How Building Information Modeling Streamlines the Design Process – Wimgo

How Building Information Modeling Streamlines the Design Process

As someone who has worked in construction for over 15 years, I’ve seen firsthand how technology is transforming the industry. The days of architects hand drafting design plans on vellum and contractors trying to interpret incomplete 2D drawings on site are long gone. We now have incredibly powerful tools that help us design, plan, and construct buildings in a much more streamlined way. 

One innovation that is especially impactful is Building Information Modeling, or BIM. When I first heard colleagues talking about BIM 5-10 years ago, it sounded quite complex and intimidating. But once I actually started using it, I realized how it makes projects so much smoother and helps avoid many of the headaches we used to deal with. 

In this blog, I’ll explain what exactly BIM is, why it’s valuable for the design phase, challenges of implementation, and where I see this technology headed. My goal is to give a helpful insider’s perspective for those interested in learning more about BIM and how it benefits architecture, engineering and construction workflows.

What is BIM?

BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. Essentially it is a process that involves creating digital 3D models of buildings or infrastructure with embedded data attached. But it’s not just a 3D model like what we used to create in CAD programs. 

A BIM model is far more detailed and information-rich. It allows different parties like architects, structural engineers, contractors, and building owners to collaborate on a centralized model that contains all the important design, material, scheduling, and other project details. 

So you can think of a BIM model as a living, intelligent prototype of the building containing all the vital information in one place. As design changes are made, the model updates and synchronizes everything automatically. It catches errors and conflicts early on, which prevents costly fixes later. This level of coordination is priceless compared to working in silos from 2D drawings.

Not only does BIM consolidate the geometry and specs, it also lets you visualize the building and create realistic renderings. You can take virtual walkthroughs and really understand the spatial intent before construction starts. It opens up new possibilities for simulating performance too, like calculating energy usage, light analysis, and acoustic modeling. 

The detail and visual nature of BIM fosters better collaboration and understanding between project stakeholders. And the embedded information like cost, schedules, and specifications empowers more analysis to optimize construction planning.

Benefits of BIM for Design

Now that I’ve explained broadly what BIM is, I want to focus on how it benefits the design phase specifically. The advantages are numerous, from visualizations for clients to detecting clashes before construction starts. Here are some of the biggest ways BIM streamlines design:

Enhanced Collaboration Between Project Teams

One of the best aspects of BIM is how it enables early collaboration between all the various disciplines involved—from the owner and architect developing the conceptual design, to engineers designing building systems, and the contractor considering constructability. Every team contributes to the same model from the beginning. 

This eliminates siloed workflows where the architect finishes schematics before the engineers even start their design. By coordinating early via a shared BIM model, issues can be identified while changes are still relatively easy. For example, we may discover that a mechanical duct clashes with a structural beam—something easily fixed now but hugely problematic and expensive later in construction.

The open visual nature of the 3D model also brings clarity for all teams. We can literally see design intent instead of relying on abstract 2D plans. This speeds up the design process and reduces costly miscommunications later down the road.

Automated Clash Detection  

One major advantage of BIM models is built-in clash detection. The software analyzes the 3D geometry to find cases where building components incorrectly intersect or occupy the same space—like mechanical pipes crossing through structural elements. 

It quickly flags these issues so design teams can resolve them before construction. Without BIM, these “clashes” are often only discovered in the field once installation has already begun, forcing very costly rework. Clash detection minimizes errors and avoids those pesky change orders that eat into the contingency budget.

Design Visualization

Traditionally at the end of schematic design, architects will create artistic 3D renderings to help the client better visualize the building before approving design development. These perspectives and fly-throughs are incredibly helpful for clients who may be non-technical to grasp the spatial designs.

With BIM, high-quality visualizations can be generated faster and utilized earlier in the design process to aid decision making. The design team can easily create multiple renderings to compare options for facades, layouts, materials, etc. This allows the client to provide more informed input to finalize the schematic design, improving outcomes.

Building Performance Analysis

Running simulations and analysis on building performance is not new—energy modeling, daylighting, acoustics, and code compliance checks have been around for a while. But performing these manually on separate software platforms was cumbersome. 

The level of coordination in the BIM model now allows much of this analysis to be automated. For instance, energy usage can be simulated early on to right-size mechanical systems and optimize envelope design. Structural analysis helps refine the structural skeleton and catch issues. This is a gamechanger for developing high-performance, cost-effective designs.

Construction Planning 

Seeing the design realized in a detailed 3D model enables contractors and subcontractors to better visualize what needs to be built. This provides clarity on expectations and allows more accurate estimating of time, resources, and costs from quantity takeoffs. 

BIM also facilitates planning of the construction sequence and logistics like material staging and equipment access. Trades can deconflict work zones early in this collaborative environment, as opposed to sorting it out once onsite. All of this translates to a smoother and more efficient construction process.

Challenges of Implementing BIM

As amazing as BIM is, adopting it also poses some challenges:

Learning Curve

Let’s face it, mastering an entirely new software platform and workflows takes time for teams accustomed to 2D CAD drafting. Developing BIM skills requires investment in training and gaining proficiency. Some staff may be resistant to learning new technologies. But over time, the productivity benefits far outweigh the temporary dip during the learning phase.

Cost of Software Licenses and Hardware 

While the return on investment is compelling long-term, upfront costs for purchasing robust BIM software platforms and upgrading computer hardware to handle large model files can be an obstacle for smaller firms. But declining software prices and cloud computing help with this.

Interoperability Issues

No question, getting various BIM applications from different vendors to play nice together is still a work in progress. There are some hiccups in translating data between platforms. But open standards like IFC are improving multi-software workflows. The interoperability challenge should not deter firms from adopting BIM.

Lack of Contractual Standards  

Many project owners and contractors are still figuring out contractual details like BIM deliverable requirements and liability. Standard protocols will evolve over time, but some kinks exist currently. I think starting small and scaling up BIM implementation prudently until robust frameworks emerge is a wise approach.

The Exciting Future of BIM

While hurdles exist, I see BIM as the undeniable future for design and construction. Here are some emerging trends that will expand BIM adoption:

Government Mandates 

Several countries such as the UK, Singapore, and Hong Kong have already mandated BIM for public works projects, realizing the cost and schedule benefits. This will compel wider usage across the private sector as well to remain competitive. Similar mandates in the US are probably not far behind.

Integration With AI, VR, and IoT

Some futurists are talking about “BIM 2.0” powered by integration with artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and internet-connected sensors. AI can automate generative design, code checks, etc. VR enables interactive virtual walkthroughs. IoT sensors facilitate real-time performance monitoring and facility management. The possibilities are endless!

Lifecycle Data Uses

Another major future trend is utilizing BIM data beyond design and construction. Facility managers can leverage as-built models as digital twins to optimize building operations and maintenance. The handoff of information from design to operations will be transformed.


To wrap up, BIM delivers tremendous advantages over traditional workflows by enabling real-time collaboration, visualizations, simulations, documentation, and analysis—all from a central intelligent model. 

Despite some challenges initially, I firmly believe BIM represents the future for anyone in the AEC industry who wants to remain competitive and meet client demands. The level of efficiency and insight BIM unlocks is too powerful to pass up. I’m excited to see how it continues evolving!