Developing an Advertising or Affiliate Model – Wimgo

Developing an Advertising or Affiliate Model

In today’s digital world, advertising and affiliate marketing are two of the most powerful ways to grow an online business. Both models allow you to leverage other people’s audiences and resources to promote your products or services. 

But how do you know which strategy is right for your business? Or should you use both advertising and affiliate marketing together in a synergistic way?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about developing smart advertising and affiliate models to take your business to the next level. You’ll learn:

– The differences between advertising and affiliate marketing and how each model works

– The pros and cons of each strategy  

– Tips for developing effective advertising and affiliate programs

– How to optimize and manage these monetization models for continued success

Let’s get started!

What is an Advertising Model?

Advertising refers to paying to promote your business on third party platforms like search engines, social media sites, blogs, podcasts, and more. The platforms display your ads to people who are likely to be interested in your offerings. Then, you pay the platform a fee when users engage with the ads by clicking, signing up, making a purchase, etc.

Some key advantages of advertising include:

– Access to new audiences – Advertising allows you to get your brand and messages in front of many potential new customers you wouldn’t reach otherwise.

– Pay only for results – Most online ads are paid on a cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-action (CPA) basis, so you have control over your costs and only pay when your ads deliver results.

– Scalability – You can grow your advertising quickly and easily scale up or down as needed to meet your changing business goals and budgets.

– Targeting options – Many advertising platforms allow you to target your ads by location, interests, behaviors, and more to maximize relevance.

– Brand building – Well-designed and placed ads can enhance awareness, consideration, and trust for your brand over time.

Some potential downsides to look out for include:

– Costs can add up quickly – Advertising fees, creative development, management time, and more can make it an expensive channel, especially for smaller businesses.

– Limited control – The advertising platform controls ad placement, rules, formatting options, and more.

– Clutter – Your ads compete for attention alongside many others on these platforms. Effective creative and targeting is key to cutting through the noise.

Overall, advertising is ideal for businesses with compelling offers that can benefit from exposure to broad new audiences at scale. It works best with thoughtful management optimization.

Types of Online Advertising

There are countless online advertising options to choose from. Some of the most popular and effective include:

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

– Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engine ads help you get found by people searching for related keywords.

– Powerful when optimized for relevant, high-intent commercial queries.

– Main formats are pay-per-click (PPC) text ads and shopping/product listings ads.

Social Media Advertising

-Reach highly targeted audiences on networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and beyond.

-Works for awareness, consideration, and direct response objectives.

-Flexibly supports text, image, video, and immersive formats.

Native Advertising

-Ads designed to match the form and function of the platform they appear on.

-Examples include sponsored content on news sites or sponsored product listings on shopping sites.

-Valuable for brand-building by associating your business with trusted publishers.

Display Advertising

-Banner, video, and other display ads targeted contextually to website content or user data.

-Mostly purchased through real-time ad exchanges and programmatic networks.

-Provides broad reach across thousands of sites.

Video Advertising 

-Pre-roll and mid-roll video ads on sites like YouTube, Roku, Hulu, or Twitch.

-Powerful visually engaging format when paired with compelling creative.

-Ideal for demand generation and brand awareness goals.

Audio Advertising

-Ads inserted into podcasts, music streaming services, and other audio content.

-Intimate listener engagement and native ad integration.

-Great for niche targeting and contextual messaging.  

The options go on from there. As you evaluate advertising channels, focus on aligning formats and placements with your target audience, budget, and business objectives.

Pros and Cons of Online Advertising

Advertising can be a smart choice to drive growth, but it also comes with both advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Pros of Advertising:

– Generate new leads and sales opportunities from cold audiences.

– Build broad awareness and interest for your brand cost-effectively. 

– Only pay when your ads directly perform through clicks, conversions, etc.

– Wide range of targeting options to zero-in on your best potential customers.

– Flexible budgets and ability to scale up or down as needed.

– Shift strategies and messaging to reflect changing goals.

– Automated optimization through A/B testing different variables.

– Support across devices and contexts where your audience is active.

Potential Cons of Advertising:

– Can get expensive at higher spending levels.

– Limited control over how your ads appear and where they are placed.

– Difficult to cut through increasing ad clutter without solid creative.

– Advertising costs drain resources that could be used elsewhere.

– Data and attribution challenges across walled gardens.  

– Opaque algorithms and policies governed by the platforms.

– Negative brand perception if people find ads intrusive.

– Diminishing returns at scale due to saturation.

To maximize the upside of advertising while avoiding the pitfalls, define your goals and parameters up front. Monitor performance closely to identify optimization opportunities and areas of wasted spend.

What is an Affiliate Marketing Model?

Affiliate marketing is an arrangement where external partners (“affiliates”) promote your products or services and receive a commission on resulting sales or leads. As the merchant, you only pay affiliates after they drive measurable value for your business.

Affiliate partnerships benefit both parties:

– The affiliate earns money by monetizing their platform without creating products.

– Your business gets access to new audiences without upfront advertising costs.

Affiliate marketing bridges the gap between your business and influencers, publishers, creators, and other affiliate partners who already have trust and attention within their niche. By providing compelling offers and affiliate resources, you can empower thousands of partners to share your brand with their followers at scale.

How Affiliate Marketing Works

The specific mechanics can vary, but the core affiliate marketing model includes:  

1. You offer financial incentives for affiliates to drive actions, like sales, leads, or installs. Common commission structures include:

    – Percentage of sale price (e.g. 10%)

    – Flat rate per conversion (e.g. $20 per order)

    – Recurring payment for ongoing customer activity (e.g. $5/month per active user)

2. Affiliates promote your products/offers through their own channels using special affiliate links. These links allow you to track referrals and attribute conversions.

3. When someone engages with an affiliate link and completes the defined action, the affiliate earns their commission. Most programs use affiliate networks or SaaS platforms to manage tracking, attribution, and payment distribution seamlessly.

4. You and your affiliates each benefit from the mutually aligned incentives. As you scale partnerships, affiliate promotions can drive substantial revenue at very little upfront cost to your business.

The best affiliate programs work closely with partners to provide promotional assets, training, and support to maximize results on both sides.

Pros and Cons of Affiliate Marketing

Well-managed affiliate programs provide a scalable way to extend your marketing reach, but there are a few potential disadvantages too:

Pros of Affiliate Marketing:

– Access large partner audiences instantly.

– Only pay commissions on results.

– Benefit from affiliates’ credibility and relationships.  

– Scales rapidly without growing your team.

– Partners handle promotion; no content/traffic acquisition costs.

– Attract ongoing evangelists for your brand.

– Aligned incentives drive win-win partnerships.

Potential Cons of Affiliate Marketing:

– Partners’ promotional approaches are not directly controlled.

– Commissions and fees can add up at higher volumes.  

– Requires management overhead to optimize partnerships.   

– Partners may promote competing offers too.

– Some partners try to use questionable tactics.

– Attribution challenges across multiple touchpoints.

– Partners change focus; need ongoing recruitment.

The key is applying strong program management to cultivate top-tier, trustworthy affiliates and motivate them to represent your brand well. Provide ample support but also enforce quality standards.

Should You Use Advertising, Affiliate Marketing, or Both?

Advertising and affiliate marketing each offer distinct advantages that make them well-suited for different business contexts and goals:

Advertising excels when:

– You need to scale awareness rapidly.

– Targeting specific personas or high-intent commercial intent is critical. 

– You want to maintain full control over messaging and creative.

– Flexible and variable budgets are available.

Affiliate marketing thrives when:

– You have an established, appealing offer to promote.

– Credibility and authentic endorsements will spur conversions.

– You need highly scalable distribution without production costs.

– Partners can activate audiences you cannot reach cost-effectively alone.

Using both together is ideal if:

– You need awareness reach through advertising but also conversion optimization through affiliates.

– Each channel accesses complementary audiences and channels.  

– Your budgets, margins, and ability to monitor both are sufficient.

Evaluate your unique priorities and strengths. Many brands find a blended model provides the right synergy and scale.

Developing an Advertising Model for Your Business

Follow these steps to build an efficient, optimized advertising program:

Define Your Goals

– What specific objectives do you want advertising to achieve? Common options include:

  – Increase brand awareness or interest in a product category 

  – Generate leads or sales of a specific offering

  – Engage existing users and nurture loyalty

  – Support seasonal promotions or campaigns

Identify Your Target Audience

– Characterize your ideal customers in terms of demographics, interests, behaviors, location, tech use, and other attributes.

– Develop audience profiles and buyer personas to keep targeting focused.

Determine Your Budget 

– Factor in campaign scale needs, potential ROI, and resources available.

– Maintain flexibility to adjust budget up or down as you test and learn.

Select Ad Platforms

– Choose channels where your audience is most active, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and content sites.

– Prioritize formats that align with your goals, e.g. search, social video, native ads, etc.

Create Compelling Ads 

– Develop ads with messaging, creative, and offers tailored to each platform and audience.

– Convey core brand identity and value propositions through design.

– Optimize call-to-action language and placement.  

Set Up Conversion Tracking

– Implement pixels, tags, and event tracking to attribute actions to ads.

– Track KPIs like registrations, purchases, email sign-ups, etc. based on campaign goals.

Establish Performance Benchmarks

– Define your minimum acceptable performance levels per channel and campaign. 

– Common metrics include click-through-rate (CTR), cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), etc.

Monitor and Optimize 

– Analyze performance data, then refine targeting, bids, creative, offers over time.

– Leverage platforms’ automation tools for managing larger-scale campaigns.

Scale Your Spend Strategically

– Increase advertising budget methodically as you identify high-performing placements and audiences.

– Watch for diminishing returns and optimization opportunities as spend grows.

With careful management, advertising can become an efficient engine driving continuous growth for your business. Maintain realistic expectations, then refine and expand your activities based on measured results.

Creating an Affiliate Program for Your Business

Growing a successful affiliate program takes strategic planning and cultivation of win-win partnerships:

Assess Product-Market Fit

– Affiliate promotion works best for products, services, tools, or resources with clear value propositions, healthy margins, and scalable demand.

– Ensure you can compellingly articulate benefits and stand out before expecting affiliates to enthusiastically promote you.

Provide Attractive Incentives 

– Commission rates and structures should enable affiliates to earn substantial income from referrals.

– Consider bonuses, contests, and other incentives to motivate partners.

Build Tracking and Attribution

– Implement affiliate links, tags, cookies, pixels, and integrations required to properly track referrals, actions, and assign commissions.

– Choose a platform to provide the backend affiliate management software and reporting.

Recruit Relevant Affiliates

– Identify influencers, publishers, communities, and creators who align with your brand and can activate your potential customers.

– Leverage existing relationships and connections to onboard partners.  

Equip Partners for Success 

– Supply intuitive promotional assets and tools such as banners, text links, product feeds, creatives, and more.

– Arm affiliates with sufficient product information, marketing collateral, FAQs, and training.

Continuously Optimize Program

– Regularly assess performance by affiliate, channel, asset types, promotions, and other variables.  

– Spot opportunities to better incentivize desired partner behaviors and strengthen relationships. 

Communicate and Reward Top Affiliates

– Spotlight top partners, share their content, and offer personalized support to further increase motivation.

– Develop a tiered loyalty program with special perks and incentives for consistent high performers.

Keep Growing Your Partner Base

– Consistently recruit new affiliates from complementary audiences and verticals to expand reach.

– Utilize affiliate networks, paid discovery, events, and communities to connect with potential partners at scale.

By providing value to affiliates and nurturing relationships, your program will gain momentum and distribution far beyond what you could achieve on your own.

Optimizing and Managing Your Advertising and Affiliate Models 

Driving consistent performance from your advertising and affiliate initiatives requires diligent management:

Set Clear Metrics and Benchmarks

– Choose specific KPIs to define and quantify success per channel – set reasonable goals.

Monitor Performance Frequently

– Schedule reports to keep visibility high – aim to optimize actively.

Identify Top Sources of Value 

– Analyze results to find best placements, creative, offers, partners – double down on what works.

Prune Lower-Potential Areas

– Reduce time and money spent on channels, assets, partnerships not generating sufficient returns. 

Adapt Strategically Over Time  

– Evolve tactics alongside seasonality, market changes, and new opportunities.

Automate Where Possible 

– Leverage platforms’ tools for managing complex campaigns at scale.

Define Processes and Workflows

– Document standard operating procedures for cross-team collaboration and continuity.

Watch for Ad Fatigue

– Monitor frequency caps, duplication – don’t oversaturate audiences.

Coordinate Messaging

– Ensure unified brand experience as customers see ads and affiliate content.

Make Regular Minor Improvements 

– Continual marginal gains compound over time – build a testing mindset.

Deepen Partner Relationships

– Special treatment and direct support for key affiliates pays dividends. 

Stay Alert to Issues 

– Watch for non-compliant behavior, misalignment risks – enforce policies firmly.

Provide Internal Stakeholder Access

– Keep colleagues aligned on performance through permissioned reporting dashboards.

Disciplined optimization and collaboration enables both new customer acquisition and continually improving return on investment. Maintain a holistic view across programs.


Online advertising and affiliate marketing offer powerful options for acquiring new customers and building growth. While the paths they take differ, smart implementation of each can increase awareness, trust, and conversions for your brand.

Carefully consider your business context and objectives to determine if advertising, affiliate marketing, or a blended model is the right fit. Forge win-win partnerships, provide ongoing value, and actively manage performance. With an optimized combination of owned, paid, and earned distribution, your business can expand its reach and impact dramatically.