Maintaining Visibility and Control With a BPO Provider – Wimgo

Maintaining Visibility and Control With a BPO Provider

If you’re a business leader exploring outsourcing initiatives, you’ve probably grappled with a big question: How do I maintain visibility and control when I hand off key processes to an external provider? It’s an understandable concern. Outsourcing core functions like supply chain management, HR, IT or finance support can feel like you’re crossing a chasm and hoping for the best.

But here’s the upside: Done right, outsourcing enables you to tap into world-class capabilities, efficiencies and cost savings. You shed non-core activities and focus more sharply on strategic goals. And you gain an adaptable framework to scale up or down as business needs change. 

The key is finding an outsourcing approach that’s built on transparency, governance and accountability from the start. When you choose the right partner, define rigorous performance standards, and leverage oversight tools, outsourcing pays dividends without compromising insight or authority over essential operations.

In this post, we’ll dig into real-world best practices for maintaining visibility and control with an outsourcing provider. You’ll learn:

– Key benefits and risks to weigh when considering outsourcing

– How to select an outsourcing partner who values transparency  

– Methods for building governance, monitoring and reporting into the relationship

– The oversight capabilities offered by today’s technologies

– Steps to proactively sustain visibility as the engagement matures

The goal is to give you confidence that, with the right framework, outsourcing can be a value-driving business strategy, not a leap of faith. Let’s get started.

Benefits of Outsourcing Business Processes

First, it’s worth examining why outsourcing has become such a common and compelling strategy for organizations seeking a competitive edge. Here are some of the key benefits:

Cost Savings – Outsourcers provide economies of scale, standardized processes and labor arbitrage you can’t access alone. For non-core back office functions, outsourcing can significantly reduce your operating costs.

Improved Efficiency – Specialist providers bring technology, workflow optimizations and purpose-built facilities that improve the speed and quality of execution beyond what you could achieve in-house.

Focus on Core Business – Freeing up the capital, people and management bandwidth tied up in non-core activities allows you to redirect those limited resources into fueling growth through product/service innovation, sales and marketing.

Talent and Technology Access – Top outsourcing providers make massive investments in talent recruitment and development, along with next-gen tools, automation and analytics. Tapping into these capabilities can give you an edge. 

Follow-the-Sun Operations – With delivery centers spread worldwide, outsourcers offer around-the-clock service that enables real-time operations across time zones.

Business Agility – Scaling rapidly, outsourcing provides flexibility to reconfigure your business model and cost structure in response to market changes and opportunities.

With so many potential benefits, it’s no wonder outsourcing has become a standard pathway for companies seeking optimized operations and competitive advantage. But those benefits don’t happen automatically. To realize the full value while minimizing risks, rigorous governance and controls are critical when partnering with an outsourcing provider. 

Risks of Losing Visibility and Control

Outsourcing also comes with hazards if not managed carefully – especially around retaining clear visibility into operations and authority to guide them. Common risks include:

Limited Operational Insights – Once a function moves outside your walls, accessing data on efficiency, quality, compliance and overall performance can become more difficult.

Reduced Influence Over Execution – With outsourcers managing day-to-day processes, you have less leverage to shape how activities are carried out.

Hidden Costs – Complex contracts can obscure total expenses. Change orders and incidental charges add up.

Compliance Risks – Providers may expose you to fines or sanctions through violations of security, data privacy or service delivery regulations.

Customer Experience Issues – As an extension of your brand, poor service or errors by outsourcers can damage customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Business Disruption – If an outsourcer underperforms, service disruptions can bottleneck operations and impact time-to-market.  

Without mechanisms to enable transparency, align priorities and drive accountability, outsourcing deals often fail to achieve expected returns. So what are some proven strategies to build in the visibility and control required?

Choosing the Right Outsourcing Partner

One of the most important decisions you’ll make when outsourcing is selecting the right partner. Seek providers focused on establishing trust and transparency upfront. Warning signs of a poor fit include:

– Opaque processes and reluctance to share operational data 

– Weak governance models and accountability frameworks

– Limited security controls and compliance capabilities

– High client turnover and retention problems

The best partners actively enable visibility into their operations rather than guarding their “secret sauce.” Look for providers with experience giving clients access to real-time reporting and analytics. Mature outsourcers will have rigorous information security, compliance assurance and service level agreement (SLA) frameworks already established. 

When assessing potential partners, prioritize firms with long-standing client relationships over fly-by-night shops chasing quick wins. The ideal partner views your success as their success. With both parties committed to transparency and governance as table stakes, you have the right foundation for a value-driving engagement.

Defining Service Level Agreements 

Your outsourcing contract provides the first opportunity to codify visibility and control with your provider. Service level agreements (SLAs) are powerful tools for aligning expectations and driving accountability. Effective SLAs:

– Are fully specified, quantifiable and unambiguous

– Directly connect to your strategic goals 

– Carry consequences (credits, fines, termination rights) for underperformance

– Are rigorously measured and tracked

– Are regularly reviewed and updated 

Common SLA metrics include productivity quotas, response times, issue resolution rates, system uptime, compliance audits, and quality scores. But the most meaningful metrics are based on your specific business objectives and pain points. Spend time defining insightful SLAs during contracting to embed performance transparency from the outset.

Implementing Effective Governance 

Beyond contracted SLAs, maintaining visibility into an outsourcing engagement requires an aligned governance framework for oversight. Core governance elements include:

Client Governance Team – Leadership stakeholders focused on risk, compliance, reporting, communications and realizing hoped-for outsourcing outcomes.

Joint Steering Committee – Executives from both sides who guide the overall relationship, resolve escalated issues and keep initiatives aligned. 

Operations Committee – Leaders who monitor SLAs, address problems, identify improvement opportunities and discuss progress.

Technology Advisory Board – IT representatives focused on systems integration, data transfers, reporting tools and emerging innovations.

Security & Compliance Committee – Specialists who ensure regulatory alignment and certify security controls are maintained.

With integrated teams meeting regularly at all levels, you stay connected to the outsourcer’s operations. Governance provides the visibility infrastructure for outsourcing success.

Monitoring Performance and Compliance

Once an engagement launches, maintaining visibility relies on active performance monitoring and oversight. Core activities include:

KPI Tracking – Continuously monitor service levels, productivity, quality, costs, compliance and other critical metrics using balanced scorecards and dashboards.

Oversight Reporting – Institute schedules, templates and platforms for activity logs, performance reports, incident reports and improvement plans.

Audits – Both internal and third-party auditors should regularly review processes, controls, risk levels and regulatory alignment.

Client Feedback Surveys – Survey end-users and stakeholders for input on service quality and relationship health.

Executive Reviews – Regularly review reports, audits and proposals with leadership to identify issues and maintain alignment.

By embedding routine oversight processes and actively collaborating to improve operations, outsourcing partners become trusted extensions of your business.

Maintaining Clear Communication

Open communication represents another pillar of visibility. Best practices include:

Escalation Paths – Ensure providers have streamlined contacts for promptly reporting risks, incidents or service disruptions.

Staff Exchanges – Rotate team members and managers to encourage culture sharing.

Regulatory Updates – Keep providers aware of evolving compliance obligations and expectations within your industry.

Operational Alerts – Provide early notification of upcoming initiatives that may impact resource needs, workflows and tools. 

With trusted contacts, staff integration, regulatory guidance and operational transparency, outsourcing providers can proactively align services to your needs.

Leveraging Technology for Oversight

Advanced technologies offer new capabilities for managing outsourcing with tighter visibility:

Data Sharing Platforms – Centralized data hubs allow controlled access to workflows, inventory, product specs, analytics and more.

Process Mining – Collect and analyze activity logs to model processes, find inefficiencies and highlight improvement opportunities.

IoT and Telematics – In logistics operations, internet-connected devices can track locations, environmentals, assets and utilization in real-time.

Predictive Analytics – Analyze trends in performance, demand, risk factors and macroeconomic indicators to identify emerging issues.

Automation – Technologies like RPA bots execute processes consistently while generating detailed monitoring data. 

Blockchain – Shared immutable logs enable end-to-end tracking and visibility for transactions, work transfers and supply chain events.

Leveraging these tools optimizes visibility while also driving continuous improvement. Seek outsourcing experts in deploying emerging oversight technologies.

Conducting Regular Reviews 

Even with real-time monitoring technology, periodic formal reviews help reset alignment: 

Quarterly Business Reviews – Provider and client leadership meet to review performance metrics, relationship health, new proposals, and milestones achieved.

Annual Compliance Audits – Internal or external auditors verify regulatory alignment, security controls and process governance onsite.

Financial Audits – Accounting firms examine charges, payments, inventory valuations and overall service delivery costs.

Contract Reviews – Revisit terms before renewal to adjust for evolving needs and optimize flexibility and costs.

By making oversight processes like audits and reviews a regular routine, you reinforce the criticality of visibility for a healthy outsourcing relationship.


Outsourcing enables exceptional capabilities and cost efficiencies, but also poses risks around retaining visibility into critical operations. With the right partner, governance, monitoring tools and engaged leadership, organizations can realize outsourcing’s full benefits while keeping control.

Key takeaways include:

– Choosing mature partners committed to transparency and governance

– Instituting rigorous SLAs aligned to your objectives  

– Establishing joint oversight teams 

– Monitoring operations through routine reporting and reviews

– Leveraging oversight-enabling technologies

– Proactively communicating to enable insight

By implementing the frameworks explored here, outsourcing can strengthen rather than undermine your business. With preparation, visibility into outsourced processes enables continuous improvement, risk reduction and optimal value.