Providing Self-Service Options to Customers – Wimgo

Providing Self-Service Options to Customers

Have you ever felt frustrated when trying to get help or information from a company? Maybe you got stuck in a phone tree, only to eventually reach an agent who had no idea how to solve your problem. Or you spent ages searching a company’s website and FAQs, but couldn’t find the answer you needed.

We’ve all been there, and it’s beyond annoying. In today’s customer-centric world, companies can’t afford to provide such poor experiences. Customers expect instant, always-available service and support across the channels they prefer. If you don’t deliver, they’ll quickly take their business elsewhere.

Luckily, modern technology makes it easier than ever for companies to empower customers and meet these high expectations. Self-service options like knowledge bases, chatbots and account portals allow customers to independently get information and solve issues on their own time.

But many companies drag their feet on investing in self-service, worried that automated options feel impersonal. Some think self-service is only about saving money on human agents. Others doubt customers will actually use self-service channels.

These concerns are understandable, but data reveals that they’re misguided. Study after study shows that self-service, when thoughtfully implemented, directly improves customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

This article will explore the benefits of self-service, different self-service options to consider, best practices for execution, and how self-service and human agents can work together to provide an overall excellent customer experience. By the end, you’ll see why self-service has become a requirement, not an option, for businesses today.

Benefits of Self-Service 

Providing self-service options has become a necessity to meet modern customer expectations and keep up with the competition. When executed well, self-service offers many advantages:


Self-service gives customers access to information and services on-demand, 24/7. Customers can find answers to their questions or manage their accounts whenever they want, instead of having to call a support line during business hours or wait on hold.

Increased Satisfaction 

Surveys consistently show higher customer satisfaction with companies that provide robust self-service. Customers appreciate the independence and autonomy offered by self-service channels.

Faster Resolution

For common questions and requests, self-service often provides the fastest resolution. Customers don’t have to explain the issue or wait on hold for an agent. The information is already available at their fingertips.

Lower Costs

Self-service interactions cost companies much less than phone, email or in-person support. Automated channels allow agents to focus on high-value interactions.

More Purchases

According to research by Nuance, 77% of customers are likely to return to a company that offers self-service. Providing customer independence often leads to higher loyalty and more purchases over time.

With all of these benefits, it’s clear that self-service is no longer optional. Customers expect and demand service on their channel of choice. Companies that fail to provide robust self-service options will slowly lose customers to competitors.

Types of Self-Service Options

There are many different self-service channels companies can leverage to communicate with customers and meet their needs. Choosing the right options depends on your business, industry and target audience. Typical self-service channels include:

FAQs and Knowledge Bases

Frequently asked questions pages and searchable knowledge bases allow customers to independently find answers to common inquiries whenever they need to. Maintaining a comprehensive, up-to-date knowledge base should be the foundation of any self-service strategy.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) 

IVR systems allow customers to use their touch-tone phone or voice commands to check account status, pay bills and more. It provides self-service for customers who prefer calling over using online options.

Live Chat 

Live chat platforms let customers connect with an agent in real-time via text chat on your website. Live chat provides human assistance while still giving customers independence and convenience.

Customer Service Apps

Mobile apps allow customers to access self-service options on-the-go from their smartphone or tablet. Apps can include knowledge bases, account management, shopping capabilities and more.

Online Account Management

Self-service portals let customers log in and manage all aspects of their accounts independently. Customers can check balances, make payments, update preferences and more.

Self-Checkout and Kiosks

For in-person interactions, options like self-checkout machines and information kiosks allow customers to scan purchases, check stock, print tickets and more without employee assistance.

You don’t necessarily need all of these options, but offering 2-3 integrated self-service channels provides a solid foundation for customer empowerment.

Choosing the Right Self-Service Channels

Deciding which self-service options to invest in depends on your customers, products, industry and business goals. Keep the following in mind:

Customer Demographics – Consider your target audience’s age, tech preferences and channel usage habits. For example, older demographics may prefer IVR or in-person kiosks over chatbots.

Products/Services – What products and services are you offering? Complex offerings like insurance may require more human interaction vs. self-checkout for retail stores.

Top Inquiries – Look at call logs and other records to identify your customers’ most common questions and needs. Make sure you provide self-service channels to address those topics.

Business Goals – Support your overall business goals like reducing costs, driving sales or improving retention when choosing self-service options.

Integration – Aim for channels that integrate with each other and share knowledge base content. Fragmented options will frustrate customers.

Mobility – In our mobile world, consider self-service options that are fully optimized for smartphones like native apps.

By selecting options based on these factors, you can provide the right mix of self-service to empower your customers.

Best Practices for Self-Service Success

Once you’ve chosen self-service channels for your business, following best practices ensures those options are effective:

Make it Easy to Find

Prominently display links to self-service options on your website, mobile app and other materials. Burying self-service will keep customers from realizing it’s available.

Offer Multiple Options 

Give customers more than one way to independently get information or solve issues, like live chat + knowledge base. Different people prefer different channels.

Provide Detailed Content

Your knowledge base content must cover popular topics in-depth. Customers will quickly leave if their question isn’t answered thoroughly via self-service.

Optimize for Mobile

With rising mobile usage, ensure your self-service channels are fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Consider developing standalone apps for an optimal experience.

Monitor and Improve

Pay attention to self-service usage analytics and customer feedback. Identify common issues driving low satisfaction so you can continuously enhance the experience.

Following these best practices will maximize usage and satisfaction with your self-service options.

The Role of AI and Automation 

Advances in artificial intelligence and natural language processing have transformed the capabilities of self-service channels in recent years. 

With AI-powered chatbots, customers can have natural, free-form conversations to get information instead of rigid menu-driven interactions. Bots can understand questions, provide answers from a knowledge base and when needed, seamlessly transfer the customer to a human agent.

Beyond chatbots, AI underpins virtual assistants, speech recognition for phone self-service, predictive search for knowledge bases and more. These technologies create smoother, more satisifying automated experiences.

As AI capabilities grow over time with expanded data and improved algorithms, self-service options will become smarter and more conversational. AI-augmented self-service will provide customers the information they need quickly, conveniently and accurately.

Self-Service and Human Agents Working Together

While self-service channels provide efficient access to information and account management, human customer service agents still play an essential role, especially when dealing with complex issues and emotional callers.  

The key is integrating self-service and human agents in a “blended” model:

  • Use self-service for common inquiries and transactions
  • Allow seamless escalation to human agents when needed
  • Have agents augment knowledge bases after interactions

With this blended approach, customers can get the convenience of self-service or human-touch depending on their situation and preference. 

Agents are more available to handle relationship-building interactions and complex issues instead of repetitive inquiries. Overall customer satisfaction improves and operational costs decrease.


Done right, providing comprehensive self-service empowers customers and directly improves satisfaction and loyalty. Companies should invest in 2-3 integrated self-service channels – like mobile apps, chatbots and knowledge bases – tailored to their products, customers and goals. 

Following best practices like promoting visibility, optimizing for mobile and continuously improving content ensures your self-service options are effective. AI-powered automation will continue enhancing self-service capabilities over time.

Though self-service is essential, human agents still play an integral role, especially for complex issues. A blended model combines the best of efficient automated self-service and personalized human support.

In our customer-centric world, self-service is now a requirement to stay competitive. By providing the right mix of empowering self-service options, companies can cost-effectively give customers the excellent service they demand, leading to long-term satisfaction and retention.