Creating a Content Calendar to Guide PR Efforts – Wimgo

Creating a Content Calendar to Guide PR Efforts

If you’re like most marketers, coming up with a steady stream of engaging content can feel overwhelming at times. Between writer’s block, ever-changing priorities, and interruptions galore, it’s tough to plan and publish quality content consistently.

That’s where a structured content calendar comes in handy. A calendar provides an at-a-glance view of the content you aim to produce and distribute over time. It acts as an indispensable editorial roadmap to help your marketing team schedule and create relevant assets on a regular cadence.

But a content calendar isn’t just about organizing your blog posts and social media updates. It also serves as a strategic backbone for integrating impactful public relations efforts. With some advanced planning, you can align high-value content with targeted outreach to secure earned media opportunities that expand your brand’s reach.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to build a robust content calendar tailored specifically to support your PR and promotional goals. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to improve an existing calendar, you’ll discover techniques for planning an editorial schedule that generates buzz.

Let’s dive in!

Why You Need a Content Calendar

Here are some of the top reasons to maintain a content calendar:

– Maps out your content strategy: A calendar helps you strategically plan types of content (blog posts, whitepapers, videos, etc.) around topics that align with your brand messaging and that will appeal to your target audiences.

– Allows collaboration: A shared calendar improves transparency around content efforts and lets teams collaborate more seamlessly. Authors can see upcoming topics to avoid overlap.

– Surfaces content gaps: Looking at your calendar holistically lets you identify gaps in content types, topics, formats, etc. that need to be filled to fully support marketing goals.

– Improves organization: A documented calendar gets everyone on the same page with publishing expectations and deadlines. This improves workflows and accountability.

– Enables promotion planning: Knowing publication dates ahead of time allows you to properly plan promotion strategies and coordinate PR outreach.  

– Supports SEO efforts: A calendar allows you to plan content around keywords/topics to help drive organic traffic and serve searcher intent.

For PR specifically, a content calendar is invaluable for strategically planning campaigns and leveraging content to secure earned media opportunities.

Steps to Create Your Content Calendar

Follow these steps to develop a robust content calendar for your brand:

Set your time frame 

Determine what period of time your calendar will cover. This is generally quarterly or monthly. Your timeframe can be based on marketing campaign cycles or volume of content produced. 

Audit existing content

Review existing blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, videos, etc. Take note of topics covered, formats used, publication dates, and performance. Were some topics more evergreen or popular than others? This audit will help uncover content gaps.

Identify key content types 

Make a list of the types of content you want to create, such as blog posts, infographics, whitepapers, case studies, videos, and webinars. Consider which assets lend themselves well to your brand and audience preferences.

Select main content topics

Brainstorm the main themes, topics, and keywords you want to focus on for content. These could revolve around product benefits, thought leadership topics, trends related to your industry, commonly asked customer questions, or search queries your target audience uses.

Map out all dates and details

Populate your calendar with tentative publication dates for each piece of content. Include working titles, topics/keywords, content types, authors, and other pertinent details.

Set internal deadlines

To ensure content is completed on schedule, set deadlines for drafts and reviews. Factor in time for final approval, design, promotion planning, and distribution.

Coordinate with company events 

Take note of any company events, announcements, campaigns, or initiatives on the horizon and aim to support these with strategic content.

Collaborate across teams

Share calendar drafts with colleagues in PR, marketing, product, and sales. Gather their input on what content they need to support upcoming initiatives and events.

Following this planning process will produce a high-level calendar overview of the content you aim to produce over your chosen timeframe. Next we’ll discuss how to build out a detailed editorial calendar.

Mapping Out Your Editorial Calendar

Your editorial calendar expands on your master content calendar by breaking down publication dates on a week-by-week basis. This calendar often contains more in-depth details for each piece of content. 

Follow these tips when mapping out your editorial calendar:

– Add columns for all key information you want to track for each content asset. This may include: Date, Title, Topic/Keywords, Content Type, Formats, Author, Lead Generation Link, Promotion Channels, etc.

– Coordinate with other teams to integrate content support for initiatives across PR, marketing, sales, product groups, etc. 

– Group similar types of content into weekly or monthly themes when possible, such as “Product Launch Week” or “New Features Month.”

– Vary your formats such as blog posts, videos, whitepapers, and others. Avoid publishing the same formats back-to-back for diversity. 

– Spread out topics instead of covering the same themes multiple weeks in a row. Strike a balance between trending news hooks, evergreen performers, and seasonal topics.

– Avoid gaps by planning content 2-3 months ahead. Gaps could signal a need for more resources. Set reminders to start assignments early, allowing time for review/revision cycles. 

– Use internal tracking codes for easy filtering of content by campaign, initiative, product, or other groupings.

– Leave room for flexibility to add on any last-minute timely content opportunities. Saving a few “floating” columns lets you respond quickly.

– Publish around product updates or releases to educate customers and create buzz.

Having each piece of content mapped out by week or month will provide more visibility into upcoming assignments and allow you to plan accordingly.

Integrating PR Efforts into Your Calendar

Your content calendar forms the foundation for integrating public relations activities that help garner visibility for your brand. Here’s how to bake PR efforts into your calendar:

Theme content around launches or announcements

Coordinate with product marketing teams to theme content around upcoming launches, releases, or announcements. For example, provide tips or “previews” leading up to the launch to generate buzz. Offer expert perspectives post-launch to highlight key benefits or use cases.

Support executives with thought leadership 

Work with your executive and internal experts to draft compelling bylined articles that position them as thought leaders. Then map out targeted placement on external publications they can pitch to.

Plan content to align with awareness dates or events 

Take note of relevant awareness days, weeks, or months related to your industry. Develop themed content and PR pitches around these events. For example, cybersecurity tips pegged to Cybersecurity Awareness Month. 

Build in earned media targets 

As you map out the calendar, identity PR targets for earned media opportunities you’ll pitch relevant content to. Track these targets and pitch dates in your calendar for easy follow up.

Allow flexibility for newsworthy hooks

While advance planning is key, leave room in your calendar to quickly draft timely content that seizes opportunities related to current news or cultural events. 

Repurpose content into multiple formats

Extend the mileage from one core asset by planning multiple distribution formats, such as turning top posts into videos or podcast interviews.

Integrating PR into your content calendar multiplicates your ability to gain visibility through earned media opportunities. The key is planning ahead to make the most of your brand’s subject matter expertise.

Optimizing Your Calendar for SEO

Your content calendar also serves as a useful SEO document that helps align content to search trends and optimization goals. 

Here are some SEO tips for mapping out a search-friendly calendar:

– Research target keywords and related long-tail variations. Include these in your calendar content topics where relevant.

– Theme content around FAQ or common searches that come up for your product or industry. Answer these information needs thoroughly.

– Vary keyword focus from post to post. Don’t force keywords – match them to topics naturally.

– Write SEO-friendly headlines and meta descriptions to provide readers and search engines with context. 

– Focus on quality over quantity by putting effort into useful, well-researched content over churning out thin content just to check boxes.

– Format content appropriately such as how-to guides for tutorials or location pages for local businesses. Match formats to searcher intent.

– Make content easily scannable with digestible paragraphs, informative headers, bulleted lists, etc. Use best practices for on-page SEO.

– Promote fresh content proactively to help drive discovery and links for improved rankings over time.

– Monitor performance and adjust topics as needed based on content resonating with target audiences and searchers.

Optimizing your calendar up front for SEO best practices will help boost organic visibility and traffic to your site. It also ensures you’re satisfying searchers’ needs.

Promoting Your Content

Creating amazing content is just the first step – a promotion strategy is critical for visibility. Here are some tips for promoting content mapped out on your calendar:

– Prepare promotional copy (social posts, emails, etc) in advance that highlights what makes each piece of content unique or valuable. 

– Map out top distribution channels in your calendar tailored to reach your audiences, such as social platforms, discussion forums, paid channels, and influencers.

– Coordinate email promotions like newsletters or dedicated blasts to ensure subscribers receive relevant, timely content.

– Repurpose content into multiple formats like blog posts into videos or podcast interviews to extend reach.

– Conduct dedicated outreach by pitching your content to relevant publications, reporters, bloggers and earned media opportunities.

– Promote at events via booths, presentations, sponsorships or by contributing expert insights.

– Run promotions and contests to incentivize shares and engagement around timely content like new eBooks.

– Promote across roles by arming sales, support reps, and leadership with content to share.

– Use internal platforms like employee advocacy programs or intranets to broaden reach.

– Update old evergreen content by refreshing outdated or seasonal posts with new insights. Repromote revamped content. 

Planning distribution channels, strategies, and metrics in your calendar will help amplify content reach and maximize value.

Measuring Performance  

The final critical component of managing your content calendar is tracking performance to identify what’s working well. Monitor:

– Engagement metrics like shares, comments, downloads, links, Embeds, etc. based on platform.

– Web traffic driven by specific content and channels to your site. Watch for trends.

– Lead generation content that successfully converts visitors into sales pipeline.

– SEO value via rankings and traffic for target keywords.

– Sentiment and feedback within discussions about your content.

– Content gaps causing drop-offs in conversion paths or engagement. 

– Content format preferences to expand on or reduce certain content types.

Analyzing performance will spotlight your top content, allowing you to produce more Evergreen assets and promotion strategies tailored to results.

Key Takeaways

Implementing a streamlined content calendar that optimizes PR opportunities requires:

– Auditing existing content and identifying gaps.

– Planning content and publication dates in advance.

– Including all critical details like authors, topics, formats, and keywords.

– Coordinating calendar initiatives with internal teams. 

– Building earned media targets into your calendar.

– Formatting content for both users and search engines.  

– Mapping out promotion channels for each piece of content.

– Allocating time for repurposing and updating evergreen content.

– Closely tracking performance metrics to inform future content.

Staying organized with a comprehensive content calendar will help streamline your editorial strategy, integrate impactful PR, drive more traffic and engagement, and ultimately deliver content that resonates with your audiences.