Planning Communication for a New Product Launch – Wimgo

Planning Communication for a New Product Launch

Launching a new product can be an exciting yet stressful time for any business. With months or even years of research, development, and testing behind it, the success or failure of your product now depends on how well it is received by your target audience. An effective communication strategy is essential for a successful launch that maximizes awareness, builds hype, educates customers, and ultimately drives sales. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk through the key steps for planning a strategic marketing and PR campaign to support your new product launch. With the right messaging, assets, channels, and timeline, you can effectively communicate the value of your product and motivate your audience to take action. Let’s get started!

Define Your Target Audience

The first step is identifying who you need to reach and influence with your launch campaign. Ask yourself:

– Who is your ideal customer? What are their demographics, psychographics, needs, and buying behaviors?

– Which audience segments are most likely to purchase your product? Prioritize groups that offer the highest potential ROI.  

– Who else plays a role in the buying process? For example, IT managers for enterprise software or doctors who recommend medical devices. 

– What social media platforms and publications does your audience use? Tailor content accordingly.

Clearly defining your target audience will allow you to tailor messaging and choose channels to effectively reach them. Focusing on the right people from the start prevents wasting time and resources.

Set Communication Goals 

Now that you know who you need to reach, determine what you want to achieve with your communications. Consider goals like:

– Generate buzz and awareness about the new product launch

– Educate potential customers about key features and benefits 

– Overcome objections and concerns about switching products

– Drive pre-orders or sales immediately after launch

– Recruit beta testers or early adopters to test the product

– Upsell existing customers to the new product 

– Cross-sell related products or services

– Showcase thought leadership and industry expertise

With specific goals in place, it becomes easier to measure impact and ROI throughout your launch campaign. Revisit these goals and refine them as you develop your timeline and assets. 

Choose Communication Channels

With your audience and goals defined, the next step is selecting communication channels to share your launch news and messaging. Consider a mix of owned, earned, and paid media for maximum impact.

Owned Media 

Owned media includes the channels you control like your website, blog, social platforms, and email lists. Use these to provide launch updates and assets directly to your followers.

– Website: Showcase the product on your homepage, create a dedicated landing page, add to product pages, etc. 

– Blog: Announce the launch, share key features, guide users, compare to competitors, etc. 

– Social media: Craft engaging posts tailored to each platform’s audience and format.

– Email: Send launch announcement emails to your subscriber list. Follow up with how-to’s and promotions.

– Webinars: Demo the product and answer questions live. Record to share later.

Earned Media

Earned media refers to exposure from third-parties like press mentions. Pitch your launch to reporters, influencers, bloggers, and analysts in your industry. 

– Press releases: Distribute via PR Wire to announce launch details and drive coverage. 

– Media pitches: Pitch product reviews, sneak peeks, guest articles, and other stories.

– Influencer outreach: Partner with relevant influencers to try your product and share reactions.

Paid Media 

Paid channels like pay-per-click, paid social, and sponsorships allow you to target prospects and amplify your message. 

– Search/display ads: Bid on keywords related to your product, category, or buyer needs.

– Social media ads: Promote launch posts and special offers directly in feeds.

– Retargeting ads: Follow up with custom ads to past visitors or prospects.  

– Sponsorships: Sponsor relevant podcasts, newsletters, or industry events. 

Create a Timeline

The next step is mapping out a detailed timeline for your launch activities leading up to, during, and after the official release date. Consider timing for:

– Teasers: 2-3 weeks before launch, start building hype without giving away details. 

– Announcement: Officially announce name, features, pricing, and availability.

– Pre-launch content: Share demos, how-tos, screening reviews as the date nears.

– Launch day: Release on sale date with press outreach, promotions, and celebration. 

– Immediate follow-ups: Continue momentum with case studies, media pitches, and special offers.

– Ongoing content: Develop long-tail SEO content, user guides, and visual assets to publish post-launch.

A strategic timeline creates urgency, sustains interest, and encourages ongoing engagement. Stay nimble to adapt your schedule as needed based on reactions and results. 

Develop Key Messages

Now it’s time to define your core messaging and positioning. This focuses your communications on the value you provide. Effective messaging typically includes:

– Tagline: Short, memorable phrase highlighting your key differentiator.

– Headlines: Impactful, succinct headlines tailored for each format and audience.  

– Talking points: Consistent statements covering what problems you solve, key features, user benefits, pricing, availability, etc.

– FAQs: Answers to common questions, concerns, and objections from prospects.

– Bios: Background on your company, product development, leadership team, etc. 

– Statistics: Relevant data and research that supports your claims.

– Quotes: Soundbites from your founders, developers, early adopters, influencers, etc. 

Refine these core messages once and reuse across all your launch communications for consistency. Encourage your team to highlight these same messages when interacting with prospects.

Prepare Launch Assets

Visual, written, and multimedia assets boost engagement across channels. Start creating supporting launch assets like:

– Images: Lifestyle shots, product photos, GIFs, videos, promo graphics, ads, etc. 

– Web copy: Site/landing page copy, blog posts, FAQs, testimonials, etc.

– Fact sheets: Product specifications, pricing, competitive comparisons 

– Presentations: Sales decks, webinars, conference talks, town halls.

– White paper: Technical guide for developers and IT pros to integrate your product.

– One-pagers: Quick overviews with top-level messaging. 

– Infographics: Visually showcase data and statistics.

Make sure these assets directly reflect your positioning and reinforce key messaging. Have them ready to share across channels leading up to, during, and after launch.

Engage Influencers

Influencers like analysts, bloggers, and leaders in your space can amplify your launch and lend credibility. Identify relevant influencers and reach out 2-3 months before launch to provide exclusive sneak peeks under embargo. Offer to:

– Set up product demos and QA sessions

– Provide early access to test out features

– Collaborate on guest articles or videos  

– Invite them to your launch events

– Compensate for social promotions and reviews

Influencers sharing reactions and reviews early on helps drive buzz. Continue providing news and assets post-launch for ongoing endorsements.

Train Your Team 

Your staff on the front lines with customers need training to align on positioning and confidently communicate details.

– Sales: Ensure sales teams can articulate value props, competitive differences, pricing, and integrations. 

– Support: Equip support agents to answer common product questions and upsell additional features.

– Retail staff: If selling in brick-and-mortar, train in-store associates on new product offerings.

– Brief leadership: Ensure executives and spokespeople are prepped for interviews and speaking opportunities.  

Role-specific training and FAQ docs empower your team to knowledgeably engage prospects throughout the buyer’s journey.

Listen and Respond  

Actively monitoring community chatter before, during, and after launch provides invaluable feedback. 

– Set up search alerts, social listening, and competitive monitoring. 

– Closely track reactions in your owned channels like social media and reviews. 

– Address concerns and objections head on through FAQs, content, or direct communication.

– Monitor media and influencer coverage reach out to correct any misinformation

– Adjust messaging or strategy if certain positioning is not resonating.  

Listening and quickly responding prevents false narratives from spreading and shows you value user input.

Measure Results

It’s vital to identify key metrics based on your goals and track them before, during, and after launch to assess performance. Potential KPIs include:

– Website visits and growth 

– Email clickthrough rates

– Social reach and engagement 

– Media placements and publicity value  

– Sales and conversions rates 

– User sentiment and reviews

– Post-purchase metrics like activation, churn, and renewals

Tools like Google Analytics, social media analytics, CRM data, and paid advertising reports provide insights to optimize your strategy and demonstrate ROI.


Launching a new product requires extensive planning and strategic communications to maximize success. Defining your target audience, setting measurable goals, selecting promotional channels, developing assets and timelines, leveraging influencers, and training your team will allow you to execute an integrated campaign that captures attention. Stay flexible to adapt based on real-time feedback and results. With the right preparation and messaging focused on product value, your next launch can exceed all expectations.