’t an exhaustive list of CPA interview questions, it hits on the crucial areas to probe deeply into when evaluating candidates. Take detailed notes on each response to compare consistently across your top choices.

Top Criteria to Evaluate When Selecting Your CPA

After finishing up the interview process, step back and compare your notes across some of the key factors below to make the best decision for your business:

Relevant Experience  

The ideal CPA has extensive experience handling books and taxes for companies specifically like yours. Expertise in your niche or industry is a major plus. Ask for examples of past clients they’ve worked with in your field.

Personality and Communication Fit

A CPA you vibe with well and whose communication approach matches your needs will foster a great working relationship. But you’ll likely find a spectrum from buttoned-up analysts to more creative strategists. Seek alignment. 

Breadth of Services

If you want a “one-stop shop”, ensure the CPA can internally handle all the services you require rather than making referrals to other firms or outsourcers. But boutique specialists can work too for niche needs. 

Reasonable Fees 

Do their quoted fees and billing structure seem fair and competitive based on the value being provided? Get everything in writing first. Red flags include opaque bills or prices above your budget.

Strong References and Reputation 

Take the temperature of current and past clients. How enthusiastic are they? Long standing clients and high retention rates signal satisfied customers. 

Technical Expertise and Advisory Skills

You want confidence you’re getting cutting-edge financial expertise – both in compliance and advisory capacities. Ensure they stay up to date on the latest tools, regulations and strategies.

Accessibility and Responsiveness

Will your CPA be there to support time-sensitive issues like tax filing deadlines or audits? Ensure appropriate access to principals and reasonable response times.

Evaluating candidates thoroughly across these criteria will position you to select the right accounting professional to partner with long-term.

Signs It May Be Time to Switch CPAs 

If you’ve worked satisfactorily with your current CPA for some years, you may be wondering if it’s worth the effort to vet other options. In many cases, the decision to switch CPAs comes down to outgrowing a solo practitioner or boutique firm as your business scales or identifying a better specialty match. 

Here are some common signs it may be time to move on from your current accountant:

– Your needs have evolved beyond a generalist to requiring niche industry expertise

– You’ve expanded significantly and your books now require capabilities beyond your CPA’s technical competence 

– Your growth is demanding more hands-on advisory your CPA doesn’t adequately provide

– Lack of responsiveness to urgent issues or long delays completing time-sensitive filings 

– Major errors or omissions indicating a concerning lack of care

– Much higher costs than competitor quotes for similar services 

– Difficulty communicating effectively with your CPA and tense relations

Unless you have complete confidence in your accountant, periodic due diligence on alternatives can ensure your business has the right financial partner.

The Takeaway – Choosing the Ideal Accounting Partner

Selecting the right CPA is truly one of the most strategic long-term decisions a business owner will make. The ideal accountant becomes your close advisor, heavily influencing tax outcomes, growth moves, and overall financial health over the years. While the interview and selection process takes time upfront, the payoff of tailored accounting guidance and significant tax savings will make the investment incredibly worthwhile. 

Use the blueprint of practical strategies and probing questions provided to ensure you vet CPAs thoroughly first. Then evaluating how potential partners stack up across key criteria will lead to the ideal match. With the right financial guru advising you based on your unique business needs and goals, your tax burdens will decrease and profits will grow. Here’s to a bright financial future with the perfect accounting partner at your side!